Meeting documents

Wednesday, 9th February, 2005





Local Development Scheme

A.1 The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) introduces a new system of "plan making". It replaces Structure Plans and Local Plans with a new system that involves the preparation of a series of Local Development Documents (LDDs) contained within an overall Local Development Framework (LDF) - in the case of Bath & North East Somerset District, the Bath & North East Somerset Local Development Framework. These new documents will provide the spatial strategy, policies and guidance for the District.

A.2 Under the new system, the first thing that local planning authorities must do is prepare a Local Development Scheme (LDS). This sets out the documents that the Council will produce over the next 3 years that will be incorporated into the Bath & North East Somerset Development Framework. More specifically the LDS:

explains what Local Development Documents the Council intends to produce

the subject matter and geographical area of the documents

the timetable for the preparation of those documents

A.3 It also explains the different status of documents and transitional arrangements as we move from the old system of Structure Plans and Local Plans to the new system so that you can understand the full range of relevant planning policy documents. Under the transitional arrangements work will continue on the preparation of the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan until its adoption expected in 2006.

A.4 This document is in two parts. Part 1 outlines the documents to be produced, what they will cover, the timetable for their preparation and explains the relationship between them. Part 2 sets out a supporting statement highlighting the strategic context for the preparation of the documents, and the arrangements for preparing the documents. A key feature of the new system is the emphasis on community involvement in plan making. For this reason one of the first new local development documents that the Council will produce is the Statement of Community Involvement, which outlines how the community will be consulted and involved in the preparation of other documents. The scale and speed of change with the new planning system is very significant and the Council has to be realistic about the resources available to progress the preparation of documents. The LDS therefore seeks to prioritise to ensure that the most important issues are progressed first.

A.5 This LDS has been prepared in consultation with the Government Office for the South West (GOSW) and the Planning Inspectorate (PINS). This LDS was approved by the Council on [薅85.] and by the Secretary of State on [薅..].

A.6 This LDS will be reviewed annually. The flexible nature of LDFs means that new documents can be added to the LDS and prepared as circumstances change.

A.7 Appendix 3 sets out a glossary of terms used in the Local Development Scheme.



Local Development Framework for Bath & North East Somerset

1.1 The Local Development Framework will consist of a number of `Local Development Documents' or LDDs for short. They can deal with different issues or geographic areas, but when taken as a whole they should set out the framework for delivering the spatial planning strategy for the area and provide the basis for managing and controlling the development and use of land in Bath & North East Somerset.

1.2 `Spatial' planning means that LDFs should not just be concerned with the physical aspects of location and land use but also economic, social and environmental matters. They will need to give spatial expression to those elements of other strategies and programmes, particularly the `Community Strategy' which relate to the use and development of land.

Local Development Documents (LDDs)

1.3 There are three types of LDDs:

1) Development Plan Documents (DPD)

These set out the main planning strategy, policies and proposals for the District. Together with the forthcoming Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West they will, when approved, constitute the `Development Plan' for the District. Each Development Plan Document is subject of an independent public examination run by a Planning Inspector. The recommendations of the Inspector are binding on the Council.

2) Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)

These provide more detailed guidance to explain policies and proposals set out in Development Plan Documents. They may include, for instance, a development brief for an allocated site setting out in more detail how a site should be developed, or more detailed guidance on how a particular policy should be implemented. Supplementary Planning Documents are not subject to an independent public examination and have a simpler preparation process than Development Plan Documents. They must relate to a policy in the Development Plan.

3) Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

In addition to the two main types of documents above, there is also the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). This sets out how the community will be involved in and consulted on in the preparation of Local Development Documents and major planning applications. Once the SCI is approved the Council must follow the approach that it outlines in the preparation of any subsequent documents and in relation to consultation on major planning applications.

Development Plan Documents (DPDs)

1.4 Development Plan Documents which local planning authorities should prepare include the following:

i. Core strategy - This sets out the Vision for the area from which all other parts of the LDF flow. It includes the strategic objectives and spatial strategy necessary to deliver the Vision and the core policies to meet these objectives;

ii. Site specific allocations of land - These allocate specific areas of land for particular uses, or mix of uses. For example to ensure that there is sufficient land to meet housing and employment requirements;

iii. Area action plans (where needed) - These focus on implementation, and are a tool for ensuring development of an appropriate scale, mix and quality for key areas of opportunity, change and/or conservation;

iv. Proposals map - Illustrating on an Ordnance Survey base map all the policies and proposals contained in Development Plan Documents

1.5 Development Plan Documents may form one document covering a range of policy areas or a number of individual documents. Individual development plan documents or coherent parts of a single development plan document will be able to be reviewed independently from other development plan documents.

Existing Adopted Structure and Local Plans and Plans under Preparation - Transitional Arrangements

1.6 The Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (2004) provides for transitional arrangements to allow for a smooth handover between the old system under the 1990 Planning & Compensation Act and new.

