Meeting documents

Wednesday, 6th September, 2006

Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive


6th September 2006




Revenue and Capital Budget Cash Limits and Virements - Quarter 1 2006/07









List of attachments to this report:

Appendix 1: Revenue & Capital Monitoring Commentary
Appendix 2:
Revenue Monitoring Statement: All Council Spending
Appendix 3:
Capital Monitoring Statement: All Council Spending
Appendix 4:
Proposed Revenue Virements 2006/07
Appendix 5:
Revised Revenue Portfolio Cash Limits 2006/07
Appendix 6:
Capital Programme Movements 2006/07
Appendix 7:
Revised Capital Portfolio Cash Limits 2006/07

Appendix 8: Review of Education and Transport 2005/06 overspends


1.1 This report presents the first monitoring information for the Authority as a whole for the financial year 2006/07 to the end of June 2006. The report also includes a number of budget transfer requests for both revenue and capital that require Council Executive agreement or are reported for information purposes as prescribed by the Budget Management Scheme.


The Council Executive is asked to agree that:

2.1 the expenditure and income position for the Council in the financial year to the end of June and the year end projections detailed in Appendices 2 & 3 of this report are noted.

2.2 the virements listed in Appendix 4 are approved and the changes in the capital programme listed in Appendix 6 are noted.

2.3 The report on Transport & Highways and Home to School Transport (Appendix 8) is noted and in light of the on-going budget pressures highlighted in these areas, the 2005/06 overspends are written off against the earmarked reserves created as part of the 2005/06 outturn report. (paragraph 5.7)


3.1 The financial implications are contained within the body of the report.


4.1 This report is for information and the recommendations do not directly contribute to specific Community Strategy outcomes.


5.1 The Annual Financial and Service Planning process allocates scarce resources across services with alignment of these resources towards our corporate improvement priorities as set out in the Corporate Plan. This report monitors how the Council is performing against the financial targets set in February 2006 through the Budget setting report.


6.1 This report is for information and the recommendations do not directly contribute to specific high level CPA Lines of Enquiry. However the report does provide the Executive with information on financial performance against the Council's budget as required under the "Financial Management" Key Line of Enquiry, which is part of the Use of Resources element of the CPA.


7.1 The Budget Management Scheme requires that the Council Executive consider the revenue and capital monitoring position on a quarterly basis.

7.2 For revenue, where overspent, services are expected to seek compensating savings to try and bring budgets back to balance. The Budget Management Scheme states that if overspending occurs it must be recovered.

7.3 Appendix 2 outlines the Council's current revenue financial position for the 2006/07 financial year to the end of June 2006 by portfolio. The Appendix shows that there will be a projected year-end overspend of £1,019,000 (or 1.0% of net budget). Appendix 3 outlines the Council's current capital financial position for the same period and shows spend to the end of June 2006 totalling £4.444m or 96% of profiled spend.

7.4 Significant areas of over and under spend are highlighted in Appendix 1, and further explanations of the reasons for over and under spends in the current year are provided within the notes to Appendix 2 (revenue) and Appendix 3 (capital). Management actions are being taken to ensure that, as far as possible, all overspends will be brought into balance by the year end, however, there are clear pressures emerging at an early stage, and these may increase as the year proceeds.

7.5 The Council's financial position, along with its financial management arrangements and controls are fundamental to continuing to plan and provide services in a managed way. Close monitoring of the financial situation provides information on new risks and pressures in service areas, and appropriate management actions are then identified and agreed to manage and mitigate those risks.


7.6 The provisional revenue and capital outturn was reported to the Executive on 7th June 2006. It was resolved at this meeting "To agree, at this stage, not to write off overspends in Education and Transport, but to create earmarked reserves to cover these overspends subject to reports on Home to School Transport and Transport & Highways to minimise the impact in 2006/07 and future years".

7.7 Appendix 8 provides background on the two overspends with an update on the position in the current year, and in both cases, offers a view that due to the on-going nature of the pressures the services will not be able to recover the 2005/06 overspends in 2006/07. In light of the on-going pressures being experienced in both Home to School Transport and Transport & Highways, it is recommended that the overspends are written off against the earmarked reserves created for these items.

7.8 The reported overspend for Education in the June report was stated at £339,000, and following late adjustments, the final position was slightly reduced to £329,000 as reported in Section 4 of Appendix 8. The final position on the Individual Schools Budget (ISB) was an underspend of £150,236 which is ring-fenced and automatically carried forward into 2007/08. The budget transfer to reflect the ISB carry forward and adjusted Education overspend is included in Appendix 4.


