Meeting documents

Wednesday, 7th November, 2007

Bath & North East Somerset Council






7th November 2007



Bath Plus Limited








Documents attached to this report:

Bath City Centre Manager Job Description


1.1 The Bath & North East Somerset Initiative and the Bath Chamber of Commerce have been in discussions with the Council leadership with regard to a proposal to establish a limited company from April 2008, whose role will be to promote and improve Bath's attractiveness to residents, businesses and visitors and to take a proactive role in Tourism and Festivals activities.

1.2 This report explains how the proposed company will operate and how the Council will engage with it.


The Cabinet agrees:

2.1 To support in principle the establishment of a limited company to promote and improve Bath's attractiveness to residents and visitors, to take a proactive role in Tourism and Festivals activities across B&NES, and to employ a Bath City Centre Manager who will become a catalyst for change

2.2 To delegate to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Resources and Customer Services:

(1) the detailed mechanisms for delivery including considerations of company membership and structure and

(2) decisions regarding implementing the Tourism and Festivals funding process, in consultation with Political Group Leaders

(3) any necessary discussions with relevant partners



3.1 Bath Chamber of Commerce has indicated that funds of at least £50K per annum would be available from their members to fund the new company. The Council is proposing to allocate at least £50K per annum to the company from its city "commercial" income, such as Commercial Estate, Parking and Heritage income.

3.2 In order to provide the Council's contribution of £50k per annum an adjustment will be required to the cash limits (profit targets) for the Commercial Estate, Parking and Heritage services from April 2008. These services will address the impact of these changes in their targets as part of the service planning process for 2008/09. The Council will need to ensure it complies with EU procurement regulations, if applicable, and that it considers the Council's powers to improve the city's wellbeing.

3.3 It is envisaged that the company will, over time, take an increasingly proactive role in determining the funding of Bath Tourism Plus (BTP) and Bath Festivals (BF). Currently the Council provides an annual fee of £405K pa for BTP together with a rent subsidy valued at £293K pa. The Council pays an annual fee of £300K pa for BF, together with subsidised rent valued at £20K pa and a further grant of £20K for festivals development that is reviewed annually. The precise nature of involvement will depend on further legal and taxation advice.

3.4 The company will employ a City Centre Manager whose role will be to tackle urgent city centre issues such as generally improving "first impressions" appearance and presentation. The Manager would also help coordinate private and public cleansing work such as Bus / Railway stations / SouthGate. The Council currently spends approximately £600K on city centre / car park / graffiti cleaning / Christmas lights etc. A proposed job description of the City Centre Manager is enclosed as an Appendix.

3.5 The company itself will require independent advice upon its financial position, including taxation issues. It will also need to make provision for its own financial management and administration, including ongoing and statutory reporting, and for other managerial and administrative arrangements.

3.6 The company may need external taxation advice.

3.7 Officers would, in addition, provide support to the proposals by attending meetings when requested and realigning existing budgets where necessary to support the Council's objectives generally and in relation to the new company. This support can be achieved within existing resources.


Promoting a 'sense of place' so people identify with and take pride in our communities

Sharing resources, working together, and finding new ways of doing things

Improving our local economy

Improving our local environment


Reducing fear of crime

Cultural Development

Improving the Quality of Public Transport/Roads/Pavements and easing congestion

Developing a sustainable economy

Improving the public realm

Improving customer satisfaction


Ambition for the community - i.e. What the council, together with its partners, is trying to achieve

Prioritisation of ambitions

Increasing capacity of the council to deliver ambition for the Community to ensure we achieve what we say we will

Creating and developing a better quality of life for the area through

o Sustainable Communities and Transport

o Safer and Stronger Communities

o Healthier Communities


7.1 The Bath & North East Somerset Initiative and Bath Chamber of Commerce have established a small working group to consider establishing a limited company from April 2008, whose role will be to promote and improve Bath's attractiveness to residents and visitors and to take a proactive role in Tourism and Festivals activities. The proposed name for the company is Bath Plus Ltd.

7.2 This group has concluded that there is demand amongst businesses for a City Centre Manager to be employed by Bath Plus Ltd and there is a willingness to fund such a venture. In addition there is support for the new company to include within its role recommendations and / or decisions regarding the allocation of funds for tourism and festivals activities. The Cabinet Member for Resources has met with our business partners to pursue this initiative.