1.7 It allows for adopted structure and local plans to be `saved' for a period of three years from commencement of the new `Act' which is September 28th 2004. For plans in preparation the three year period will start from adoption of the draft plan. This means that the policies and proposals in those plans are still `live' and can be used in making planning decisions. They still form part of the development plan for the time being or until they are replaced by new Local Development Documents (LDDs).

1.8 For Bath & North East Somerset the following plans are saved until September 2007 or until replaced:

Joint Replacement Structure Plan (JRSP) Adopted September 2002

Bath Local Plan (BLP) Adopted June 1997

Keynsham & Chew Valley Local Plan Adopted September 1992

Wansdyke Environs of Bath Local Plan Adopted May 1990

Mendip Hills Local Plan Adopted December 1989

Mineral Working in Avon Local Plan Adopted 1993

Somerset County Development Plan (First Review) for Norton-Radstock and surrounding villages Adopted 1972

1.9 The approved Regional Spatial Strategy will replace the Joint Replacement Structure Plan (see para. 2.2), whilst the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan including minerals and waste policies (B&NES LP) will replace all other Plans listed above. The Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan will continue its preparation process and be saved for three years from its adoption date expected in 2006. As the Plan is still in preparation with the Public Local Inquiry starting on the 8th February 2005 its preparation must be included in the Local Development Scheme and it effectively will constitute the Council's first Local Development Document.

1.10 The Wansdyke Local Plan 1995 Deposit Draft as amended 2000 does not carry the status of an adopted Local Plan nor is it a plan in preparation. It therefore falls outside the legislative guidance but can continue to be a material consideration before being superseded by the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan. This will be when it has reached the same stage as the Wansdyke Local Plan i.e. following receipt of the Inspector's report and publication of proposed modifications.

1.11 The transitional arrangements do not allow for the formal saving of approved supplementary planning guidance (SPG). However, the Council considers that the approved supplementary planning guidance set out in Appendix 1, a number of which supplement the emerging Local Plan, are still an important material consideration in the determination of planning applications as they elaborate on policies set out in saved plans. In addition it lists a number of SPGs currently under preparation which will be completed under the current procedures. Once the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan is adopted SPG to all other Plans will no longer carry weight and will need replacement as Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs).

Local Development Documents to be prepared by Bath & North East Somerset

1.12 The Council proposes to prepare the following documents during the period up to 2008:

A) Plan in preparation

LDD 1) - Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan including minerals & waste policies taken through to adoption

B) Local Development Documents

LDD 2) - Statement of Community Involvement

C) Supplementary Planning Documents

LDD 3) - Bath City-wide character appraisal

LDD 4) - Streetscape Manual

1.13 Table 1 below sets out a schedule of the Local Plan and Local Development Documents to be prepared including a brief description of what the document covers, what other documents it has to conform to, and an indication of the timescales in relation to the key stages of preparation. Table 2 shows the project management programme for the preparation of each document. It also shows when work on Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Appraisal will take place, anticipated dates for Council Executive and Council Meetings and Local Elections.

1.14 The Council does not propose to prepare a Core Strategy at this stage as the existing Joint Replacement Structure Plan and the up to date Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan will provide a spatial vision, strategic objectives and spatial strategy until 2011. The submission of the Regional Spatial Strategy to the Secretary of State by the Regional Planning Body, scheduled for the end of 2005 (see Para 2.2), will provide the opportunity to review whether the Core Strategy LDD should be added to the Local Development Scheme (see para. 1.17 below) or whether it is appropriate to move to an Area Action Plan.

1.15 Appendix 2 sets out a profile of the Local Plan and other Local Development Documents to be prepared. These profiles provide more detail about each document, the anticipated timetable and the practical arrangements for their production.

1.16 Diagram 1 shows the relationship between Local Development Documents and National and Regional Policy Documents.

Review of the Local Development Scheme and Future Local Development Documents

1.17 In the context that the emerging RSS is likely to concentrate growth in the region at principle urban areas such as Bristol, Bath and Weston-super-Mare it will be necessary to move to the preparation of area action plans to deliver growth as soon as possible. The emerging Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) will set out strategic direction for the sub-region and so provide the basis of a core strategy on which action area plans can be based. The Council therefore intends to review its Local Development Scheme when the RSS has progressed to submission to the Secretary of State so core strategy and/or area action plan or plans can be incorporated and work started on their preparation. Preparation of further supplementary planning documents can also be considered at that time (see Appendix 1). None of the list of possible future Supplementary Planning Documents is currently programmed for preparation before 2007.

1.18 In the interim period the adopted Joint Replacement Structure Plan and emerging Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan set out a core strategy for the area until 2011 or as and when superseded by the RSS.

LDD1. Bath & N.E. Somerset Local Plan


Saved District-wide LP in preparation. Sets out a vision for District and spatial planning strategy to 2011. Includes site specific allocations, proposals map and generic development control policies.

