Meeting documents

Wednesday, 7th June, 2006


Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan including Minerals & Waste Policies

Executive 7th June 2006 - Inspector's Report on key housing issues


A2.1 The Local Plan is required to show how the housing requirement will be met. The Inspector has examined the sites allocated in the Local Plan and supports the Council's locational strategy and most of the allocated sites. However, the Inspector has concluded that some of the allocated sites will not deliver the anticipated housing within the Plan period ie by 2011. Of particular significance are Bath Western Riverside, Lower Bristol Road, MoD Foxhill in Bath and Radstock Railway Land. As a result of her assessment of allocated sites and the increased housing requirement, the Inspector has concluded that there will be a significant shortfall in the District's housing supply to 2011 of 1190 dwellings.

A2.2 If any of the Inspector's recommendations are not accepted, the Council must give robust and convincing reasons such as changed circumstances since the Local Plan Inquiry. A brief analysis of the Inspector's recommendations on these key sites is set out in paras 2.3 to 2.13 below.

Bath Western Riverside (BWR)

A2.3 The Inspector strongly supports this site but is concerned that the timescale is optimistic particularly in relation to the construction start date and the build rate. She highlights the complexities in bringing the site forward such as site constraints, abnormal costs of development, form of development on different parts of the site, level of contributions, the need for a comprehensive approach, land acquisition/potential acquiring the site and securing planning permission. She therefore advocates a cautious approach and recommends that the Local Plan should rely on no more than 450 dwellings being built before 2011 as opposed to the 800 proposed in the Local Plan.

A2.4 Further analysis of the BWR programme has been undertaken looking closely at the path to delivery of the scheme and the market considerations in relation to the build rate. This assessment generally corroborates the inspector's conclusions. Nevertheless there has been considerable progress since the Local Plan Inquiry (LPI). Work on the BWR Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is advancing and is programmed for adoption this year. It addresses some of the concerns raised by the Inspector including spatial masterplanning, the assessment of costs and a contributions strategy. In addition, close working with a key developer has enabled progress. Subject to expeditious progress, an earlier start date than that considered by the Inspector is conceivable which might enable up to 600 dwellings to be completed during the Plan period.

A2.5 It is recommended that the Inspector's cautions should be heeded but allowance should also be made for the opportunity for more rapid progress. Therefore it is recommended that Local Plan should be modified to allow for a range of between 450 to 600 dwellings during the Plan period on Bath Western Riverside. It is stressed that this range in no way imposes a limit on the progression of the scheme and the revised wording of Policy GDS1 will not seek to impose a limit on completion rates by 2011.

A2.6 In response to other objections, the Inspector has also made recommendations on the BWR site and these will be reported in July/September 2006.

Lower Bristol Road site

A2.7 This is the site between Windsor Bridge Road and the bus depot access on Weston Island. The Inspector agrees with the principles of high density, mixed use development including a high residential capacity. However, it is a complex to bring site forward and a comprehensive approach should not be prejudiced. She therefore recommends that the Local Plan should be modified to allow for 50 dwellings to be built on this site before 2011 as opposed to the 75 set out in the Local Plan.

A2.8 Since the Local Planning Inquiry, the Council has programmed the preparation of an SPD to facilitate the comprehensive development of the site. However, there is insufficient material justification for disagreeing with the Inspector regarding the programme for the Plan period and it is recommended that the Inspectors recommendation is accepted.

MoD Foxhill

A2.9 The inspector highlights the MoD's recently changed position on the site and that there is now no certainty as to when it will be released for development. She recommends that the site should be deleted. It is accepted that site can no longer be relied on to make a contribution to housing needs during the Plan period. However, it remains possible that the site will become surplus to requirements during the Plan period and it is therefore proposed that the site remains in plan which will ensure the continued validity of the adopted SPD.

Radstock Railway Land

A2.10 The Local Plan proposals for the town centre site at Radstock Railway Land reflect the Council's objectives for the regeneration of Radstock. The Local Plan proposes a mixed use scheme on the site which includes around 100 dwellings and at the Inquiry the Council accepted a greater dwelling capacity could be accommodated provided stated development requirements were met including a programme of ecological compensation and preparation and implementation of a management plan. The Inspector considers that part of the site has become overgrown and blends into the landscape. In her view this, along with its nature conservation interests, weighs against its status as previously developed land and the priority to be given to reuse. She considers development needs to be confined to areas which are not of significant ecological value. It is her view that until it is demonstrated that areas of significance to nature conservation can be safeguarded, the site be expected to accommodate no more than 50 dwellings in plan period. Any higher number would count towards the supply of housing land beyond 2011.

A2.11 The development of this mixed-use site is integral to the regeneration of Radstock and entails significant development costs. It is considered that the Inspector has adopted a precautionary approach in relation to housing provision on the basis of the need to resolve ecological issues. The Inspector indicates that 50 dwellings is not intended as an absolute limit on development capacity. Unmanaged, the site is likely to lose ecological value. Development at the site also needs to take into account the likely significant decontamination and environmental mitigation costs. As such, viability of development and the long term management of the site's assets is a significant factor. To expect no more than 50 houses within the Plan period is likely to prejudice regeneration objectives for Radstock and is likely to make the regeneration of the site economically unviable.

A2.12 The Council can seek to accommodate the inspector's concerns as far as possible but the regeneration objectives, including the viability of comprehensive development and site management, must be considered. Considerable further work is now underway on the emerging masterplan. Pending the results of this further work, it is proposed that the Local Plan should make an allowance within the Plan period for about 100 dwellings or upwards provided the site requirements are met.

Paulton Printing Factory

A2.13 The inspector recommends an increase from 100 dwellings in the Local Plan to 150 on the south east part of the site. This accords with the recent planning permission and it is proposed that this recommendation should be accepted. (NB see also Appendix 3 for Inspector's further recommendations on the rest of the site).

Implications for Housing supply

A2.14 The proposed conclusions on the housing contributions of the allocated sites are summarised in the table below. In light of the responses set out in paras A2.3 to A2.13 above the shortfall in housing capacity for the Plan period is considered to be between 940 to 1090 dwellings (depending on BWR) as opposed to the 1190 dwellings considered by the Inspector.


That Policy GDS.1 is modified to amend the housing contribution for the Plan period from the following existing development sites;





Change from Local Plan 2003


Bath Western Riverside


-350 to -200


Lower Bristol Road




MoD Foxhill




Former St Mary's School




St Mary's Hospital








Cannocks Garage



Norton Radstock

Radstock Railway Land




Mount Pleasant Hostel




Folly Hill, Chilcompton Rd




Paulton Printing Factory




Goosard Lane, High Littleton




Radfords site, Chew Stoke




Bannerdown Drive, Batheaston




-525 to -375

* See further consideration of Paulton Printing Factory in Appendix 3.