Meeting documents

Wednesday, 8th February, 2006

Appendix 1 - Draft LAA Development Timetable



Stage 1: Jan - April 2006.

Engaging stakeholders

Spring 2006 - Stakeholder Conference

Stage 2: April - July 2006

Developing the "long list" of outcomes for the LAA.

July 31st 2006- Submission of "long list" to GOSW

Stage 3: August- November 2006

Preparing a Draft Local Area Agreement

2nd October 2006 - Submission of "short list" to GOSW

6th November 2006 - 1st draft LAA submitted to GOSW

Stage 4: November to January 2007

Negotiating the Local Area Agreement

1st January 2007 - 2nd draft LAA submitted to GOSW

29th January 2007 - Final submission LAA to GOSW

10th March 2007 - Sign off LAA by Ministers