With Joint Replacement Structure Plan & Regional Planning Guidance for the South West






Public Local Inquiry Feb 2005 - May 2005

December 2006

LDD2. Statement of Community Involvement


Sets out Council's agreement with stakeholders and the community on their involvement in production of LDDs and major planning applications

Must meet at least minimum requirements of LDF regulations

Oct 2005 - Feb 2006

May - July 2006

Oct - Dec 2006


April 2007

Nov-Dec 2007

Oct 2008

LDD3. Bath city-wide character appraisal


Detailed guidance to B&NES LP, Bath LP & JRSP policies to ensure development recognises local character

With B&NES Local Plan, Bath Local Plan and Joint Replacement Structure Plan

Sept 2004 - April 2005



May - June 2005



August 2005

LDD4. Streetscape Manual


Detailed guidance to B&NES LP policy D.2 to ensure the streetscape is sensitively considered in development proposals

With B&NES Local Plan

August 2004



Dec 2004 - Jan 2005



April 2005





Regional and Strategic Planning Context

2.1 The Strategic planning context for the Local Plan and Local Development Documents is provided by the existing Regional Planning Guidance for the South West (RPG10) covering the period up to 2016 and the Joint Replacement Structure Plan, adopted in 2002 covering the period up to 2011.

2.2 The South West Regional Assembly is preparing the Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West 2006-2026. It will incorporate strategic policies and proposals for the West of England for the period 2006-2026, setting a strategic context for the West of England area and providing dwelling targets at District level. It will replace the Joint Replacement Structure Plan 2002 and the Regional Planning Guidance for the South West 2001 (now has Regional Spatial Strategy status).

The current programme for preparation is as follows:

Consultation on pre-submission draft

September - November 2005

Submitted to the Secretary of State

November - December 2005

Examination in Public


Approved and issued by the Secretary of State


Community Strategy and other strategies

2.3 There are a range of other Council strategies which already influence the direction and content of the Local Plan and which will also influence future Local Development Documents. The most significant of these are referred to below.

Community Strategy 2004 and Beyond

2.4 The Community Strategy for Bath & North East Somerset sets out a strategy for long term economic, social and environmental well being of the District over the next 10 years. It sets out five shared ambitions under the following headings:

BE: distinctive - Promoting a `sense of place' so people identify with and take pride in our communities

BE: inclusive - Celebrating the contributions people from different backgrounds and with different experiences can make, and promoting equality of opportunity

BE: creative - Sharing resources, working together, and finding new ways of doing things

BE: safe - Building communities where people feel safe and secure

BE: sustainable - Taking responsibility for our environment and natural resources, now and over the long term

2.5 together with six ambitions:

BE: there on time - Improving our local transport

BE: at home - Improving our housing situation for local people

BE: better off - Improving our local economy

BE: inspired - Improving local opportunities for learning and gaining skills

BE: green - Improving our local environment

BE: assured - Improving our local health and social care

2.6 All local development documents will need to take account of and, where possible, make a positive contribution to delivery of these ambitions. The Community Strategy specifically makes the link to delivery of some ambitions through the planning process. In addition the evidence base for Local Development Documents should contribute to an overall and ongoing evidence base for all Council Plans and strategies (see paras. 2.17-2.20 below).

Bath & North East Somerset Corporate Strategy 2003 - 2007

2.7 The strategy sets out eight community focussed improvement priorities including increasing the availability of affordable housing, improving the quality of public transport, roads and pavements and easing congestion, reducing waste to landfill, improving the public realm and developing a sustainable economy for Bath & North East Somerset. Whatever spatial strategy emerges should help deliver these priorities. They are discussed below in the context of other Council strategies and the scenarios.

Housing Strategy including the Empty Properties and Affordable Housing Strategies

2.8 Under a new Strategic Planning Framework for Housing, which is being led by the LSP, an integrated Housing Strategy is being developed along with ten 93Delivery Plans94, including a Delivery Plan for Affordable Housing. This new framework has been developed in recognition of the fact that a number of services and partners need to be brought together to maximise the potential for affordable housing in the area.

Economic Development Strategy 2003 - 2013

2.9 The Council's 10 year Economic Development Strategy `Towards 2013' sets out a vision, key themes, economic context and future challenges for Bath & North East Somerset. Local Development Documents will assist in the delivery of objectives and Action Plan set out in strategy.

Sport and Recreation Strategy 1999

2.10 Currently being reviewed and updated through the Bath & North East Somerset Vision for Sport and Active Leisure - `Get Active' process, it provides a framework for the provision and development of sporting and recreational opportunities over a five year period.

Local Transport Plan 2000

2.11 The Council's current transportation strategy is contained within the Local Transport Plan which covers the period 2001 to 2006. The next five year transport plan to 2011 is currently being prepared jointly with Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire and is guided by the shared priorities agreed between these Council's and central Government. The priorities are congestion, accessibility, air quality, and safety.

Bath & North East Somerset Wildthings Biodiversity Action Plan 2000

2.12 Prepared by a range of environmental partners it sets out a working action plan to help conserve priority species and habitats in the District. It sets out objectives under species and habitats; monitoring change; Council owned land; tracking wildlife; communications; farming; and education.

