Meeting documents

Wednesday, 7th June, 2006


1. Proposed core outcomes for Bath & North East Somerset's Local Area Agreement process

A7 Specific improvements to service delivery

A7 Services that meet local needs rather than organisational requirements

A7 Better co-ordination of services to improve efficiency and reduce bureaucracy

A7 Greater social inclusion- including a focus on areas in greatest need

A7 Engagement with the voluntary and community sector to improve joint working

2. Emerging cross-cutting and cross-theme issues for consideration as the LAA Outcome Framework is developed

A7 Reflect equalities issues across the themes

A7 Examine ways to improve services through co-location and neighbourhood working

A7 Improve accessibility to a wide range of local services, not just those provided by the public sector

A7 Align environmental services with local neighbourhood priorities

A7 Work across boundaries with neighbouring authorities on common areas of work, e.g. housing, transport and skills

A7 Address issues arising from the Regional Spatial Strategy

A7 Use available information to target 93hotspot94 areas on particular issues

A7 Ensure that plans to address prolific and other priority offending are addressed across the themes

A7 Address Voluntary and Community Sector infrastructure requirements to help with engagement

A7 Consolidate outcomes across themes to remove duplication

A7 Take the opportunity to link across blocks, e.g. on Youth Offending

A7 Balance education, enforcement and partnership working, for example to promote cleaner neighbourhoods

A7 Use the transport theme to address outcomes such as health and leisure, e.g. though safe routes to school and greenways

A7 Make best use of technology and innovation to deliver outcomes- e.g. improving inclusion and reducing isolation for older people'

A7 Make full use of links with HE and FE establishments, and with students

A7 Build on work undertaken at local level, eg through Parish Plans and initiatives such as Peasedown Opportunities Project

A7 Address the particular needs of customers with needs in common, such as carers

A7 Look ahead to future employment trends to ensure local people have access to the necessary skills

A7 Address the full range of support needs across social care

A7 Focus on preventative work, for example in health

A7 Work with the Voluntary and Community Sector, for example to improve specific health outcomes

3. Outcomes framework derived from mandatory outcomes, local strategies and other local outcomes, according to theme area

Safer Communities


Reduced anti-social behaviour

Community Safety and Drugs Strategy

Increased awareness and intervention in domestic violence and abuse

Community Safety and Drugs Strategy

Increased awareness and intervention in hate crime

Community Safety and Drugs Strategy

Reduction in alcohol related crime

Community Safety and Drugs Strategy

Increased community confidence (reduction in the fear of crime)

Community Safety and Drugs Strategy

Reduction in drug misuse

Community Safety and Drugs Strategy

Reduction in volume crime

Community Safety and Drugs Strategy

Reduction in the number of young people committing crime and support for those who crime is committed against.

Community Safety and Drugs Strategy

Reduce crime

Mandatory outcome

Reassure the public, reducing the fear of crime

Mandatory outcome

Reduce the harm caused by illegal drugs

Mandatory outcome

Build Respect in communities and reduce anti-social behaviour

Mandatory outcome

Cleaner, Greener, Safer public spaces

National LAA Outcomes Framework

Stronger Communities


Empower local people to have a greater choice and influence over local decision making and a greater role in public service delivery (includes indicator on involvement in volunteering)

Mandatory outcome



Improved Health and reduced health inequalities

Mandatory outcome

Older People


Improved health and care services in the community enabling older people to remain independent and live at home

Draft Older People's Strategy

Responsive services reducing unnecessary admissions to hospital, residential and nursing care

Draft Older People's Strategy

Streamlined and joined up assessments and care plans which reduce duplication and repetition

Draft Older People's Strategy

An expanded range of housing and care options for older people to have choice and control about how / where they live

Draft Older People's Strategy

Improved information and advice services

Draft Older People's Strategy

Better access to universal services so more older people participate in the wider community

Draft Older People's Strategy

Expanded preventative services and improved health promotion enabling more older people to remain independent for longer

Draft Older People's Strategy

Improved support to carers providing support to older people

Draft Older People's Strategy

Develop and deliver integrated health and social care services

Draft Older People's Strategy

Economic Development and Enterprise


Business creation and growth

Towards 2013: 10 Year Economic Development Strategy

Community regeneration

Towards 2013: 10 Year Economic Development Strategy

Environment and infrastructure

Towards 2013: 10 Year Economic Development Strategy

Skills and economy

Towards 2013: 10 Year Economic Development Strategy

Creative industries

Economic Development Partnership mission statement

Health tourism

Economic Development Partnership mission statement

New technologies

Economic Development Partnership mission statement

Retail vitality

Economic Development Partnership mission statement


Economic Development Partnership mission statement

Low carbon economy

Economic Development Partnership mission statement

Children and Young People


Stay safe

Children and Young People's Plan

Be healthy

Children and Young People's Plan

Enjoy and achieve

Children and Young People's Plan

Achieve economic well-being

Children and Young People's Plan

Make a positive contribution

Children and Young People's Plan




Draft Housing Strategy

Affordable housing

Draft Housing Strategy

Housing conditions & the Private Rented Sector

Draft Housing Strategy

Key Workers

Draft Housing Strategy

Communities & Residents

Draft Housing Strategy


Draft Housing Strategy

Design & Environmental Quality

Draft Housing Strategy

Planning & Empty Homes

Draft Housing Strategy

Independent Living

Draft Housing Strategy



Tackling congestion

Joint Local Transport Plan

Improving accessibility

Joint Local Transport Plan

Improving air quality

Joint Local Transport Plan

Improving road safety

Joint Local Transport Plan

To improve the quality of life

Joint Local Transport Plan



Cultural tourism

Cultural Strategy

Public realm

Cultural Strategy

Cultural and creative industries

Cultural Strategy

Quality of life

Cultural Strategy

Support culture change within the Authority


Enrich individual lives, strengthen communities and improve places where people live through culture and sport, including libraries and the historic environment

National LAA Outcomes Framework

Sport and Active Leisure


Increasing participation

Get Active Vision

Using Sport and Active Leisure to achieve wider health, community safety and children and young people outcomes


Universal services accessible to disabled people




Tackling climate change through reduced greenhouse gas emissions

National LAA Outcomes Framework

Reduce waste to landfill and increase recycling

National LAA Outcomes Framework

Protect community from climate change through adaptation




Access to learning

Learning Partnership Plan

Older learners

Learning Partnership Plan

0-19 year olds

Learning Partnership Plan

Linking to employers

Learning Partnership Plan



Cleaner, greener and safer public spaces

National LAA Outcomes Framework

Increased access to and enjoyment of green spaces and the countryside, encouraging community engagement in the management of such spaces

National LAA Outcomes Framework

Improve the quality of the local environment by reducing the gap in aspects of liveability between, with a particular focus on reducing levels of litter and detritus

National LAA Outcomes Framework

Improve the quality of public space and the quality of the local environment

National LAA Outcomes Framework