Meeting documents

Wednesday, 7th February, 2007

Summary of Issues arising from holding a market in the Guildhall Car Park in previous years, remedial measures and their effectiveness


Issue in 2005

Proposed remedial measure 2006



1. The market comprised stalls of umbrellas with awnings which were not adequate to deal with the adverse weather conditions that were experienced particularly when setting up.

2. In endeavouring to mitigate the effects of the storm, the stalls encroached on to the right of way.

3. The stalls were not aesthetically pleasing.

4. In previous years, this market has been primarily food led.

1. The GMTA are planning to hold the market in three marquees which are to be constructed on a heavy duty framework and will be linked together to create a stable structure. The hire company does not anticipate any problems if there are adverse weather conditions.

2. The marquees will be fixed in position and there should not be any encroachment on to the right of way. Details of the method of fixing to be supplied to and approved by Property Services.

3. The marquees will be hired and will be more aesthetically pleasing. Wooden chalets are proposed to the Orange Grove elevation again improving the overall appearance. The GMTA wish to widen the use to include arts and crafts. Bath Tourism Plus has indicated that their Market is fully subscribed and so long as the GMTA do not advertise as a Christmas Market, so that the GMTA market is seen to be a separate operation, Bath Tourism Plus will not have any concerns about the proposed use. Any food stalls will sell reheated cooked food with cooking on site not permitted. Details of relevant stalls will be passed to Environmental Services and all stallholders will be required to comply with their requirements to ensure that appropriate standards of hygiene, occupational health and safety, pest control and abatement of nuisance are achieved.

1. There were adverse weather conditions but the marquees adequately withstood the conditions.

2. Apart from a very short period of time during the course of erecting the marquees when they were temporarily tied to the railings which adjoin the right of way, there was not any encroachment on to it.

3. The marquees were aesthetically acceptable.

The GMTA purchased wooden chalets which were situated against the Orange Grove elevation, were aesthetically pleasing and improved the overall appearance of the Market.

4. The GMTA wish to continue with the wider use to include arts and crafts.

5. Food stalls will be limited to the sale of reheated cooked food. Cooking on site will not be permitted.

6. The stall holders met the requirements of Environmental Health - there was one instance where Environmental Health required an additional measure to be put in place by one stall holder who immediately complied with the requirement.

Car parking

1. Councillors with child care arrangements found the presence of the Market caused difficulties with their arrangements.

2. Some traders left their cars in the car park for extended periods of time which was in breach of the terms of the lease.

1. Four spaces immediately to the left of the entrance to the car park will not be included in any letting of the car park. It is proposed that one space is reserved for those with a disability, one for the Chair of the Council and the Mayor. The remaining 2 spaces could be made available to those Councillors with child care arrangements.

2. Trader's vehicles will be allowed in the car park for unloading only before the Market opens for business and not for any other purpose.

1. This arrangement worked satisfactorily.

2. This was properly controlled - the only complaint received related to the van belonging to the company who supplied the marquees on the day the marquees were erected.

3. There was an issue with vans blocking the spaces but they belonged to suppliers to events booked in the Guildhall. Consultation will take place with Heritage to ensure such issues are overcome in future years.

Set up of Stalls

The adverse weather conditions and nature of the stalls created difficulties in setting up the Market diverting the traders from resolving operational and set up issues such as trailing cables, unauthorised parking.

The marquees will be set up the day before the opening day of the Market, allowing more opportunity to deal with any problems which arise.

The marquees were set up the day before the Christmas Market and whilst this allowed sufficient time to erect the marquees, it did not leave sufficient time to decorate the marquees internally. The GMTA has asked for an additional day to set up to assist with this thereby improving the atmosphere within the marquees.


The traders attempted to manage the market between them but found insufficient time to manage the Christmas Market as well as their own stalls

A manager will be hired for the period of the Christmas market who will be responsible for the general running of the Market and dealing with any problems which arise

Although the GMTA appointed a manager, they were let down at the last moment through illness and had to manage the market themselves. This was not an issue on this occasion as the revised format had meant there were not the operational difficulties of previous years. It is their intention to appoint a manager in future years.

Opening Times

The opening times last year were 10am to 7 pm but trade was slow during the last hour

The opening times will be set from 10 am to 6 pm

It is proposed to continue to shut the Guildhall Market at 6pm but to open the Market in the car park until 7pm. There was customer demand to remain open until later.


A separate supply was installed for the Christmas Market last year but some modifications are required.

A representative from the GMTA will meet the Council's Building Services Engineer to discuss electrics and ensure safety requirements have been fulfilled

The arrangements were discussed and agreed with an electrical engineer from Property Services and worked well.


A banner was suspended between two freestanding poles at the entrance to the car park and was not aesthetically pleasing

The GMTA have stated that they will not attempt to suspend a banner from poles. They have been advised by the planning authority that their proposals to hang a sign on the marquee will not require planning or Advertisement Regulation consent as the sign will be on a temporary structure on private land. The GMTA are to employ a person to dress as Father Christmas who will direct people to the Market thereby avoiding the necessity to erect other signs

A person was employed and dressed as Father Christmas and directed people to the Market. The arrangement worked extremely well and avoided the necessity for additional signage.


Seating was not allowed in 2005 following the presence of unauthorised seating in 2004 which had disturbed the Register office.

Tables and chairs will not be allowed in the market although tall tables where customers may stand to consume their food and drink may be set up to the east end of the Market so that there is no disturbance to office users and the Register office

The tall tables worked extremely well and we have not received any complaints of disturbance.


No problems last year

GMTA will ensure that the bins from the Guildhall and any other neighbours affected by the arrangements, together with bins from the Market are brought to the front of the marquees on collection days to ensure easy access for the bin men

Whilst the GMTA adhered to the proposed arrangements, the organisers of events in the Guildhall did not make adequate arrangements for the proper disposal of their refuse and blocked the ramp.


Security Staff were given access to the compactor room in the Guildhall Market whilst on night duty and this affected the integrity of security in the market.

Security staff will be hired to patrol the market at night time. Access to the Guildhall Market after hours will be prohibited

The security arrangements worked adequately.