7.9 Revenue budget transfers requiring Council Executive approval are listed in Appendix 4 together with an explanation of why the transfer is necessary.
Appendix 5 indicates the effect upon service and portfolio cash limits if these proposals are approved.

7.10 Appendix 5 includes virements related to the Council restructuring which also requires some amendment to cashlimit headings to reflect the split of service responsibilities at Assistant Director level.

7.11 Changes to the capital programme are listed in Appendix 6, these include the carry forward of slippage from 2005/06. Appendix 7 provides the updated capital programme allocated by portfolio.


8.1 A risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations has been undertaken, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management guidance.


9.1 The report is presented as part of the reporting of financial management and budgetary control required by the Council.


10.1 None.


11.1 Consultation has been carried out with the Executive Councillor for Resources, Other B&NES Services, Section 151 Finance Officer, Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer.


12.1 This report deals with issues of a corporate nature.


13.1 The Council's Monitoring Officer (Council Solicitor) and Section 151 Officer (Resources Director) have had the opportunity to input to this report and have cleared it for publication.

Contact person

Paul Fox 01225 477468 ; Jamie Whittard - 01225 477213

Background papers

Budget Management Scheme

Appendix 1


1.1 Appendix 2 outlines the Council's current financial position for the 2006/07 financial year to the end of June 2006 by portfolio. The Appendix shows that there is a projected year-end overspend of £1,019,000 (or 1.0% of the net budget).

1.2 Significant areas of over and under spend are highlighted within this appendix, but further explanations of the reasons for over and under spends in the current year are provided within the notes to Appendix 2.

1.3 Children's Services portfolio - forecast £736,000 over spend

Education Services are predicting a year end overspend of £471,000, with the access service showing an overspend of £357,000 due to school transport costs. The main reasons for the Transport overspend are detailed in Appendix 8 of this report. There is also a £98,000 forecast overspend on Education Strategic Management, due to pensions as a result of amalgamated schools and falling pupil numbers. The balance within Education is made up of other smaller underspends in special education and non schools funding, and a £27,000 overspend on School Improvement, due to the implementation of new modules within the Education Management System (EMS).

The balance on the portfolio is made up of an underspend of £15,000 in Youth & Community, and an overspend of £281,000 in Social Services Children's Services due to the increase in Independent Fostering Placements since the start of 2005/06.

1.4 Resources Portfolio - forecast £143,000 over spend

The forecast overspend on this portfolio made up of a £75,000 overspend on Operations overheads, due to interim management arrangements and recruitment costs as a result of the Senior Management restructure, along with a £130,000 overspend in the Non-Business Unit of Human Resources, due to the projected non achievement of savings targets.

The balance within this portfolio is due to a forecast underspend in the Human Resources Business Unit of £61,000 as a result of vacant posts within HR teams, and other smaller over and under spends in Commercial Services and Corporate Support Services.

1.5 Economic Development Portfolio - forecast £118,000 under spend

This forecast underspend is mainly attributable to vacant posts in the Economic Development Admin team, Training Services and Employment Development Services. The forecast also includes the carried forward underspend of £56,000 from 2005/06.

1.6 Social Services Portfolio - forecast £164,000 over spend

Adult Services year end forecast is for an overspend of £76,000 due to the new external contract for extra care housing and a forecast overspend on adult mental health purchasing. The Learning Difficulties Pooled Budgets are forecast to be overspent by £136,000, due to care placements. This is offset against a forecast underspend of £42,000 in overheads due to vacancy management and savings in equipment purchase, as well as a £5,000 forecast underspend in Elderly Persons Homes.

1.7 Transport & Highways Portfolio - forecast £338,000 over spend

The forecast overspend on this portfolio consists of £250,000 in Public Transport due to the new obligation to provide free off-peak concessionary bus travel, and £100,000 shortfall of Penalty Charge Notice income from Parking Services due to less ticket issues and a £62,000 shortfall in Car Parking income.

This is offset against a £75,000 underspend in Highways & Transport overheads due to vacancy management.

1.8 Community Safety & Housing Portfolio - forecast £122,000 under spend

There is a forecast underspend of £50,000 in Environmental & Consumer Services and £50,000 in Public Protection as a result of vacancy management and surplus licensing income.

The remaining £22,000 forecast underspend in this portfolio is a number of smaller underspends in Voluntary Sector Grants, Housing and the Youth Offending Team.

1.9 Directors Group are actively managing the Council's financial position, the following management actions have already been implemented to reduce the projected overspend to the reported level:

Customer Services

Management Actions

Estimated Saving (£'000)

Capitalisation of Management Costs. £60,000 for Transport / Planning posts and £25,000 for Tourism.


