Meeting documents

Wednesday, 8th February, 2006





What is Passport to Health:

· A 12 month pilot a Healthy Lifestyle Referral Scheme - Passport to Health - in the Bath area

· Providing a 12 week supervised programme of physical activity at Bath Sports and Leisure Centre

· Where appropriate provide a 6 week lifestyle motivational programme

· Comprehensive monitoring and evaluation process throughout the 12 months


To allow healthcare professionals to refer inactive individuals with a range of risk factors to a supervised Healthy Lifestyles Referral Programme - Passport to Health.

To enable individuals to take ownership of their own health by encouraging them to participate in regular physical activity, healthy eating and lifestyle changes.

This will contribute to B&NES Primary Care Trust, Bath & North East Somerset Sport and Active Leisure and Choosing Health Targets:

B7 Reduce the number of adults aged 15-75 with a BMI over 30

B7 Reduce the death rate from coronary heart disease and related diseases in people under 75 by at least 2 fifths by 2010

B7 70% of the population regularly physically active by 2020 (30 minutes x 5 times per week)


· To provide sustainable activity and health living opportunities in the Bath & North East Somerset area

· To establish baseline fitness and diet levels, monitor progress and offer on-going support for sustained lifestyle change

· To empower individuals to be aware of how healthy options can be implemented in their own life and be responsible for their own health

· Monitor the effect of regular participation in the programme on the individual's stages of behaviour change and quality of life

· To measure the uptake of the scheme by individuals and the effect on their health and their use of NHS resources

· To support and encourage healthcare professionals to refer to the Scheme

· To identify options for future scheme development

Who can Refer:

· GP Practices in the Bath area, to include their Health Visitor Team

· Bath & North East Somerset Occupational Health

Who can be Referred:

Adults over 18 years of age who:

Primary Criteria:

· Inactive/Sedentary - less than 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity per week for the last 6 months

· BMI below 35

Plus one or more of the following Criteria:

· BMI between 27 and 35

· Family history of Coronary Heart Disease (1st degree relatives male <55 years female <65 years)

· BP/Cholesterol Risk

· Smokers - signed up to the Support to Stop Service

· Mild depression

· Post-natal depression

· NIDDM (Type II Diabetes)

Types of Physical Activity on Offer:

· Open access to off-peak gym sessions - supervised by the Co-ordinator

· Swimming - with the option of supervised or non-supervised sessions

· Supervised Exercise Classes

· Supervised Health Walks

· Plus individuals will be encouraged to participate in activity independent of the supervised sessions

All of the above will be offered at a subsidised rate, although initial one to one assessment will be free of charge.

Details of Lifestyle Motivational Programme:

· Establishing health habits

· Goal-setting

· Action Planning

· Emotional Health

· Healthy Eating

· Physical Activity Choices

This component will be modelled on the Expert Patient Programme and other CBT models. It will be co-facilitated by the Co-ordinator and a PCT employee.

Referral Pathway:

· Healthcare Professional identifies patient, completes `Passport to Health' prescription form (triplicate format) and information sheet

· One Copy retained by Healthcare Professional

· One copy handed to patient to take to Co-ordinator

· One copy given to Co-ordinator

· Individual has one to one assessment with Co-ordinator (to be held at Leisure Centre or GP Practice - depending on whether space available at Practice)

· Programme of activity agreed between co-ordinator and individual

· Individual encouraged to attend at least 2 supervised sessions per week for 12 weeks, plus additional unsupervised sessions

· During the 12 week period the individual will be invited to join a 6 week Group Lifestyle Motivation Programme

· Regular one to one contact with Co-ordinator at 2 and 6 week intervals

· Exit assessment at 12 weeks and sign-posting to further activity opportunities

· Co-ordinator will contact individuals (with prior permission) at 6 and 12 months to establish current activity levels

Performance Indicators:

B7 Referrals per annum (9 GP practices, 1 O/Health unit)

B7 Number of participants entering scheme measured by number of 1st assessments

B7 Number of participants completing the scheme measured by number of exit assessments

B7 Number of participants taking part in 2 activity sessions per week for the 12 weeks

B7 Number of participants taking part in education sessions (attending at least 4 of the 6 sessions)

B7 % of participants still active (define) at 6 months post exit-assessment

B7 % of participants still active (define) at 12 months post exit-assessment

B7 Referrers to take clinical measurements e.g. BMI, BP, cholesterol, medication use

Post-Pilot Developments:

· Expansion of programme to the whole of Bath & North East Somerset

· Widen types of activity to include other community settings, eg GP practices, village halls, etc and home visits

· Widen those who can refer, to include community physiotherapy team, community mental health team and community nurses

· Widen criteria for inclusion in the programme

· Consider including children in the referral process