A Local Cultural Strategy for Bath & North East Somerset

2.13 Based on the premise that the Council can help to provide or facilitate access to various places, services and activities, the Cultural Strategy embraces a broad spectrum of cultural interests including arts, leisure services, heritage, sport, open spaces and libraries as well as the commercial creative industries.

City of Bath World Heritage Site Management Plan 2003 - 2009

2.14 The Management Plan was prepared working in partnership with a range partners and stakeholders to ensure that a comprehensive World Heritage Site Management Plan is produced and implemented, complementing the provisions made in the Local Plan and Joint Replacement Structure Plan. The Management Plan provides a framework to conserve the cultural heritage assets of the World Heritage Site of Bath. This includes the protection of the architectural, archaeological, landscape and natural assets and their urban and landscape settings; improving understanding of the site, its interpretation and use as an educational resource; and supporting the local community in its cultural, social and economic vitality. It sets out a long-term vision for the Site, aims and objectives, and programme of short and long term actions to improve the condition and management of the Site.

Change 21 - Local Action for a Better Future 1999

2.15 As part of the Local Agenda 21 process and working with partners in business, education, the voluntary and public sectors it develops a shared Community Vision for life in 2019 in Bath & North East Somerset. The Vision is set out under the six headings of Using the Land Wisely; Building Communities that Care; Education for Life; Using the Earth's Resources Sensibly; Access and Mobility for All; and Local Work in a Strong Local Economy.

Cotswolds and Mendip Hills Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Management Plans (2004)

2.16 A large proportion of the District is covered by these two Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Management Plans for both AONBs have been prepared in partnership with many other organisations and set out how the two areas will be managed in future and the action that will be taken to conserve and enhance their natural beauty.

The Evidence Base

2.17 The Local Development Documents will establish the Council's planning policies. However, in preparing these documents, a range of background work will need to be undertaken. This work will form a major part of the evidence base for the Local Development Framework and will be published in the form of background papers. Most of these will be prepared by or for the Council. However, it is likely that a number of them will be prepared by or for other organisations. In addition, a number of these background documents will not be produced specifically for planning purposes but will be of relevance to Local Development Documents e.g. the Community Strategy for the District.

2.18 Each background paper will be produced and made available to the public at the same time as, or before, any Local Development Document, which relies on its contents for justification, is published.

2.19 The main background technical studies which provide the evidence base for the policies and proposals in the LDF are:

Housing Needs Survey 2000 (new survey scheduled for completion February 2005)

Urban Housing Capacity Study - 2004

Housing completion monitoring data ongoing

Business Location Requirements Study 2002 forecasting future economic change and locational preferences

Small Businesses Study - planned for 2005

Employment Land Survey - planned to start from April 2004

Strategic Employment Sites Study - completed June 2003

Business Sites and Premises Strategy planned for 2005

Business Sites and Premises Strategy - planned for 2005

Retail Study - 2004

Playing Pitch Assessment - completed 2003.

Green Spaces Strategy - due for completion in 2006.

2001 Census is providing a range of demographic data

Local Transport Plan 2000

2.20 Whilst some of these studies form part of regular monitoring carried out by the Council others need periodic review subject to available funding. The evidence base will be managed by the Team Leader of Planning Policy, reporting to the Local Development Framework Group (see para 2.38 below). These studies have primarily contributed to the preparation of the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan.


2.21 Because the District does not yet have adopted District-wide policy coverage the main priority is the adoption of the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan by December 2006. Resources will be concentrated on this during 2005 to the close of the Public Local Inquiry and again following receipt of the Inspector's report in 2006.

2.22 Work on the Statement of Community Involvement can start after the Inquiry is complete in April/May 2005. It will then be in place for the start of the preparation of future Local Development Documents.

2.23 SPDs on Bath City-wide Character Appraisal and the Streetscape Manual are aimed at improving the quality of development in the District's high quality historic environment. These SPDs are a high priority for the Council and are achievable as staff resources would come from the Environment and Project Groups in Planning Services and will not divert resources from the Local Plan or the Statement of Community Involvement.

Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment

2.24 Strategic Environmental Assessments of policies, proposals and plans are required under the European Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive 2001/42/EC. This is required for plans and proposals that are likely to have significant effects on the environment.

2.25 Sustainability Appraisals differ in that they are a social, economic and environmental assessment primarily used on Regional Planning Guidance and Development Plans. Bath & North East Somerset Council wishes to have an integrated approach towards both the Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal and to consider the implications and alternatives at an early stage. This will ensure that Local Development Documents reflect sustainable development objectives. Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal will be undertaken, when possible, at the Issues and Options stage when progressing Development Plan Documents.

2.26 Because strategic environmental assessment has only recently become statutory it was not carried out for the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan. Whilst regulations state that Plans not adopted by 21st July 2006 should be subject to the Directive regulations state that where this is not considered feasible then the Local Authority should make a publicly available statement to that effect. It is the view of the Council that strategic environmental appraisal under the regulations is not feasible because the Issues Report and First Deposit Plan were published before even draft guidance was issued by the ODPM and furthermore would result in further delays to the adoption of the Plan contrary to the aims of the ODPM. Such assessments should be carried out initially at the Issues and Options stages before the Draft Plan is published.