Leisure & Amenity Services - vacancy management, cemeteries & crematorium price rises, and other savings.


Reduction in Highways maintenance expenditure.


Vacancy management and increase licensing income for Environmental & Consumer Services & Public Protection


Vacancy management in Traffic & Safety and requested write-off to reserves of 05/06 Public Transport Overspend


Deferring Sustainability work in Planning


Vacancy management in Highways & Transport overheads


Increase in Park & Ride fares & Parking Strategy Review


Reduction in spend on stock acquisition and cleaning of local libraries




Children's Services

Management Actions

Estimated Saving (£'000)

A review of placements and estimate of planned end dates. A number of management actions are taking place to prevent any new independent fostering placements and increase preventative support.




Adult Services

Action & (Service Impact to follow)

Estimated Saving (£'000)

The financial plan for learning difficulties approved by the Joint Commissioning Board(JCB) on 21st March anticipated this forecast overspend for the year. This plan includes target savings in this financial year of £797,000 related to 81 high cost placements. The target is ambitious but is being closely monitored by the Learning Difficulties Commissioning Panel and the JCB.


It is anticipated that due to the opening of St Johns Extra Care unit and the transfer of Avondown House to an extra care unit will lead to savings in the residential placement budget. This will be monitored on an ongoing basis.




1.10 Elsewhere on this agenda is a report on the Council's Service Planning process and Financial Plan position. Given the pressures on resources in the current year and future years, the Directors' Group are actively managing the Council's financial position with a view to bringing the reported revenue position for 2006/07 back in to line with budgets by the end of the financial year. Proposals on how this will be achieved are being developed and will be discussed by Directors' Group in September, and future monitoring reports will provide the Executive with an update on the situation. The Service Planning process also requires services to make plans for recovering in future years any potential overspends from 2006/07 which cannot be contained by the financial year end. This approach will help to remove any further calls on Council's reserves from requests to write-off overspends, in light of the need to increase reserves to reflect the potential risks faced by the Council. Executive members will be regularly briefed on progress by Directors and given an update in monthly monitoring reports.


1.11 On the 21st February 2006 a capital programme of £44.2 million was approved by Council. Since then, the following changes have been incorporated into the programme;



Disabled facilities Grant


Air Quality Monitoring


Integrated Children's System Grant


Hinton Hill (Supported Borrowing) Rephasing


Replacement of Cremators - Service financed borrowing


Education Seed Challenge - DSG financed borrowing


Schools Capital Programme - DSG financed borrowing


E-Learning Grant


Surestart Grant


School Travel Plan Grant


Fosseway Refurbishment Grant



Total Additions


1.12 As part of budget setting for the 2006/7 financial year, the School's Forum considered the saving generated from the closure and amalgamation of several schools as part of the school's review process. The resources identified from the review programme amount to £185,000 in 2006/7 and a further provisional £90,000 in 2007/8.

The resources saved have to be allocated to items deemed to be within the remit of the new Dedicated School's Grant (DSG). The Forum considered the need to invest further in capital projects to enhance the infrastructure of schools.

On 23rd January 2006, the Forum approved a budget plan that allocated the £185,000 to be used to prudentially borrow a capital sum to be invested in further capital projects in schools. The £185,000 was agreed to be used to repay the borrowing over a ten year period, to finance the £500,000 Seed Challenge and £928,000 Schools Capital Programme borrowing. A further £90,000 was identified for borrowing in 2007/8, although the School's Forum has the ability to reconsider this issue before setting its budget for 2007/8.

1.13 These additions give a revised capital programme of £48.2m as reported in Appendix 3. Further additions to the capital programme, including the remainder of the slippage from 2005/06 and the re-phasing of Elderly Persons Homes project (following a review of the expenditure and funding profiles), are reported in Appendix 6 and will be included in future capital monitoring reports.

1.14 Spend to the 30th June 2006 totalled £4.44m or 96% of profiled spend. Details of the current monitoring position are given in Appendix 3.

1.15 Current indications are that capital receipts targets assumed in the financing of the capital programme will be met in 2006/07. Progress against target will be monitored as the year progresses and any issues will be highlighted to Projects Programme Board and reported back to the Executive in future budget monitoring reports.

1.16 Spa Project Final Account & Completion draw down from Contingency - At the March 2006 and July 2006 Council meetings, approval was given to draw down a total of £1.120m from the corporate capital contingency. This was £610,000 to fund the completion work on the Project and £510,000 for the Final Account work.

1.17 This virement will leave a total cash backed corporate contingency of £2.3M in 2006/07, which reduces to £1.9m after the carry forward of the 2005/06 overspend is included.