7.3 The business community may also contribute towards PCSO (Police Community Support Officer) activities through this vehicle. Higher / Further Educational establishments may also wish to be involved and discussions with these organisations will be pursued.

7.4 Work on developing a retail strategy, including workshops with stakeholders, has identified a need for effective city centre management as a key issue for Bath, and therefore this new initiative is welcomed.

7.5 The new company would receive advice from the following:

(1) A City Centre Steering Group which would draw on the recommendations of existing city groups such as City Centre Management Group, Police and Community Groups and residents' associations.

(2) A newly appointed City Centre Manager who will work with Council officers to deliver effective solutions to city issues, such as changes to city cleansing specifications, implementing "hit squad remedies", resolving matters of concern to the business community, promoting an evening economy and generally improving the accountability for city issues.

(3) Bath Tourism Plus Ltd who would advise how best to promote tourism and destination management. The Council's current Service Level Agreement (SLA) with BTP would remain until 2009 after which Bath Plus Ltd would take a more active role in funding recommendations and decisions.

(4) The Cultural Forum (working title). This is the impending alliance between the Festivals Forum and the Cultural Partnership. It is representative of some 47 organisations that have a role in the cultural life of Bath & North East Somerset. Bath Plus would seek to establish a new relationship with the Cultural Forum in order to optimise the contribution that cultural and creative bodies can make to the lives of residents, visitors and business. The current Festivals SLA expires in 2009 & the Arts Council funding of the Cultural Partnership is currently being reviewed. It is anticipated that Bath Plus will take a more active role in funding recommendations and decisions during 2008/9.

7.6 The detailed membership and structure of the company have yet to be decided. A proposal has been made to include on its Board the Council's Cabinet Leader and Deputy Leader, the Liberal Democrat Group Leader, B&NES Chief Executive, representation from the Universities and the Cultural Forum, and 6 Board members from the business community, including Colin Skellett (Chairman Wessex Water, President, Business West), Theresa McDermott (Chair Bath Chamber of Commerce, Director, European Connoisseurs Travel, Board Director, Business West), Trevor Osborne, (Chairman, Trevor Osborne Property Group), Richard Hall (Chairman, Zenith International), John Munce, (Development Manager, Multi Development UK Ltd (SouthGate)).

Consideration will also be given to co-opting additional Directors who can contribute to the Objectives of the Company in respect of Bath City Centre Management and the development of the Cultural and Tourism offering across Bath & North East Somerset.

7.7 Other relevant representatives could join sub groups of those in 7.5 above.


The report author and Cabinet Member(s) have fully reviewed the risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management guidance.


9.1 Many cities have City Centre Management arrangements in order to engage the private sector in the delivery of city centre improvements.

9.2 The new Local Government white paper contains proposals for Councils to raise funds via NNDR payments. This may be an additional source of city centre funding in due course.

9.3 Tourism and Festivals activities promote Bath and North East Somerset, not only Bath, hence the proposed name "Bath Plus Ltd".

9.4 The Council receives substantial commercial income from its Bath property interests, car parking and Roman Baths, and we share with the business sector a desire to improve Bath's presentation to the public, hence our willingness to support this Bath based initiative.

9.5 A number of priority issues were identified in the recent Destination Management Plan produced by The Tourism Company. It said that some parts of the City were "a bit ragged and run down" and it suggested the quality of the public realm falls below the standard people might reasonably expect from a City of this significance. It also highlighted a need for better signage and information to enable people to orientate themselves and easily find their way around. Bath Plus would be one of a number of initiatives we will be exploring to respond to, and resolve, such concerns.


Some cities have achieved Business Improvement District Status to engage businesses in improving cities and districts; this remains a medium term option, and can be discussed with the new company at the appropriate time. This proposal provides greater accountability amongst those affected by city centre, Festivals and Tourism activities.


Relevant Cabinet Members, the Initiative for Bath & North East Somerset and the Bath Chamber of Commerce have been consulted about this proposal.

Comments from the Council's Monitoring Officer, Section 151 Officer and Major Projects Director have also been incorporated.


Contact person

Peter Rowntree, Customer Services Director 01225 394567

Sponsoring Cabinet Member

Councillor Malcolm Hanney, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Resources

Background papers