2.27 The Council has, however, carried out sustainable development appraisals at the Issues and Options stage and Deposit stage and has commissioned another appraisal of the Revised Deposit Plan.

Monitoring and Review

2.28 Monitoring is an important part of the new Local Development Framework process to gauge the effectiveness of policies and proposals. The Council will monitor a range of indicators to assess whether the policies and proposals are meeting the vision and core strategy of the Local Development Framework. The findings will be published in an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR).

2.29 The Annual Monitoring Report will assess:

The progress of Local Development Documents and whether milestones have been met. Reasons will be given if milestones have not been met.

The impact the policies are having on national, regional and local targets.

Whether Local Development Framework policies need adjusting or replacing as they are not working or achieving sustainable development objectives.

Suggested actions if policies or proposals need changing

2.30 The report will be published and submitted to Government Office for the South West and the Secretary of State by the 31st December of each year. Arising from the Annual Monitoring Report, the Council will consider what changes, if any, need to be made to the Local Development Scheme and will bring forward such changes in March/April each year.


Council or Internal

2.31 No planning delivery grant has been received for Local Plan work for the 2004/2005 financial year but the Council has allocated £361,000 to fund the Local Plan preparation for 2004/2005 and further budgetary provision for the period up to adoption of the Local Plan is being sought. The Statement of Community Involvement is covered mainly from existing budgets in the next financial year 2005/2006 and may need to be subject to the Council's agreement for further funding in future years. Work on supplementary planning documents will be funded from existing budgets.

2.32 The following main staff resources will be available for the continuing preparation of the Local Plan, Statement of Community Involvement and other Local Development Documents.

Head of Planning Services 5%

Policy, Environment & Projects Manager 10%

Team Leader Planning Policy 50%

3 x Senior Planning Officers 90%

Planning Officer (part time) 90%

2 x Planning Assistants 90%

Technical Officer 70%

Administrative Officer 50%

2.33 In addition to the main staff resources above, a range of other resources will be available to assist in the Public Local Inquiry into objections to the Local Plan and to prepare supplementary planning documents. These are from within:

Environmental and Projects Teams, Planning Services

Major Projects Team

Transportation, Access and Waste Management Services

Economic Development Service

Housing Services

Leisure Services

External Resources

2.34 External consultants have been employed to assist with a number of studies and will be utilised as appropriate in the future to provide expertise in key technical areas. In addition because of the large number of objections on the Local Plan consultants are to be employed to assist in preparing the Council's evidence.

Joint Working

2.35 For some time the Council has co-operated and worked jointly with Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Unitary Authorities (UAs) through the Joint Committee for Strategic Planning and Transportation overseeing the work of a Joint Strategic Planning & Transportation Unit. This consists of officers seconded from the four unitary authorities who have prepared the Joint Replacement Structure Plan adopted in September 2002.

2.36 The four UAs and other partners have now formed the West of England Partnership and are carrying out joint strategic studies for the area (West of England Joint Study Area) which will inform the preparation of the sub-regional element of the Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West being prepared by the Regional Assembly. The Joint Committee has been reformed as the Planning, Transportation and Environment Sub Group, one of four groups contributing to this work. The Joint Unit continues to carry out the technical work and studies for the Group and continues to be a source of technical information and data which can be drawn upon.

Project Management


2.37 The Profiles in Appendix 3 set out the management responsibility for the preparation of each Local Development Document. For all documents currently listed, this is the Head of Planning Services. An overview of the process and progress is maintained by the Corporate Director responsible for the Planning portfolio, the Chief Executive and Management Board.

The Local Development Framework Project Group

2.38 The Local Development Framework Project Group consisting of five Council Members including the Executive Members with responsibility for Planning (Sustainability and the Environment) and Transportation and officers from a wide range of Council Services, meets regularly to steer the preparation of the Local Plan and some of the Local Development Documents.

Council Procedures for Preparing Documents

2.39 The Executive Member for Sustainability and the Environment takes account of the conclusions of the Project Group to make recommendations to the Council's Executive who in turn make recommendations to Council for decision. For future LDDs this will be at the Issues and Options, preferred option, submission draft and adoption stages.

2.40 At appropriate stages reports will be referred to the Overview & Scrutiny Panel for comment. For Supplementary Planning Documents, approval of consultation and adoption of draft documents is either through a single Member decision by the Executive Member for Sustainability and the Environment or Council Executive depending on the nature of SPD.

Risk Assessment

2.41 In preparing the Local Development Scheme the main areas of risk that have emerged with mitigation measures are as follows:



Challenging timescales for preparing the documents identified in this LDS.

The Council have focused on preparing the top priority documents in the first three years. Careful project management and regular review. Adjustment of Local Development Scheme through annual review. Consider implications of emerging Regional Spatial Strategy at first year review. Prioritisation of other work.

