Meeting documents

Wednesday, 6th November, 2002

Appendix 1

Capital Costs

The capital costs are based on the maximum cost of capital for each option estimated by Bruton Knowles Property Assets Consultancy.

Cost of reprovision Cost £m

Hawthorns site home 3.45

Greenacres site home 3.69

Carrswood site Home 2.25

Replacement of Carrswood Day Centre 1.9*

Total 11.29

*This estimate has increased since the July report due to a more detailed analysis of the requirements for the day centre.

Sales (Capital Receipts)

The capital receipts estimates were made by property services. These are the lowest estimates for receipts. A maximum estimate would generate receipts of £3.78million i.e. an additional £800,000.

Income £m

Tyndale -0.60

Sunnyside -0.28

Green Park -0.45

Goldney -0.25

Marjorie Whimster -0.40

Woodside -1.00

Total -2.98

Additional Capital Funding

Additional capital receipts are to be received from the sale of Mount Pleasant, Eastfield Avenue and Sedgemore Road Hostels. This will generate receipts of £590,000 with £281,300 planned for reinvestment in the replacement of Carrswood.

The net Capital position based on the above costings is as follows:

Cost of Reprovision £11.29m

Less Capital Receipts from Homes (£2.98m)

Less Capital Receipts from Hostels (£0.28m)

Net Capital Cost £8.03m

This compares with the sum available within the financial plan of £4.3m.

Opportunities to secure additional funding for bridging the gap of £3.73m are being investigated with registered social landlords.