Meeting documents

Wednesday, 7th April, 2004

Report to Directors Group


February 2004

Reporting Area

Housing & Supported Living

Lead Director

Jane Ashman


Housing & Supported Living encompasses Housing Services; the Council's strategic housing role; the Supporting People Programme; and provision of residential care and extra care housing for older people.

The work of Housing Services includes area renewal, private sector housing grants and enforcement, home energy efficiency, bringing empty properties back into use, homelessness, housing advice and the Homeseekers register. The strategic housing role includes enabling the development of affordable housing for rent and shared ownership and leading the development of the Council's Housing Strategy. The Council's registered residential care homes for older people are now managed alongside St Johns Court sheltered and extra care housing scheme and provision of care at The Orchard (an extra care housing scheme).

Housing is involved in cross-service working including Supporting People, the Local Strategic Partnership and Community Strategy, social inclusion, empty properties, community safety, the Local Plan and customer access.



Progress Made

Issues to be addressed


By When


Updates on Nov 03 report

Managers Equality Group (MEG) has been established. The aim of this group is to give a clear steer on equalities issues and support in undertaking "Impact Assessment Audits" for all Housing and Supported Living Services.

The group will be responsible for the implement and monitoring of action plans resulting from the audits.

Group Manager Housing



Progress Made

Issues to be addressed


By When


New items

The first Partnering Workshop for the Residential Care/Extra Care re-provision project was held at the end of January. The Workshop brought together a wide range of stakeholders including relatives, trade union representatives, staff, voluntary organisations and formal partners to the project.

Leadbitter have been appointed as the Lead Constructor for the development of the three new Centres.

Further meetings have been planned.

Head of Housing & Supported Living

Head of Housing & Supported Living



People Management

Updates on Nov 03 report

A timetable has been agreed for the move of the remaining frontline housing staff from North Parade Buildings to Lewis House.

Plans for allocation of space at Lewis House have to take into account the new corporate spatial standards, which have been communicated to all staff.

Group Manager Housing

Summer 04

People Management

New items

The first of the new monthly meetings for all Frontline Housing Services staff was held in January. These regular meetings will ensure the further integration of the frontline Housing Service.


Group Manager Housing


Policy and Strategy

Updates on Nov 03 report

The review of the pilot for the Homeseekers Register did not report as planned in December. A members workshop took place on the 11th February. The purpose of the workshop was to explain the draft revised Homeseekers Policy.

Comments and feedback from the workshop will be used to revise the draft policy, with a follow up Members workshop planned for March 04.

Group Manager Housing

March 04


Progress Made

Issues to be addressed


By When

Policy and Strategy

Updates on Nov 03 report

The Affordable Housing Strategy for 2004-07 was submitted to the Executive in February, following consultation from a wide range of stakeholders and presentation to the Overview & Scrutiny panel.

There is also a statutory requirement to submit an overall Housing Strategy for Bath & North East Somerset (considering issues wider than affordable housing). This strategy will be considered by the Council at it's meeting in March.

A private members workshop is planned for March 04 as further development of the strategy is required before it is re-submitted to the Executive later in the year

Strategic Director / Head of Housing & Supported Living

Planning & Partnership Manager

March 04

March 04

Policy and Strategy

New items

The Empty Properties Strategy was completed and circulated for consultation.

Submit the strategy to the Executive Member in March 04

Group Manager Housing

March 04


Updates on Nov 03 report

Due to Government subsidy arrangements for B&B accommodation it has not been possible to make a Business Case for the use of Council Capital funds.

The potential predicted overspend within the Elderly Peoples Homes budget has been significantly reduced.

Actions to minimise the overspend, as outlined in the previous report, to be continued.

Group Manager Housing



New Items

Confirmation has been received that a bid for revenue funding for providing in-reach nursing care to Older People in registered residential care has been successful. This Government grant provides £1.3 million over a three year period.

Implementation of the project plan, which has already been established

Project Manager


Progress Made

Issues to be addressed


By When


New Items

In addition we are also to receive £213,000 of TOPSS funding for 2004/05 to "up-skill" support workers in residential care homes in a range of disciplines including nursing, OT, physiotherapy and speech & language.

A bid for £5 million capital funding has been submitted to the Department of Health Extra Care Housing Fund.

The TOPSS initiative spans both local authority and independent providers of residential care. Bath & North East Somerset are to take the lead on the project management

Project Manager

March 05


Updates on Nov 03 report

The Bed & Breakfast (B&B) task group, who prepared and implemented the action plan to reduce the usage of B&B accommodation for homeless people are already seeing positive results. On the 30th of January there were only 26 homeless households in B&B which compares to 60 households in September 03. Even better news is that only one family with dependent children in B&B at this time and no expectant mothers.

Following the first review of Supporting People funded services, the draft report has been submitted to the commissioning body.

The Supporting Living Continuous Improvement Review was presented to Overview & Scrutiny in January 04. The panel commented on the progress made and agreed not to take up the option of further reality checking

The new statutory requirements, which come into force in April 04, make it unlawful for families with dependent children to spend longer that 6 weeks in B&B accommodation. The aim will therefore be to continue to improve on and maintain our recent good performance.

Somer Community Housing Trust are now required to draw up and implement an action plan resulting from the review.

Ensure action points are followed through and report back to Overview & Scrutiny when requested.

Group Manager Housing

Group Manager Housing / Somer

Performance Manager




Progress Made

Issues to be addressed


By When


New Items

Consultation meetings with relatives and residents took place at Tyndale and Woodside early in January.

Community Care Assessments for each resident have commenced and will be continued to establish the needs and wishes of residents and their families

Group Manager Housing

March 04

Glossary: GOSW = Government of the South West; TOPSS = Training Organisation for Personal Social Services.