Uncertainty factors remain - e.g. the level of representations submitted on documents, time taken in the public local inquiry (Local Plan) or public examination (LDDs) and reporting time, or if new issues arise requiring other documents to be prepared or the diversion of staff.

Other factors identified in this assessment may also lead to delay to the timescales.

Timetable is realistic.

Risk level - medium

Staff turnover and level of experience of staff

Flexible use of staff in wider policy, environment and projects teams and use of consultants subject to budgetary constraints. See also above. Appropriate levels of supervision and monitoring.

Difficulties currently experienced in recruiting experienced staff. Pressures elsewhere in the Directorate will limit ability to apply flexible use of wider staff resources further.

Risk level - medium

Financial Resources

Other than staff salaries no budgetary provision has been made from April 2006 to March 2007. Bids currently being prepared.

Uncertainties remain regarding length and cost of public examinations and cost of consultancy to fill gaps if staff recruitment becomes a problem. Cost of SEA and SA work still uncertain

Risk level - medium

New Government policy guidance to be issued during the preparation of documents

Take into account at the next appropriate stage in preparation. Most new guidance should be issued prior to publishing of the LDDs. If guidance issued late in process, address in subsequent review of document.

Risk level - medium

Lack of approved up to date strategic planning context - i.e. Regional Spatial Strategy

Prepare Local Plan in conformity with the existing Joint Replacement Structure Plan. Local Development Documents to be in general conformity with the existing Regional Planning Guidance (now Regional Spatial Strategy) Emerging Regional Spatial Strategy.

If necessary may have to consider early review of documents or delay adoption to ensure conformity with RSS.

Risk level - medium for LDDs

Capacity of Planning Inspectorate (PINS) and other agencies to support the process

Provide early warning to PINs and other agencies of timescales and requirements.

However, much of this is out of the Council's hands. PINs and other agencies are likely to experience severe work pressures from local authorities preparing early development plan documents to similar timescales.

Risk level - high

Ensuring 93soundness94 of the documents

Through preparing a good evidence base, good dialogue with the community/stakeholders in line with SCI, regular liaison with GOSW and the Planning Inspectorate.

Risk level - low

Legal challenge

Through ensuring preparation of 93sound94 documents.

Decision not to retrofit an SEA to Local Plan could result in challenge.

Risk remains that if the Inspector' binding report on the examination of LDDs is not sound there may be little the Council can do to avoid a challenge after adoption.

Risk level - medium for SEA otherwise low





Date adopted:

A. Current Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG):


1. Sawclose Planning Guidance Note


2. Walcot Street Works


3. External Lighting

27 Mar 1997

4. MoD Foxhill Development Brief

Aug 1998

5. Advertisements & Illuminations

1 Oct 1998

6. Agricultural Building Design Guidelines(Mendip AONB only)

17 May 2001

7. Peasedown St. John Village Design Statement

25 Jan 2001

8. Rural Landscapes of B& NES: A Landscape Character Assessment

17 Feb 2003

9. High Littleton & Hallatrow Village Design Statement

28 Aug 2003

10 Affordable Housing

3 Dec 2003

11. Chew Magna Conservation Area Assessment


12. Paulton Village Design Statement


13. Paulton Conservation Area Assessment


14. Western Riverside


15. Archaeology in Bath & N.E. Somerset

5 May 2004

16. Archaeology in Bath

20 May 2004

17. Midsomer Norton & Welton Conservation Area Appraisal

14 Apr 2004

18. Horse Related Development (Mendip AONB area only)

23 Feb 2004


B. Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) under Preparation


1. Bath City-wide Character Appraisal (LDD.3)


2. Streetscape Manual (LDD.4)


C. Possible Future Supplementary Planning Documents not in any order of priority

1. Western Riverside Masterplan

2. City Riverside Development Brief (extension of Western Riverside)

3. Radstock Town Centre

4. Midsomer Norton High Street Development Brief

5. Keynsham Town Centre

6. Bath City Centre

7. Green Spaces Strategy

8. Windows in historic buildings

9. Developer contributions

10. Parking standards

11. Lower Bristol Road (Local Plan GDS site)

12. Warminster Road (Local Plan GDS site)

13. MoD Foxhill (Local Plan GDS site)

14. Forest of Avon developers guidance

151. Bath River Avon Corridor study

16. Village Design Statements: Bathford, Batheaston, Chew Magna, Wellow

17. World Heritage Site Developer Guidance

18. Design Guidance

19. Recreational Facilities (with development)

20. Protection of Bio-diversity in new development

21. Priority Species (bio-diversity)


Current Non SPG/SPD Guidance


1. Owning a listed building

July 2003

2. Living in a Conservation Area

Aug 2003

3. A Guide to Trees to Conservation Areas


4. Guidance for planting and establishing hedges


5. Ask us First! Planning Applications - A Guide for Householders


6. Ask us First! Planning Permission - A Guide for Business


7. Planning Services Annual Report 2002/3


8. Model Delivery Contract for Major Planning Applications


9. Development Team


10. Trees on Development Sites

Feb 2003


Draft/forthcoming Non SPG/SPD Guidance


1. Stone cleaning Guidance


Other Existing Guidance Notes


1 Bath Shopfronts. Guidelines for Design & Conservation


Bath City Council (BCC)

