Meeting documents

Wednesday, 7th April, 2004

Summary Action Plan for the Partnership.

The next stage of the partnership is to continue the success of the transition and to embed the new processes within the culture of this authority.

A detailed action plan is available as a background paper. It includes recommendations from the PWC audit and outstanding issues from transition which are summarised below.

Delivery of this action plan will be managed by the Partnership Co-Ordination Group, reporting to the Partnership Board and, within the Council, to Directors' Group and the Council Executive.


The Partnership needs to develop to enable it to be a key tool in delivering the Council's corporate priorities through the Business Improvement Services. To achieve this there needs to be clear, reporting and governance arrangements in place both to deliver improvements and to measure their success.

To achieve council wide success the partnership needs to be flexible to meet the evolving needs of the organisation and its business. The direction of the partnership needs to be focused and aligned with the Councils goals.

Key actions

To achieve these outcomes the partnership needs to concentrate initially on the following key actions

The preparation of a joint (HBS and B&NES) 3 year partnership plan.

To develop the Business Improvement Service as the key tool for continuous improvement within the Council.

Complete the establishment of People Services

Consolidate the management arrangements for the Councils partnership client functions

Develop robust scalable performance measurement systems.


The detailed action plan which is available as a background paper lists the timescales for each work stream to achieve the above outcomes. The Partnership Board's key target is the preparation of the three year plan which is to be finalised in the autumn of this year and reported to the Council Executive for approval.