Meeting documents

Wednesday, 7th September, 2005

Executive Summary

1.1 The key objectives of this survey were to establish:

a) Any level of latent or patent unmet demand;

b) Whether or not there was sufficient differentiation and level of service of Hackney Carriages from other forms of transport to allow the Council to support a case for retention of regulatory controls over numbers of Hackney Carriage licences.

1.2 The standard unmet demand survey indicated that there were small, but not significant levels of patent unmet demand.

1.3 These occurred at peak times on the Orange Grove rank on 74 passenger occasions during 2770 minutes of observation and 1661 passenger movements. They averaged 4 minutes 40 seconds, but were usually over peak periods of less than 15 minutes.

1.4 It is our belief that when the remaining two licences are fully utilised and several of the other new licensees begin to absorb demand, such waits will disappear.

1.5 The proximity of the issue of new licences so close to the survey means that there impact can only be measured as a percentage of the whole licence as indicated through our drivers survey.

1.6 The public survey indicated that whilst only 15.5% were prepared to wait 20 minutes +, at night a huge 52.8% felt that in reality they did so.

1.7 This creates a difference between our observations and the public perception.

1.8 Our observations took place up to two months after the issue of the new licences. The main element of the public, use the service once a month. Our belief is that the high public figure reflects the historic situation prior to licence issue.

1.9 Findings from the rank survey, our observations and discussions with the police showed the need for a full re-organisation the cessation of several ranks, and the concentration on a second 24 hour rank that could be supported by the trade and the police fully.

1.10 The only other level of unmet demand at the Bath Spa Station consisted of 75 passenger waiting times average 2 minutes 30 seconds during 2300 minutes of observation and 1292 passenger movements.

1.11 This was often due to changes in the rail timetable due to their own problems that caused a build up of trains following delays.

1.12 Fees do have to be paid to South West Rail to use the station rank, however, this situation is partly self-regulating. If drivers believed that there was a significant unmet demand they would apply to use the rank, paying the relevant fee.

1.13 Average driver waiting time in Bath Spa station is 7 minutes 40 seconds.

1.14 Public Interviews do however, make mention of "waits at the station"

1.15 There was no evidence of any latent demand on or around any other rank. We witnessed no evidence of Private Hire "plying for hire" and no fruitless waits at other locations.

1.16 All of this has led to the following recommendation for a no increase in licences at present. However, we would hope that 1 or 2 more licensees apply for the right to service Bath Spa station.

1.17 That aside we would recommend no further increase in the next twelve months, as we witnessed no unmet demand.

1.18 We further recommend that:

Two new licences be issued in the year 2006-7;

Two new licences be issued in the year 2007-8;

These are in accordance with anticipated increases in both population and tourism figures. We recommend that both should be for full disability access vehicles.

That a further review takes place in 2008-9 to assess both the level of unmet demand and the possibility of de-zoning.

Should de-zoning be introduced at any time there would be no requirement to issue new licences as the existing capacity would become available from that action. Department of Transport document on Best Practice recommended the abolition of zoning.

In Bath and North East Somerset such an action may not necessarily be helpful to the public and could result in a lack of service in the county zones, where evidence of a rank or hailing Hackney service is at 20% or less

Should Bath & North East Somerset elect to de-restrict numbers we would strongly recommend that all new licences issued are for fully disability access vehicles

1.19 In every other respect the Hackney Carriage service is providing an excellent service (public survey) (disability groups), with safe and secure vehicles and drivers (public survey) acting in the traditional manner of the service (driver survey) to provide a first class service (rank observations).


Limitation of Numbers

1.20 The case to retain the right to limit numbers should the Council decide to follow this course of action is relatively strong:

There is a clear demarcation between Hackney Carriages and Private Hire services;

This is determined by their activities rather than in appearance;

With 70.8% of Hackney Carriages obtaining their work from the ranks or from being "hailed" the integrity of their service is still maintained, but it is borderline with 30% contract or radio work;

53.5% of the public rate the service as good 3.9% as excellent. These ratings are good but not the highest in recent KNW surveys;

The service integrates well with South West Rail, but has no specific rank that allows it to integrate with bus station;

The existing fleet appear to be using meters and are well controlled both internally be their peers and externally by the council;

The public survey indicates that the public respect the safety and security of the Hackney Carriage service; but they are also complimentary about the Private Hire service;

The police are happy with the performance of the Hackney Carriages in clearing the town.

1.21 Bath & North East Somerset Borough Council have three major issues to consider:

Unmet Demand - We believe that following the recent issue of 18 (20%) more licenses that there is no further unmet demand. However this has been difficult to assess due to the proximity of the issuing of licences prior to the report.

Zoning - The Department of Transport recommends the abolition of zoning. Clearly the drivers are set against this move 89% . The situation in the area is also very different from the departments example. We would recommend a continuation of zoning until other matters are clarified.

Delimitation - Bath & North East Somerset has a moderate case for claiming the right to limit numbers. The service works well with Hackney Carriages and Private Hire working together in a level of harmony. We would recommend that the rank organisation is completed to everyones satisfaction before any move to delimit is considered.

We would recommend in any event that any new licence issued either under control or following delimitation should be for a fully disability access vehicle.