Meeting documents

Wednesday, 7th June, 2006

Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive


On 7 June 2006




Risk and Opportunity Management Strategy









List of attachments to this report:

APPENDIX A -Revised `Risk & Opportunity Management' Strategy document


1.1 For the Executive to confirm it has reviewed the Corporate Risk Register and to approve a revised Risk and Opportunity Management Strategy which includes a number of new risk management processes to further strengthen the Council's current arrangements.

1.2 Key issues arising from the Corporate Risk Register are reflected in the report on the Statement on Internal Control elsewhere on the agenda of this meeting of the Executive.


The Council Executive is asked to:

2.1 Approve and adopt the revised Risk & Opportunity Management Strategy.

2.2 Approve the proposed methodology for maintenance of the Corporate Risk Register and reporting to Directors Group and the Executive (See 4.8).

2.3 Approve the risk management processes to be included in the Councils Performance Management System (See 4.7).

2.4 Confirm that the Executive has reviewed the risks contained in the Corporate Risk Register at its informal meeting on 24th May 2006.


3.1 There are no direct financial implications relevant to this report although some of the mitigating actions will require the Executive to make appropriate earmarked reserves and / or provisions



4.1 Effective and efficient risk management arrangements are important to enable the Council to achieve its service and key corporate priorities. The Council has developed good risk management procedures in recent years at corporate and service level.

4.2 The Council is clear that management and the Executive are responsible for identifying and managing risk. In addition, the recently formed Corporate Audit Committee has commenced its role of reviewing the robustness of those arrangements and obtaining assurance that they are working effectively.

4.3 Last years review of the system of internal control resulted in risk management being recorded in the Council's 2004/5 `Statement on Internal Control'. The issue centred on the need to embed risk management within the organisation and the following actions were recorded:

a) Service Risk Registers to be subject to independent review.

b) Development of Section Risk Registers to feed into Service registers.

c) Training & Support to facilitate improvement in Risk Management.

d) Review the role of the officer Risk Scrutiny Panel.

e) Review and report more regularly on the Corporate Risk Register.

f) Risk & Opportunity Management Strategy needed to be reviewed.

g) Improve reporting to Members by ensuring there is an annual report on Risk Management.

4.4 The Comprehensive Performance Assessment in 2005 also recommended areas for improvement.

Current Situation

4.5 All of the issues, recorded in 4.3 above, were considered within the first annual Risk Management Plan which went to Directors Group and the Corporate Audit Committee in October 2005. This detailed the key areas for coverage and three of those areas have been reviewed and revised as follows.

Risk & Opportunity Management Strategy

4.6 This has now been revised to take into account the key issues raised by the Comprehensive Performance Assessment process and the 2004/5 Statement on Internal Control and is attached as an Appendix. A summary of the key changes are as follows -

a) Section 2.3 - Corporate Audit Committee now receives an Annual report and 6 month update report on Risk Management and the effectiveness of those arrangements.

b) Section 2.5 - Independent reviews of Risk Registers will be carried out by the Risk Manager.

c) Section 2.6 - The Risk Scrutiny Panel has now been replaced by the Risk Management Support Group.

d) Section 3.2 - Section Risk Registers are to be developed where appropriate in conjunction with the Head of Service and Risk Manager.

e) Section 3.6/7 - The Council's Performance Management System will assist in the maintenance of risk management processes and enable reports to be presented to Directors Group and Executive on a quarterly basis with regard to corporate risks.

f) Section 3.8 - The Risk Manager will provide support and training to relevant Members & Officers.

Performance Management / Risk Reporting

4.7 Detailed work has taken place between the Corporate Performance Unit and the Risk Manager to develop the Corporate Performance Management system (QPR) to enable risk management processes to be managed and monitored. The system will require Heads of Service and Directors to confirm they have carried out their responsibilities as recorded in the Strategy document. The system will:

a) Monitor that Heads of Service are effectively monitoring service risks and implementation of actions.

b) Prompt Heads of Service to report significant risks to the responsible Executive Member and Strategic Director.

c) Prompt Strategic Directors to record risks in the Corporate Risk Register.

d) Prompt Lead Officers (Strategic Directors) for each Corporate Risk to monitor the implementation of agreed actions.

e) Enables Action Owners to record progress in relation to the implementation of individual corporate risk actions.

f) Provide an assessment for each Service, (as at a point of time), in relation to compliance with best practice (self assessment or opinion of Risk Management Support Group or following Risk Management Service Review).

Corporate Risk Register/Risk Reporting

4.8 The Council's Corporate Risk Register was subject to a detailed review by Directors in September 2004 and this was updated in the summer of 2005 in respect of the implementation of actions and any new or emerging risks. The CPA criteria expect more regular review by both Officers and Members and the following is therefore proposed -

a) Report quarterly to Directors Group and the Executive on Risk Management by linking into the current quarterly reporting of Performance and Budget information.

b) Include within that quarterly report the current risk rating of each risk on the Corporate Risk Register and the progress on implementing actions to control each of these risks. This will be done in a simple RAG format.

c) Also include any new risks added or variation/deletions of risks.

4.9 Since summer 2005 the Corporate Risk Register has been updated during the Budget preparation cycle in consultation with the Interim Head of Finance and Resource Planning and subsequently through a report to Directors Group on 27th March 2006 and Project Programme Board on 29th March 2006. The Corporate Risk Register was reviewed by the Informal Executive on 19th April and 24th May. The key issues are reflected in the report to the Executive on the Statement on Internal Control elsewhere on the agenda of this meeting of the Executive.


A risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations has been undertaken, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management guidance. The subject of this report is the maintenance of the Council's risk management framework.


6.1 The proposals will promote the adoption of best practice and assist in the Council identifying and managing its business risks.


7.1 None


8.1 Directors Group and Project Programme Board have reviewed the Corporate Risk Register and have been fully consulted on the issues and recommendations contained in this report.

8.2 The Corporate Audit Committee on 27th April considered the revised Risk Management Strategy including the initiatives proposed for the development and maintenance of the Corporate Risk Register.

8.3 The Informal Executive considered earlier drafts of this report and the Corporate Risk Register on two occasions on 19th April and on 24th May 2006.

Contact person

Andy Cox 01225 477316

Background papers

Comprehensive Performance Assessment - Use of Resources - Key Lines of Enquiry.

Corporate Risk Register as at 24th May 2006.

Chief Executive's Letter to the Audit Commission - CPA Use of Resources, December 2005.