Meeting documents

Wednesday, 6th October, 2004




1 1 Corporate vision

1.1 Corporate ambition and vision for the public library service

1.1.1 Delivery of corporate objectives

2 1.1.2 Assessment of the capacity of the authority to meet the vision

1.1.3 Headlines of evidence to support the assessment

3 1.1.4 External evaluations - main points

2 Response to Framework for the Future

2.1 Books, reading and learning

2.1.1. Key strengths, constraints, challenges

4 2.1.2 Policies and practices for adults and children

2.1.3 Key points of activities to develop and evaluate practice

6 2.1.4 How the service fits into and/or contributes to the Authority's Educational Development Plan

2.1.5 Priorities targets and timescale for activities - Short term 04/05 & Medium term 05/06

7 2.2 Digital citizenship

2.2.1 Key strengths, Constraints and challenges

2.2.2 Policies and practices for adults and children

2.2.3 Services accessed electronically in libraries and remotely

8 2.2.4 Service involvement in implementing the Authority's e-government strategy

2.2.5 Activities to develop and evaluate practice

2.2.6 Priorities targets and timescale for activities - Short term 04/05 & Medium term 05/06

9 2.3 Community and civic values

2.3.1Strengths, challenges & constraints

2.3.2 Policies and practices for adults and children

2.3.3 Actions which assist library users and non users to develop citizenship and to encourage a community identity

2.3.4 How service links into Authority's plans to improve and develop customer services

10 2.3.5 Activities to develop and evaluate practice

2.3.6 Priorities and targets

2.3.7 Time scales Short term

11 2.3.7 Time scales - Medium term

2.4 Building capacity to deliver transformation

2.4.1 Key strengths, constraints and challenges

2.4.2 Actions to improve leadership, staff capacity and skills

12 2.4.3 Activities to develop and evaluate practice

2.4.4 Partnerships in place

2.4.5 Partnerships proposed

2.4.6 Priorities targets and timescale for activities - Short term 04/05

13 2.4.6 Priorities targets and timescale for activities - Medium term 04/05

2.4.7 Main points of any service or staff restructuring proposals that are being developed.

3 Public Library Standards: Information relating to standards met or not met in the financial year to March 31st 2003.

14 3.1 Standards not met in PLS 1-18 and actions to meet targets

15 3.2 Public library standards - Local targets identified in "Comprehensive, efficient and modern public libraries"

16 4 Resources

4.1 Spaces

4.1.1 Key strengths constraints and challenges

4.1.2 Adequacy of resources

17 4.1.3 Responding to challenges and constraints Short term & Medium /Long term

4.1.3 Responding to challenges and constraints Short term 04/05

4.2 Stock

4.2.1 Key strengths constraints and challenges

4.2.2 Adequacy of resources

4.2.3 Responding to challenges and constraints Short term & Medium /Long term

18 4.3 Staffing

4.3.1 Key strengths constraints and challenges

4.3.2 Adequacy of resources

4.3.3 Responding to challenges and constraints Short term & Medium /Long term

19 4.4 ICT

4.4.1 Key strengths constraints and challenges

4.4.2 Adequacy of resources

20 4.4.3 Responding to challenges and constraints Short term & Medium /Long term