Meeting documents

Wednesday, 7th December, 2005

Appendix 1 - Drivers for relocation from Midland Road

The key driver for the relocation from the Midland Road facility is the requirement for this site as an essential part of the Bath Western Riverside development project.

The Waste Strategy Project Board has sought clarification from the Bath Western Riverside Project Manager as to the requirement for this site. The following response was received in October 2005.

"The Midland Road site is a pre-requisite for the BWR project because

1. It unlocks the development sites to the west of it for which applications have been received. These applications and the future plans for the site will release a blockage in the delivery of affordable housing units to contribute to the housing targets overall and the targets set by the SPG.

2. It unlocks the potential to re-site the gas governors on the BWR site

3. It unlocks the ability of highways to design a Northern egress/entrance to BWR.

4. It unlocks the ability to design the North Bank to respond to BWR south of the River."

The existing Midland Road site could be re-designed to develop an expanded public Recycling Centre and plans to do this have previously been developed. The BWR project however would make this no longer a viable option.