Meeting documents

Wednesday, 6th October, 2004


FAIR ACCESS TO CARE SERVICES - Eligibility Framework


(risk is present now or imminent within one week)

Risks to a person's health and safety (mental and physical health) and/or risks to the health and safety of others.


· Behaviour presents a serious risk of harm, injury or neglect (intentional or accidental) to themselves or others

· Lack of capacity to appreciate danger e.g. fire risk

· Evidence of frequent falls

· Accommodation is hazardous or person is homeless

· Health problems make it difficult to live safely at home alone without support

· Person is highly dependent on the assistance of others to use aids, equipment and medication.

· Requires someone to monitor safety.

· Terminal stages of illness

· Carers health is being adversely affected

· Risk of abuse includes physical, sexual or emotional abuse (the vulnerable adult procedure to be instigated)


Risks to an individual's choice and control over the immediate environment


· Requires constant support and supervision to express and exercise choices about daily living

· Needs extensive adaptations, modifications or equipment to live independently in their own home (this could include access within and to the property)

· Unable to manage financial affairs/is at risk of financial abuse


Risks to daily routines -an individual's ability to look after personal care, domestic needs and other daily routines


· Needs intensive, daily care and support with personal care needs (e.g. transfers, washing, dressing, using the toilet). This can include help to the carer

· Unable to manage daily routines - hygienic cleaning, laundry, meals, shopping, and there is no family member, carer, friend to help.

· Without the provision of aids or adaptations (this could include access within and to the property) the disabled person will be unable to carry out most of the above tasks.

· Carer is no longer able or willing to provide support and assistance with above (includes young carers)


Risks to an individual's involvement in work, education, family life and social networks and community activities.


· Disabled person requires specialist support/services from SS at least 3 times per week to access and maintain work/training and education otherwise their vocational development and financial independence will be threatened.

· There is a risk to a carer's employment because of caring responsibilities.

· Carer requires an immediate break in order to sustain caring role.

· Without considerable assistance the disabled person cannot provide care to or supervise their child

· Without active intervention, such as counselling, vital relationships will breakdown

Shading indicates new or revised statements.


(risk is present now or likely to arise within 3 months)

Risks to Health and Safety (mental and physical) of an individual and risks to the health and safety of others.


· Concerns about actual or potential abuse which triggers the vulnerable adult procedure

· Behaviour of individual poses an identifiable risk of serious harm, injury or neglect (intentional or accidental) to themselves or others


Risks to an individual's choice and control over the immediate environment


· Needs help and support to communicate and exercise choice about daily living - needs may fluctuate but require a minimum of one visit per week.

· Needs adaptations or modifications to live independently in own home (this could include access within and to the property)

· Needs help to manage financial affairs (on a weekly basis) and there is nobody else who is able to assist.

· May be at risk of financial abuse



Risks to daily routines - an individual's ability to look after personal care, domestic needs and other daily routines.


· Requires a significant amount of support with personal care needs (e.g. transfers, washing, dressing, using the toilet). This can include help to the carer. A minimum of 3 hours assistance per week.

· The disabled person has unpredictable and/or increasing personal care needs and without assistance the situation would deteriorate rapidly.

· Needs time limited support from qualified staff to regain their independence

· Without provision of aids or adaptations the disabled person will be unable to carry out most of the above tasks (this can include access within and to the property)

· Needs help and supervision to manage daily routines - hygienic cleaning, laundry, meals and there is no there is no family member, carer, friend to help. min. 3 hours per week

· Carer provides 6 hours or more of personal care or supervision per week and without additional support being provided to the person they care for, the situation will break down.

· The disabled person is unable to heat up or organise a hot meal and there is no family member, carer, friend to help.

· Carer is providing substantial and regular care and requires a carer's service to enable them to go on caring.


Risks to involvement in work, education, family life and social networks and community activities.


· The disabled person requires the specialist support and co-ordination of SS (min. of one contact visit per week) to sustain their involvement in work/training and education (this includes training in personal living skills)

· The disabled person requires specialist support from SS to develop and maintain relationships outside the home - support required a minimum of once per week

· Needs assistance to carry out many aspects of their parenting role and cannot assume sole charge for sustained periods of time e.g. when a partner is away from home

· Key relationships have broken down and this is having a detrimental effect on an individual's mental health

· Carer is under stress and requires a planned shortbreak from caring or a carers service in order to maintain their caring role.





(risk is present now or likely to arise within 6 months)

Risks to daily routines - ability to look after personal care, domestic needs and other daily routines.


· A person's ability to carry out - a strip wash, hygienic cleaning (weekly) and heat up meals (daily) poses a threat to their physical wellbeing.




Risks to an individual's involvement in work, education, family life and social networks and community activities.


· Can maintain involvement in work and training with help and support from other statutory agencies and voluntary organisations but some assistance would enhance their development and opportunities.

· Needs some assistance and/or encouragement to participate in social and community activities.

· Some aspects of the parenting role such as taking the children out or to school can not be undertaken.


(risk is present now or is likely to arise in the next 12 months)

Risks to Daily Routines - an individual's ability to look after personal care, domestic needs and other daily routines.


· Has difficulty maintaining their house to preferred standard of cleanliness but it does not pose a threat to their physical wellbeing

· Assistance with some domestic tasks would improve a person's quality of life but is not essential to maintain their physical wellbeing This would apply to needs for which there are readily available services at reasonable cost - laundry, meals, shopping and pharmacy services.

· Has difficulty with bathing but is able to have a strip wash

· Aids may help with some tasks but these are readily available from specialist shops and Independent Living Centres and do not require a specialist assessment

· Bathing aids and rails would assist a person to bath but they are able to manage a strip wash


Risks to an individual's involvement in work, education, family life and social networks and community activities.


· Is able to maintain their involvement in work and training with help and support from other statutory agencies and voluntary organisations

· Experiences diminishing social activity which has an impact on quality of life

· Can take an active part in family life but additional support could enhance their role.