Meeting documents

Wednesday, 6th September, 2006

Appendix 2

Statement by Cllr Marian McNeir to Council Executive 06-Sep-06.

I have received around 80 individual letters and emails from residents who are very concerned about the Inspector's report which recommended development of the Beechen Cliff School playing field for housing development. The officers' report rejects this for very relevant reasons set out in the report which I whole heartedly endorse.

As it says, the traffic levels on Greenway Lane are already well over the recommended levels. We have had an ongoing battle over many years to slow down the traffic on the Lane which is used as a rat run by many drivers and is a danger to residents and especially children. There have been several accidents and various measures have been put in place to slow down the traffic -- with limited success. More cars coming out onto this quite narrow lane from a housing development would only make the problem significantly worse.

As an educationalist, I am seriously worried by any school's plans to sell off their playing fields -- this is a precious green lung for not only the children of this generation but also in the future. Once sold, they can never be available for children again. I believe an additional point not covered in the report is that OFSTED has reported that the playing fields are too small for the school and the DFES tightened its own criteria for disposals just months after granting permission I am certain that the DFES would reject such a proposal in the light of this. The Inspector did not take account of this and therefore this is new evidence in favour of rejecting the Inspector's recommendations.

I do not think the Inspector took into account the setting of the listed Devonshire Buildings which is of considerable historical and architectural importance, nor perhaps did she give enough weight to the recreational needs of local people.

Finally, I would support the proposal that the Council proceed to formal adoption of the Local Plan, subject to the above modification concerning the Lower Field. I would not recommend a partial adoption which could be vulnerable to developers.

I would therefore ask the Executive to uphold the Officers' report and reject the re-allocation of this land.