2. Security Measures for Shopfronts: Design Guidelines


Bath City Council

3. Planning Issues in Bath: Policy Notes on various subjects


Bath City Council

4. Cherishing Outdoor Spaces


Bath City Council

5. Caring for Bath


Bath City Council

6. Windows. In partnership with Building of Bath Museum



7. Stone. In partnership with Building of Bath Museum



8. External Building Materials


Wansdyke D.C.

9. Local Design Guide


Wansdyke D.C.

10. Freshford & Sharpstone Conservation Area: Preservation & Enhancement


Wansdyke D.C.

11. Larkhall Character Statement & Development Principles


Bath & North East Somerset Council



Local Development Document 1 (LDD 1): Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan including minerals & waste policies Revised Deposit Draft 2003

Role and Subject

District-wide Local Plan saved as a plan in preparation. Sets out a vision and spatial planning strategy for the District to 2011. Includes site specific allocations, proposals map, and generic development control policies.




Development Plan Document

Chain of Conformity

Regional Planning Guidance for the South West (RPG10)

Joint Replacement Structure Plan




Pre-Inquiry changes advertised

August - Sept 2004

Pre-Inquiry meeting

October 19th 2004

Further pre-Inquiry changes advertised

December 2004 - February 2005

Public Local Inquiry estimated length

January 11th 2005 - April/May 2005

Estimated date for receipt of Inspector's report

March 2006

Statement of decisions and modifications

July 2006.

Reporting to June Executive and July Council. Lead in time from May


December 2006.

Reporting to November Executive and Council. Lead in time from October.


January 2007

Arrangements for Production

Lead Service


Political Management Arrangements

Prepared by Member led Local Development Framework Project Group (LDFPG). Key stages agreed at Executive and Council. Referral to Overview & Scrutiny at modifications stage.

Internal Resources

Planning Policy, Environment and Projects teams; officers from Transport, Access& Waste Management; Economic Development and Housing Services; Major Projects Team

External Resources

Consultant planners

Stakeholder Resources

Representations from consultations. Stakeholder support of Council at Public Local Inquiry

Community and Stakeholder Involvement

Throughout process public and stakeholder consultation

Post Production Arrangements

Monitoring and Review

Regular monitoring of targets set out in Local Plan reported in Annual Monitoring Report with identified areas for review through LDDs

Local Development Document 2 (LDD 2): Statement of Community Involvement

Role and Subject

Council's agreement with stakeholders and the community regarding their involvement in the preparation and review of Local Development Documents and in the determination of major planning applications

Geographic Coverage

District-wide but addressing involvement for stakeholders and the community outside the District


Local Development Document but not a Development Plan Document

Chain of Conformity

Must at least meet minimum requirements in regulations and will have regard to the Council's corporate communication strategy




Pre-production/research phase and early stakeholder and community engagement

Oct 2005 - February 2006

Issues and Options consultations including consideration of representations and discussions with community/stakeholders

May 2006 - July 2006.

Reporting to March Executive and Council. Lead in time from February

Preferred Options consultation including consideration of representations and discussions with community/stakeholders

Oct 2006 - Dec 2006

Reporting to Sept. Executive and Council. Lead in time from August

Submission to the Secretary of State

April 2007.

Reporting to March Executive and Council. Lead in time from February

Consultation on submission document

April 2007 - May 2007

Public Examination

Nov 2007 - Dec 2007

Estimated date for receipt of Inspector's report

June 2008

Estimated date for adoption

October 2008.

Reporting to Sept. Executive and Council. Lead in time from August

Arrangements for Production

Lead Service


Political Management Arrangements

Prepared by Member led Local Development Framework Project Group (LDFPG). Key stages agreed at Council Executive. Adoption at Full Council. Referral to Overview & Scrutiny at appropriate stage(s).

Internal Resources

Planning Policy, Environment and Projects Teams, Policy Unit

External Resources


Stakeholder Resources

Planning forum and Local Strategic Partnership; Parish and Town Councils

Community and Stakeholder Involvement

Early stakeholder and community involvement as above

Post Production Arrangements

Monitoring and Review

Customer satisfaction surveys incorporated into monitoring report with identified areas for improvement or review

Local Development Document 3 (LDD 3): Bath city-wide Character Appraisal


Role and Subject

To provide a Bath city-wide character appraisal and guidance with Policies D.1, D.2, D.4 and NE.1 of the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan including minerals & waste policies Revised Deposit Draft 2003; Policies C2, C4 and L20 of the Bath Local Plan adopted June 1997; and Policy 1 of the Joint Replacement Structure Plan adopted September 2002.

