Meeting documents

Wednesday, 9th January, 2008

Statement to Cabinet members BathNES Council.

9th January 2008. Re possible changes to charges for parking permits for guesthouses/hotels.

My name is Jill McGarrigle. As chairman of the Pulteney Gardens Guesthouse Association, I have spoken to my fellow guesthouse proprietors on the subject of the proposed inflation busting increase in the price of permits for our guests. We would like to put forward the following proposal: The cost of the first five permits to be increased to the same cost as for other residents permits, with this price fixed for five years, thus maintaining the present status quo. For six or more permits then we would agree that a sliding scale rising upward would be acceptable. This would be fairer to the smaller establishments with a lesser income, less able to absorb the very high increases proposed by Councillor Gerrish and parking services. It would be fairer and less onerous to everyone if the increase was spread across the City. We assume that you will also be considering increasing other types of parking permits, and there are a number of areas within the City boundary which could also see the parking permit scheme instigated. Two areas in particular come to mind, Oldfield Park and it's environs and the East Twerton / Down Stream South area. This would seem a much fairer way of raising revenue shortfalls and at the same time addressing the chronic parking situation in these areas. As a bona fide organisation representing a majority of small B&Bs in the City we would like to ask that in future we be included in any consultation over these issues and any others in the future. Thankyou for your consideration of our views.