Meeting documents

Wednesday, 7th December, 2005

Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive


On 7 December 2005




Options Appraisal for Southside Youth and Community Centre









List of attachments to this report:

Appendix 1 - Southside Youth & Community Centre Options Table


1.1 Members requested that an options paper be prepared which examines the future use of the Southside Youth and Community Centre.


2.1 The Executive note the attached options for the future of Southside Youth and Community Centre.

2.2 The Executive approve the response to Bath Communities Partnership as detailed in Section 4.

2.3 The Executive support the principle of investing in improved community facilities subject to a sustainable and financially affordable project being developed.


3.1 The feasibility study will be funded by Bath Communities Partnership. The Council will commit reasonable officer time to support the feasibility study within existing resources.

3.2 Further financial support to the project (e.g. asset transfer and investment from existing maintenance budgets), can only take place if a robust and financially sustainable project is developed. Relevant approvals from Executive Members will be needed.

3.3 The results of the feasibility study will be reported to the Executive before any Council resources are recommended for Council approval.


4.1 Following the Executive meeting on October 5th 2005, Members requested that an options paper be prepared which examines the future use of the Southside Youth and Community Centre. A high level options analysis has taken place and is attached at Appendix 1.

4.2 On 8th November 2005 a meeting was held between the South West Regional Development Agency, Bath Communities Partnership and the Council (represented by Councillors Paul Crossley and Malcolm Hanney). At this meeting it was agreed that should the Bath Communities Partnership choose to undertake a feasibility study (with the agreement of the SWRDA) it would be sensible for the study to be coordinated with a detailed examination of the Council's options for the Centre / Site as outlined in Appendix 1.

4.3 The Bath Communities Partnership Board met subsequently on 9th November 2005 and approved the funding of a feasibility study subject to a number of conditions. Those relating to the Council are repeated below with a suggested draft response.

Bath Communities Partnership approve the funding of the Southside Feasibility study with the following conditions :

C1. Bath and North East Somerset Council support the proposal for a capital refurbishment of the Southside Youth and Community Centre, subject to the positive outcome of the commissioned Feasibility Study and Business Plan.

A. The Council supports the proposal for a capital refurbishment of the Southside Youth and Community Centre subject to the Feasibility Study and Business Plan. The Council will not be in a position to commit any substantial capital investment beyond that indicated in 2 and 4 below.

C2. Bath and North East Somerset Council support the transfer of the Council owned asset to a third party community based organisation.

A. The Council supports the principle of a transfer of the asset to a third party community organisation by way of a lease. The detail of this proposal would need approval from the Executive of the Council. This is on the basis that the asset has a value of approximately £300,000.

C3. Bath and North East Somerset Council commit to provide ongoing support to the BCP Management Team beyond 2007 through extension agreed by the South West Regional Development Agency.

A. The Council is willing, in principle, to provide continuing management support beyond 2007 for any projects involving an SWRDA extension and on a basis to be agreed. If Bath Communities Partnership turns into a Development Trust or similar, it will need to decide its own staffing structure and arrangements and related funding.

C4. Bath and North East Somerset Council agree to transfer the identified budgets associated with future maintenance/capital improvements to the Southside building.

A. The Council agrees in principle to ring fence currently identified budgets for the future maintenance/capital improvement of the Southside building. The budgets would be available for reinvestment in a suitable alternative scheme.

C5. Bath and North East Somerset agree to explore the future potential of investment from capital budgets.

A. The Council is very unlikely to be able to assist in any significant capital funding beyond the contribution of the asset referred to in 2 above and maintenance budgets as indicated in 4 above.

C6. Bath and North East Somerset continue ongoing delivery of the Youth Services operating currently from the site into a refurbished centre.

A. The Council is committed to providing a youth service in the area and will commit to the ongoing delivery of the youth service from any new or improved facility subject to the relevant resources being identified if there is any rise in costs.

C7. Bath and North East Somerset agree to explore the future potential of developing/ redirecting service delivery from the site.

A. The Council agrees to explore further service delivery. However, the Council is at an early stage of its Worksmart Project which will include local working delivery options and any arrangements will need to be considered alongside other options including working from schools or other Council / partner owned locations in the near vicinity.

C8. Bath and North East Somerset commit in kind officer time, from appropriate departments, to support the Feasibility Study and project development.

A. As indicated in 3 above, the Council agrees to commit reasonable officer time resource to support the feasibility study and project development.


A risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations has been undertaken, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management guidance.


6.1 The future of the Southside Youth and Community Centre needs examining and this proposal is a good way for the thorough examination of options to take place.


7.1 None



8.1 Ward councillor, Executive councillor, Other B&NES Services, Community Interest Groups, Section 151 Finance Officer, Chief Executive, Monitoring Officer

8.2 E-mail consultation and meetings

Contact person

Bill Cotton - 01225 477295

Background papers
