Meeting documents

Wednesday, 7th December, 2005


25 October 2005

Dear Colleague

Formal request for First Detailed Proposals: provision of sites for Gypsies and Travellers

Under the provisions of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act (section 5/5 of the Act and section 8 of the Town and Country Planning (Regional Planning) Regulations), please find enclosed the final brief, outlining the process for drafting `First Detailed Proposals' on the provision of sites for Gypsies and Travellers. This brief outlines the timetable for delivery of the various stages of work to final submission of `First Detailed Proposals' which should be submitted to the RPB by 7th February 2006. This provides 15 weeks (as opposed to the statutory 12 week period) for the completion of this work, taking account of the Christmas period.

For those areas that have raised concerns about carrying out consultation, the brief has been altered to enable you to utilise the January 2005 Caravan Count data as a basis for drafting indicative site requirements on which to consult. However you will still need to submit the January 2006 data as originally proposed with additional commentary on how this more comprehensive and recent data has impacted on your `First Detailed Proposals'.

For those areas that have indicated they do not intend to submit `First Detailed Proposals', if you have not already done so, please could you confirm by 18th November, the likely timescale for completion of the Gypsy and Traveller needs assessments in your area. This information is essential to enable the RPB to develop a project plan for early review of this policy area.

If you require any further clarification please contact my colleague Kate Murdoch (

Yours faithfully

Peter Brown

Director of Policy & Planning

Tel: 01823 425255