Geographic Coverage

Bath and immediate environs



Chain of Conformity

With Policies D.1, D.2, D.4 and NE.1 of the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan including minerals & waste policies Revised Deposit Draft 2003; Policies C2, C4 and L20 of the Bath Local Plan adopted June 1997; and Policy 1 of the Joint Replacement Structure Plan adopted September 2002.

Timetable (First phase)



Pre-production/survey stage including early stakeholder and community involvement

Sept 2004 - April 2005

Consultation on Draft SPD

May - June 2005.

Executive Member decision April. Lead in time March

Estimated date for adoption

August 2005

Executive Member decision August. Lead in time July

Arrangements for Production

Lead Service


Political Management Arrangements

Proposed by officer group. Adoption to be agreed by Executive portfolio holder. Report to Overview & Scrutiny Panel

Internal Resources

Officers from Policy, Environment & Projects Team

External Resources

Graphic Design. Possible consultant input

Stakeholder Resources

Stakeholder input through consultation

Community and Stakeholder Involvement

Stakeholder input through consultation

Post Production Arrangements

Monitoring and Review

Periodic review

Local Development Document 4 (LDD 4): Streetscape Manual


Role and Subject

To provide detailed guidance to Policy D.2 of the Bath & North East Somerset Local to guide the selection, design, installation and care of the District's streetscape and its historic preservation.

Geographic Coverage



Supplementary Planning Document

Statement of Conformity

With Policy D.2 of the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan including minerals & waste policies Revised Deposit 2003 and other relevant policies covered in the Local Plan.




Pre-production/survey stage including early stakeholder and community involvement

August 2004

Consultation on Draft SPD

December 2004 - January 2005

Estimated date for adoption

April 2005

Executive Member decision April. Lead in time March

Arrangements for Production

Lead Service


Political Management Arrangements

Proposed by officer group. Adoption to be agreed by Executive portfolio holder. Referral to Overview & Scrutiny Panel

Internal Resources

Officers from Policy, Environment & Projects Team plus transport officers

External Resources

Partnership with English Heritage, and Bath Preservation Trust

Stakeholder Resources

Stakeholder input through consultation

Community and Stakeholder Involvement

Through consultation

Post Production Arrangements

Monitoring and Review

Implement and monitor actions contained in the manual




Sites specifically identified on the Proposals Map for development

Annual Monitoring Report (AMR)

Annual report required by the Secretary of State setting out the Council's progress on the LDF and the extent to which policies in LDDs are being achieved. Will indicate whether a LDS review is necessary

Core Strategy

The long-term spatial vision and strategy for the area, including the key strategic policies and proposals to deliver that vision.


Areas shown on the Proposals Map to which specific policies apply (not allocations)

Development Plan

Under the Planning Acts, this is the prime consideration in the determination of planning applications. Under the new system it consists of all Development Plan Documents and the Regional Spatial Strategy

Development Plan Document (DPD)

Spatial planning document prepared by the planning authority that is subject to an independent public examination. They can cover a range of issues, and will set out the main spatial strategy, policies and proposals of the Council.

Local Development Documents (LDDs)

Generic term for documents that can be included in the Local Development Framework. Comprises Development Plan Documents, Supplementary Planning Documents and the Statement of Community Involvement.

Local Development Framework (LDF)

A portfolio of Local Development Documents that provides the framework for delivering the spatial strategy of the area.

Local Development Scheme (LDS)

Rolling three-year project plan for the preparation of Local Development Documents.

Local Plan

Part of the Development Plan under the old system. Statutory district-wide document prepared under the old system that sets out land use policies and proposals for the area.

Planning Policy Guidance

Statements of Government policy on a range of issues - being replaced over time by Planning Policy Statements.

Planning Policy Statement

New name for Planning Policy Guidance - see above.

Proposals Map

Illustrates policies and proposals in development plan documents.

Regional Planning Guidance

Non-statutory guidance under the old system, approved by the Government setting out regional planning policy - being replaced by the Regional Spatial Strategy.

Regional Spatial Strategy

A statutory document under the new system that replaces Regional Planning Guidance setting out regional spatial strategy and policies. New Local Development Documents will have to be in general conformity with it.

Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

Sets out the approach of the authority to involving the community in the preparation, alteration and review of Local Development Documents and in the consideration of significant planning applications.

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

Environmental assessment of policies, plans and programmes required under the European SEA Directive 2001/42/EC

Structure Plan

Part of the Development Plan under the old system - abolished under the new system. Statutory document setting out county-wide land use strategy and policies.

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)

Statutory documents that expand upon policies or proposals in Development Plan Documents. These replace Supplementary Planning Guidance.

Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)

Non-statutory guidance prepared under the old system to expand upon policies and proposals in the Local Plan or Structure Plan. Being replaced by Supplementary Planning Documents.

Sustainability Appraisal (SA)

A social, economic and environmental appraisal of strategy, policies and proposals - required for the Regional Spatial Strategy, all Development Plan Documents and Supplementary Planning Documents. To be undertaken jointly with Strategic Environmental Assessment.