Meeting documents

Wednesday, 6th November, 2002



This document brings together the key suggestions made during the consultation phase for the local cultural strategy. Most responses were positive. There were many suggestions made. The most significant of these - where they relate to suggested additions to the context of the document and where there is support from more than one respondent - have been included below with suggested action.

It should be noted that not all the suggestions made have been included: only those where there seemed to be shared support among respondents have been listed. This is not to say that other suggestions made were not valid or should not be considered. The council holds a full list of comments made and other points put forward could be addressed by members of the internal culture working group or the new cultural partnership (if formed) in the development of the strategy.

Andrew Kelly






Make more use of World Heritage Site

World Heritage Site Management team to be part of cultural partnership


Provide summary in final document

In preparation


Add work of other organisations - such as Arts & Business, South West Arts, regional tourism and sports bodies, and other areas of the district to strategy

Agreed - to be added


Extend coverage on children's play

Include statement drafted by Michael Follett


Ensure that children's culture not just seen as sport

Make the involvement of children and young people a key theme of strategy


Ensure environment is included throughout document

Already in, but make stronger


Extend licensing hours

Council to debate


Stress importance of local food

Add to strategy


Prioritise capital developments

Council, cultural partnership and partners (SWRDA and others) to prepare report for debate


Pursue more work on sponsorship and fundraising

Cultural partnership to develop strategy


Pursue more research on cultural activities, trends, and impact

Cultural partnership to prepare and implement research strategy


Build better partnerships between education and culture

Internal cultural group to identify opportunities; cultural partnership to develop strategy


Introduction to text


Provide more information on Georgian history

Extend introduction


Green Issues


Develop sensory and interactive garden

Internal cultural planning team to discuss


Develop pocket parks

Internal cultural planning team to discuss



Provide greater support to arts organisations

To be discussed in Council and in cultural partnership


Extend cinema provision with open air cinema and better facilities in the Little Theatre

Await discussions with City Screen


Extend vision and work of festivals especially with closer working with Bristol

Cultural partnership to debate with Bristol Cultural Development Partnership


Disability Issues


Ensure full accessibility for all those that wish to participate and visit

Make access work in Roman Baths model for other venues, buildings and events


Work with Corporate Disability Officer and partners to make the strategy fully accessible over time




Strengthen Bath as city of festivals concept

Agreed, but need to ensure that rest of district benefits, especially festival activity outside of the centre


Launch initiative on marketing the arts to young people

Strategy already has as a priority - no further action


Launch youth arts magazine

Difficult to achieve without large subsidy. Open discussions with Decode and Venue