Meeting documents

Wednesday, 6th April, 2005

Appendix 2

Best Value Definition

This definition is that used by MouchelParkman in their technical appraisal of the project between March 2004 and August 2004.

Justifying action: (Is it necessary?)

Carry out an overview to ensure that two pre-requisites are met: firstly, that there is a clearly identified need; and secondly, that any proposed action is likely to be worth the cost.

Setting objectives: (What is to be achieved?)

Clearly set out the desired outcomes and objectives of an action in order to identify the full range of options that may be available to deliver them. Key indicators should be identified to aid progress towards meeting objectives.

Option appraisal: (Alternative ways of meeting the key objectives)

Carry out an option appraisal. This is often the most significant part of the analysis. Initially a wide range of options should be created and reviewed. This helps to set the parameters of an appropriate solution.

Developing and implementing a solution: (Assessment and Recommendation)

Following the option appraisal, decision criteria and judgment should be used to select the most appropriate option or options, which should then be refined into a solution.

Evaluation: (Continual improvement)

The main purpose is to evaluate actual outcomes and ensure that lessons are widely learned, communicated and applied when assessing future actions.