Meeting documents

Wednesday, 6th November, 2002


1. Consultation Analysis

1.1 The consultation process took place over a four-month period from July to October and the process included presentation, questionnaire and correspondence methodologies. The "core" consultees were residents, their relatives and staff in each of the current eight homes. A wider stakeholder group including voluntary organisations, doctors, council members and trade unions were sent questionnaires and a letter explaining the process and setting out the decisions of the July 12th Council Executive.

1.2 Approximately one third of the residents completed questionnaires whilst almost all staff made a return. Of the approximately 80 relatives who attended the presentation meetings (all of whom were given a questionnaire to complete) just over 30 made returns. The wider stakeholder group is however rather poorly represented in the returns but of those who did respond doctors were the largest group.

1.3 What follows is a brief analysis of the information gleaned from the questionnaire. No particular conclusions are drawn although where themes appear to be evident the text draws attention to them.

1. Question One

I think the new model of care will be good for current and future users of Older Peoples Services who need some form of supported care outside of their original community based home.

1.1 207 of the 227 respondents (92%) agree or strongly agree that the model of care as described in the July 12th 2002 Executive report is the right way forward for the authority in terms of its older peoples supported care services. Of these 54 were residents, 30 were relatives and 104 were staff. Only 5 people disagreed, and 14 professed no view.

2. Question Two

I think its right to have one new build Registered and Extracare complex in each of the three major population areas in B&NES i.e. Keynsham, Midsomer Norton and Bath.

2.1 208 of the 227 respondents (93%) indicated that they felt it was right to choose the three main centres of population in the Authority for the new developments. 54 of these responses were from residents, all the relatives' agreed and only 5 staff disagreed.

3. Questions Three/Four/Five

3.1 These questions asked people to comment on specific sites in the three main centres i.e. Keynsham, Bath and Midsomer Norton. Although it is not possible, owing to the anonymous nature of the returns, to identify which responses relate to which site it seems likely that people from each of the areas may have voted for the site to which they are most connected and entered a "don't know" vote for the other two.


3.3 A minor theme concerning the Carrswood site in Bath emerged from the staff written responses in relation to site-specific questions. Four of the thirty staff respondents were worried about vandalism, thefts, drugs and muggings in the Twerton area. They suggested this might put vulnerable older people at risk. It should be noted there is a Home relatively close to this site now and no particular concerns have been previously raised.

4. Residents Consultation

4.1 The reason for asking additional questions of the residents was to try and gauge whether current residents would favour receiving their care support in a Registered Care setting as opposed to the new Extracare arrangements. In addition we were trying to gain a sense of where people in our current homes would like to be located if only three sites were to exist in the future.

4.2 Residents were asked the following additional questions during their individual sessions with Yvonne Case and the Home manager.


Of the three areas in Bath & North East Somerset where the new homes are likely to be built (Midsomer Norton, Keynsham and Bath City) which would be your first, second and third choice to move to?

I understand from Yvonne Case that residents from Greenacres House opted for Midsomer Norton and those from Hawthorns House plumped for Keynsham. Residents from Tyndale, Green Park, Woodside and Marjorie Whimster asked to be placed in Bath City (Twerton). Sunnyside residents did not have individual interviews due to their frailty and people in Goldney House generally chose Midsomer Norton.

Question 2

If you were going to move to one of the new homes soon would you prefer to live in the sheltered flat with Extracare support or the Registered Care Home?

2.1 If one assumes the 10% "no comment" respondents might at least consider Extracare the current residents spoken to were split 50/50 on whether they would want to be cared for in a Registered Care Home or Extracare units in a sheltered housing block.

2.2 Using a common sense approach it would be usual to expect that people already in Registered Care would be more likely to choose a similar form of support given a choice rather than opting for change. Some clues as to the apparent enthusiasm for the more independent lifestyle can be found in the residents' comments summarised under question three below.

2.3 On the basis that Sunnyside residents would need to be in Registered Care in any event thus taking up 30 of the 105 Registered care places a further 75 remain available for the rest of the residents in other homes. The views of the sample of current residents appear to suggest that roughly half would want to be in Registered Care. In other words a further 75 would need Registered Care based on extrapolating from the sample.

2.4 Given that the 105/75 Registered/Extracare ratio envisaged under the new arrangements is meant to come into force overtime and in the context of new admissions rather than relocating current Registered Care Home residents, the information from the survey of the current group of residents is very encouraging.

Question 3

"Are there another points you would like to make or comments you would like the Councillors to take into account before they make a decision on the future of the Registered Care Homes in Bath & North East Somerset"?

3.1 These direct comments (each bullet point represents one resident) from residents include their preference for site and type of care as well as any additional comments they wanted to make. The numbers in each bullet point identify their answer to each of the three questions.

(Each resident's additional comments are highlighted in bold for ease of recognition).

· 1. Bath, Keynsham, MSN. 2. Extracare units. 3. The room is far too small, I like the idea of toilet and shower facilities.

· 1. Bath, Keynsham, MSN. 2. Extracare support. 3. Would love swimming facilities and attractive gardens.

· 1. Bath, Keynsham, MSN. 2. Sheltered Housing. 3. Would like to have more independence.

