Meeting documents

Wednesday, 7th April, 2004

Partnership Mission and Objectives

Partnership Mission Statement

The Partnership's mission is ....

To maximise the collective skills, capacity and experience of the Council and HBS to build a sustainable, innovative and successful partnership for business improvement in Bath & North East Somerset, which:

a) enables the Council ....

To achieve significantly improved service provision in Bath & North East Somerset - helping to make the area a better place to live, work and visit - with high quality ICT and HR administration and payroll services, and the development and delivery of business improvement projects that raise service standards and improve value for money

b) And enables HBS ....

To establish a profitable operating base which delivers excellent services in Bath & North East Somerset, and to grow nationally, using this business model to demonstrate HBS as a successful and innovative market leader in the local government sector.

Partnership Objectives

The Partnership's objectives are to:

a) Improve the Council's service provision to residents and customers

b) Equip the Council to deal readily with change and to manage and mitigate risk generally

c) Improve the Council's ability to develop appropriate information systems and strategies

d) Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of all Council services (both transferred and retained)

e) Ensure that substantial and measurable value is added to those Council services which are included in the partnership

f) Establish a profitable operating base in Bath & North East Somerset for HBS and enable its use it to grow HBS business in the South West

g) Establish and develop this partnership business model to enable the Council to be a good reference site to assist HBS to grow nationally

h) Continue to develop this Partnership to help demonstrate HBS as an innovative market leader in the local government sector, sharing innovative solutions across all HBS partnerships

i) Contribute to the achievement of the visions, missions and long-term strategic objectives of both the Council and HBS