Meeting documents

Wednesday, 6th April, 2005


Held at Southdown Infant School, 4pm on 13 January 2005

Staff Meeting 4:00pm (approx 14 present)

The meeting was opened by Tony Parker who gave a brief explanation as to why a further meeting was being held.

Responses were then requested from attendees:

Please note -

Q = Question to Tony Parker and/or Bruce Austen

A = Answer from TP and/or BA

R = Response from audience

Q: Would it be a 2 x 240 school?

A: Keeping it at 240 is not an option, we use multiples of 30 per class, 3 classes = 90 or 4 classes = 120 etc.

R: We have huge numbers of special needs and behaviour pupils which involves a lot of qualified staff.

A: How do you view new school, recognise needs of area.

R: Do we think it is a good idea to build new school.

Q: If these schools are amalgamated to a Primary School then will we have new buildings for a new school?

R: That is our feeling if the amalgamation goes forward then we believe we should build a new school. These are not high quality buildings; sometimes it is more expensive to keep some parts of the present buildings when schools amalgamate.

R: It could be advantageous to have new larger school.

R: Do you think it would be a good idea to have proper facilities for parents group.

Q: If we had new school would the classrooms be larger?

A: Standard classroom size is 60 square metres which would allow couple of PC's depending on size of child. The younger the child the more space is allocated.

Q: The infant class has 23 pupils cannot imagine another 7 in the class!

A: There is no legislation on size of classroom.

A: We can build classrooms to 54 square metres which is guidelines set down by government, there can be gains made on these spaces whichever is the most beneficial.

Q: Do we have any involvement in the building of a new school?

A: We have experience in this and we will try to understand your issues and you will have to understand ours.

A: This all starts from beginning, we all get together when architect and other key people are selected.

Q: What timescale are we talking about?

A: Quite sometime, it's all about money. We have two ways to get the money, raise it yourself of from Central Government, they have a Target Capital Fund. We have been successful twice from this fund and if we are successful again and get the money we need to build new school we could be looking at 2007/08.

Q: When would we know if we were successful with Government Funding?

A: A year from now, we would get the money from Government Fund end of March 2006 which means a new school could be opened in three years time.

A: 2007 is looking remote, 2008 is more likely.

Q: What is the position for teachers and staff?

A: If you have 6 full time teachers, some for juniors and other staff. If we go for 2008 for new school opening then we would have to see- if any staff leave they may not be replaced. Possible most will not leave; some may take early retirement or job share. A decision would have to be made. We do not expect people to have to apply for their job. From teachers to staff, what would you like to do in new school; personnel department will try to assist so everyone is accommodated. It comes back to should it be 210 school or bit bigger.

Q: What happens to staff that are not required?

A: Redundancy

Q: Are there no relocation options?

A: No, we do not have those types of packages, about 10 years ago we did but that all disappeared. No guarantee if person goes for job elsewhere that they would get the job.

Q: Shrinkage of size of school is worrying, birth rate always fluctuates?

A: This size is very large, we could extend the school.

Q: Will there be option to build onto this school?

A: Yes there is, we get information from the local hospitals as to how many children have been born in a particular year. Therefore we can make sure we have enough school places.

A: A map was circulated as to where the children live who attend this school, and some pupils could attend closer schools.

Q: I believe you should have choice of which school you wish to send your child. Are they still going to have choice on where they send their child?

A: Yes, it 210 place school is build then children who live further a field would not be able to attend as this school would be full.

Q: What about the development at Western Riverside?

A: 127 houses to be built on Clark site, but we cannot comment on Western Riverside as we do not know what will happen.

A: If development went ahead opposite then assume a school would be built to accommodate these children.

Q: Do you propose to build houses on this site?

A: We cannot rule that out, our thought is, if we do not want it sell it and make money, if it was foreseen that we would not need it. The building you have now are far too big at the moment, building twice the size you need spending more money than you need to.

Q: At the schools that have already amalgamated, do they have separate playtimes for infants and juniors?

A: Yes

Q: What would you do whilst building a new school, close the school?

A: No, we would have to make sure you still operate.

Q: You said you would not build on playing field?

A: No we cannot build houses on the playing field.

Q: What is stopping you selling school area after new school has been built on playing field?

A: The school would need a playing field.

Q: This would bring more traffic to this street?

A: Some one may put up 150 houses which would bring more traffic to area.

A: You have 30% more space in infants than you need, long corridors and funny size rooms, this is worse at the juniors. New school would be new shape to get rid of wasted space, if we build a 420 school then we would not need all this space, if land is sold off then we would not be able to expand the school.

R: We like the idea of a new school but believe 210 not large enough. The area is horrible, under privileged. We have 2 heads at the moment if you only have 1 head at the new school and cut staff then you will have problems.

A: Talking about Capital Fund to build new school which would be unusual and unique.

Q: Our children need more space!

A: Can I ask what else you would like on site?

R: Private childcare is just up and running, offer parents the same hours as school time, take children from 3 years of age.

R: If this is a community school then give them what the want.

R: Something in this area for speech therapy.

Q: Would new school defiantly be a primary as opposed to separate infant and juniors?

A: We believe it would be better to have all through primary school; you would get to know all the children and parents. Teachers able to change to teach young children then older if they preferred. Staff training together, talking to year 1 and 2 teachers about year 6 pupils. Can have separate playtimes for infant and juniors.

Q: What we have found in past is that parents are happy to send children to infants but when it comes to moving onto juniors they move to another school.

A: Schools have separate ethos, parents have feel of school, less likely to change school if school is an all through primary.

Q: Are you saying it is a luxury to have separate infant and juniors?

A: No, it is the way things go; we have some successful schools like yours that have separate infant and junior. As a council we will always look to build a primary school.

Q: So it is not a financial advantage?

A: There is a financial gain.

Q: Can you not get the money to change this school into a primary?

A: We would need 1.8 billion to change school into primary compared to 2.7 billion to build new school which is the cost of Radstock new primary school.

Q: We worry about reception pupils mixing with older year 6 pupils?

A: We understand this.

A: We do not believe school should be lower than 210 pupils, if building larger school then may have mixed age classes.

Q: What is the next size school you have talked about after 210?

A: 280 would be the next best size.

Q: Have you looked at other models in other areas, any happened 10 years ago?

A: We visit new schools to get ideas. Are you asking about the 40's?

Q: Are there other areas you have looked at, you mentioned Radstock?

A: Tomorrow we could find 50 schools in other area's done 5, 10 or more years ago and the mistakes that were made.

Q: Will the staff be involved in this?

A: Yes, how it was set up, staffing etc.

R: Going back to speech therapy.

Q: At the moment juniors have a swimming pool, would new school have one?

A: Would you get a swimming pool in the new school, highly unlikely unless you know of some one who would pay for one.

Q: What have we not been told?

A: This process started back in 1997, we do not have to hide anything, you can ask me any question and I will answer.

Q: What is the bottom line, if parents and staff do not want this amalgamation, will it still go ahead?

A: No, all responses will go before the Council Executive, if they say no it will not go through.

A: The amount of money saved from the loss of 1 head teacher is not great. A new school would be good for the community, good schools leads to happy parents. There is no pressure on us at the moment because we do not have the money, if Target Capital not successful then we would still aim to build new school. I believe in 10 to 15 years time this school will be a primary. The advantages are not enormous at the moment. The 6th April this year the report goes to Council Executive, closure notices will not be issues until after consultation process so it is still long way to go before any change. There are no real pressure's to force this through.

5:15 Meeting came to a close.