· 1. Bath. 2. Registered Care Home. 3. I would wish to be with the same staff group. Would wish to be near all shopping amenities with flat approach.

· 1. MSN, Keynsham, Bath. 2. Extracare Support. 3. I really like the idea of a larger room with toilet.

· 1. Bath, 2 & 3 don't know. 2. Registered Care Home. 3. I would like a larger room with ensuite facilities. Integration of residents with identified specialist needs. Need appropriate environment to manage their care needs (mental health).

· 1. MSN, Keynsham, not Bath. 2. Full residential. Would like to manage in groups. Presentation was good, with a very nice gentleman who "got through" to the residents all of the points. Very understandable.

· 1. Bath. 2. Registered Care Home. 3. The company of others is very important to me.

· 1. Bath. 2. Residential Care Home. 3. I support 100% this proposed team for fee service.

· 1. Bath.

· 1. Bath

· 1. Bath, Keynsham, MSN. 2. Residential Care Home. I am all for the improvements and support the proposed programme.

· 1. Bath. 2. Extracare Home. 3. Presentation gave clarity on future plans. Very interesting. Gave us something to look forward to.

· 1. Bath, Keynsham. 2. Registered Care Home.

· 1. Bath, Keynsham, MSN. 2. Extracare facilities. I am satisfied with the current service I receive.

· 1. Bath, Keynsham, MSN. 2. Registered Care Home.

· 1. Bath, Keynsham, MSN. 2. Sheltered housing. 3. Good presentation, good information - reception entrance facilities excellent - very impressed with proposals.

· 1. Bath. 2. Registered Care Home. I am happy where I am.

· 1. MSN, Bath, Keynsham. 2. Registered Care Home. Please make sure you achieve anticipated timescale. Presentation was very good.

· 1. MSN, Bath, Keynsham. 2. Extracare housing.

· 1. MSN, Keynsham, Bath. 2. Registered Care Home. 3. Presentation put over very well - a forward planning for the future. I do support this.

· 1. MSN (no other choice). 2. I would wish to go into a Registered Care Home. 3. I would like occasions to move on as quickly as possible.

· 1. MSN, Keynsham, Bath. 2. Extracare Support. 3. No. Can we move on with this? The quicker the better.

· 1. MSN, Bath, Keynsham. 2. Registered Care Home. 3. I support the ensuite and large room proposal.

· 1. MSN, Bath, Keynsham. 2. Don't know. A very clear and good presentation.

· 1. Keynsham, Bath, MSN. 2. Registered Care Home. 3. I'll go with the flow.

· 1. Keynsham, Bath, MSN. 2. Registered Care Home. 3. Services please bus route.

· 1. MSN, Keynsham, Bath. 2. Registered Care Home. 3. I really do need free residential care.

· 1. MSN, Bath, Keynsham. 2. Sheltered Housing. Would like to move with my friends in a group.

· 1. MSN. 2. Registered Care Home 3. No.

· 1. MSN. 2. Registered Care Home. 3. No.

· 1. MSN, Keynsham, Bath. 2. Registered Care Home. 3. A good presentation - very clear.

· 1. MSN, Keynsham, Bath. 2. Registered Care Home.

· 1. Bath, Keynsham, MSN. 2. Sheltered Housing.

· 1. MSN, Bath, Keynsham. 2. Sheltered Housing. 3. Please give consideration to providing accommodation for friends and relations on frequent visits.

· 1. Bath. 2. Care Home.

· 1. Bath, MSN, Keynsham. 2. Registered Care Home.

· 1. Bath only. 2. Registered Care Home.

· 1. Bath only. 2. Registered Care Home.

· 1. Keynsham. 2. Very Sheltered Housing.

· 1. Keynsham, MSN, Bath. 2. Extracare. 3. I am pleased that Hawthorne House site is in the proposal for a new guidance, as this would enable my husband to visit me regularly.

· 1. Keynsham, Bath, MSN. 2. Extracare. 3. Very good idea, I am in favour of plans.

· 1. Bath only. 2. Registered Care Home. 3. I would like to continue my visits to the Day Centres in Bath. I would like to be near shops.

· 1. Bath. 2. Registered Care Home. 3. Don't want to move from Greenacres House; I would like to move with groups of residents I socialise with. A home built in Twerton will be good as people can get into Bath quite easily.

· 1. Bath, Keynsham, MSN. 2. Registered Care Home. 3. Please ensure there are adequate smoking facilities for tenants, clients. Library facilities please.

· 1. Keynsham, Bath. 2. Extracare Home.

· I don't know anything about the sites at Keynsham or Midsomer Norton, and not much about the site at Twerton.

· Given the choice I would be interested in a Sheltered Housing unit in Keynsham area or Bath.

· I would like to stay in Bath in a Registered Care Home.

· 1. Keynsham, Bath. 2. Extracare.

· As a long standing resident of the Hawthorne, I would like to say how very happy I am with my accommodation. I would like to spend the rest of my life here. The staff are excellent, hardworking and very caring, altogether very nice. I do not want to move. I am very happy with the size of my room, I have a wash basin which I find adequate for my needs and I do not mind not having a toilet. A walk to the toilet gives me exercise and I like talking to people I meet on the way. I feel that for me there are more minuses than pluses moving in to a new building. Written on behalf of my mother.