Meeting documents

Wednesday, 9th July, 2003




General Duty

To deliver the Council's objectives as stated through its approved Policy and Budget framework.

To make arrangements to discharge all the functions of the Council except those reserved to the Council and those remitted to Regulatory Committees and Officers under Appendix 4 to the Constitution

Functional responsibilities


To propose key policies to the Council, including the budget;


To ensure that all action is taken to implement the key policies and objectives of the Council as contained in the Policy Framework, including the setting of secondary policies


To maintain an active dialogue with the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board in ensuring that the overall integrity of the decision making process and the delivery of Council services is maintained


To respond directly or through the Council meeting as appropriate to overview and scrutiny activity or to individual member initiatives formally proposed at a Council meeting


To receive performance management reports including updates on action plans and major projects


To make arrangements for conducting Best Value reviews in accordance with the agreed 5 year Programme


To receive Best Value review reports and to refer these to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Body for comment prior to consideration of the recommended action plan


To implement the agreed action plan arising from Best Value reviews


To make arrangements for the review of the Best Value process, in consultation with the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board


To pursue as appropriate negotiations on local public service agreements or similar in order to promote the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the area and to determine such agreements except where it relates to a matter reserved to the Council for determination.


To perform its functional responsibilities in accordance with the arrangements prescribed in the Executive Procedural Rules within the Council's Constitution.

Portfolio Responsibilities

Individual Executive Councillors will be allocated personal portfolios of responsibility by the Council. The details of those portfolios and the range and scope of individual member powers will be set down in Appendix 4 to the Constitution (Allocation of Functions).

Meeting frequency of Council Executive

Formally once a month

Membership of Council Executive

Leader of the Council 8 Executive Councillors (to be revised, if necessary, following Council on 19th June 2003).

Executive Advisory Bodies and Project Groups

The Council Executive will, as soon as practicable after the Annual Meeting of the Council, and in year if appropriate, determine which Advisory Bodies and Consultative mechanisms it wishes to establish.

The Council Executive may establish time limited Project Groups to ensure that key projects are managed effectively.

To date the following "whole Executive" Advisory Bodies have been established:

Other Advisory Bodies

Individual Executive Members have the authority to establish such other Advisory Bodies as they think appropriate. (Authority stems from Council Executive meeting 12th June, 2002 Minute No. 7