Meeting documents

Wednesday, 6th April, 2005


Held at Southdown Junior School, 4pm on 11 January 2005

Staff Meeting 4:00pm (approx 19 present)

The meeting was opened by Tony Parker who gave a brief explanation as to why a further meeting was being held.

Responses were then requested from attendees:

Please note -

Q = Question to Tony Parker and/or Bruce Austen

A = Answer from Tony Parker and/or Bruce Austen

R = Response from audience

Q 2 main concerns are about timescales of any future changes and job security for existing staff. We wish to maintain good quality teachers at the current schools so need to know more. One of our main worries is about losing current staff.

A Very difficult to give exact timescales at moment as currently in early stages of review and no concrete decisions made as yet. Other schools in authority have amalgamated in the past (Fosse Way) which are a similar type to Southdown Infant and Junior schools and has worked well. We hope with all reviews, that staff will want to transfer over to new schools and that the move will cause as few job losses as possible. If smaller new school, then some job losses may occur.

Q Does this mean interviews and applications to made to the new school?

A This hasn't been determined as yet but would probably be a transfer over although some choices may have to be made if job losses encountered. May be some natural wastage etc. Redundancy package offered if place not available for some staff but no obligation to offer post in new or other schools. LEA can ask that other schools give priority to staff who don't have jobs in new school but no obligation on them either. If new school has fewer numbers, then some jobs may be lost as not as many staff needed. Office staff may be difficult area as there are currently two lots of staff and only one set will be needed at new school. Headteacher has to be advertised nationally along with Deputy Headteacher.

This consultation outlines that the earliest to start anything concrete will be September 2007 - no funds at present but 3 years from getting money to opening school. It is advised that staff do not panic at this stage as whole process long way off at present.

Q Where will new site be - here?

A We will use existing sites so would consider entire site for placement of new school. Unsure about which site at moment.

Q Will new school have less area?

A Yes. New school will be smaller and use less area.

Q Is funding secured?

A If Council Executive advise going ahead, then funding will have to be sourced. Also, the funding will have to be sourced before legal notices are published about closing schools. If government promise money - new school will be built.

Q Can we adapt this current school?

A Yes, but more beneficial to rebuild if given funds and current buildings are old with the Infants in relatively poor condition. Architects could give views on whether some parts could be refurbished and re-used but this will need to be investigated. No huge costs saving in remodelling. Rebuild more costs effective in long run without having to make compromises.

Q How much field will be used for new school?

A 1,300 M2 needed for new school. Not all field needed therefore Infant has over 3 times size recommended by DfES. Junior has 80% the size recommended by DfES. Infant and Junior both over recommended size.

Q Surestart say they have seen school plans - is this true?

A They must be mistaken as no formal plans done yet as too early in process at this time. We have talked about location of new school but nothing in writing yet - just discussions at present.

Q What if you get no money from government?

A May resubmit if LEA feels that new school good idea. If not, may commit LEA funds if available. If statistics show huge momentum for building new school, funds will try to be sought as best as possible. If no momentum, then may well not go ahead with scheme.

Q Where will this momentum be from?

A Staff, governors, children, headteacher and ward councillors.

Q Are all other schools in pairs in similar situation regarding area reviews and will they go through same process as these schools?

A No, others examined during review but these schools chosen due to NOR, location of sites, state of buildings etc. Review process is ongoing cycle so some schools may be reviewed next time round.

Q What will happen to excess land?

A May be sold, may be kept as greenbelt - depends on funds given by government. Generally to be sold as can be sued to fund scheme.

Q Will you notify residents of new school and land usage change?

A All residents will be consulted. Some concerns may be raised about land being sold for houses but playing fields are protected so in general are difficult to sell.

Q The staff feel it is difficult to feedback today as there is not a clear enough picture of what will be on the land, along with the school, in the future.

A Key issues should be facilities at new school - extended school, new services, day care, nursery provision, childcare, after school clubs etc. Legal notices explain what LEA intends to do with details, so local people know what is happening. We purely need opinions at this time on what you have heard during this meeting and how you feel about it.

Q What happens to staff and children during build of a new school?

A A new school will be built around the old school - this happening very well at Radstock at present. Safety is paramount and as there is a lot of room at Southdown Junior, this will be easier to manage.

Q What happens if pupil numbers fall before 2007?

A We can't envisage this happening to an extent where it becomes problematic. However, there is sufficient housing here to keep school in children over a long period of time.

Q Won't the relocation of St Johns RC effect numbers at this or a future school?

A No - St Johns is Catholic for a start and parents may not move their children to a CofE school and second to this, St Johns will be nearly full so would not cope with a large migration of pupils from another area.

Q If money is tight, then will you still have additional spaces? We have a lot of space here and may not get this in a new school.

A If we get targeted capital - it will be up to us to determine layout etc. Stakeholders within the two current schools will need to determine what needs are prior to a bid going in. After funds are authorised, school will be large part of build design, layout etc and will contribute towards new building in every aspect. We will not copy layout of any existing building and a contract to build a new school will be built on individual basis. With Bath Special School, all staff have been involved right up to planning submissions so great deal of input required and expected from existing schools.

Q Will there be a swimming pool in new school?

A Unlikely at present but will be investigated.

Q As Culverhay has so many facilities, why do we need them?

A All schools should have their own but negotiation will be made so that wastage not encountered or duplication of facilities.

Governors Meeting 6:00pm (approx 6 present)

Q The Governors intend to write to the LEA with a lengthy formal response after this meeting.

Q Does School Organisation Committee get involved at this stage?

A No.

Q What can we offer our school at present - raising standards?

A New school will be a 210 pupil school - brand new build - amalgamation of both Junior & Infant schools - may be an extended school - all through ages.

Q Will size of facilities change? Swimming pool?

A Facilities will have to meet DfES size guidelines but not sure about swimming pool as whether this is included is still under discussion.

Q The current Governors have been to the new Radstock Schools to look at the site etc. St Nicholas School appears to be tight on space and field small although they meet DfES sizes - we are worried same will happen here. Removing any part of existing site will be detrimental to future school even though LEA say current site too big. Fear that smaller site won't be good. Large green space needed and LEA shouldn't reduce. As we have it, we should retain it.

Q All through ages sounds reasonable but there is concern about 210 NOR and we wish to know where this figure comes from? 240 should be minimum number. What is the size of the nursery? Staffing levels should be maintained and not reduced. Demographic changes - pupil number falling but Southdown hasn't gone down as much as other areas in Bath - has LEA taken this into account? 290 children at present - where is 210 from and what will happen to the other 80 children? We feel that the Southdown Schools are taking the brunt from falling NOR across the whole of the area.

A Numbers have fallen considerably over the last 6 years (420 to 290) and an average class size of 30 has determined future estimation of 210 place school. We need to keep non-mixed age groups and class sizes of 30 so 210 nearer than 420. By 2007, 210 may be more realistic number with a 1 form entry. 8 teaching bases preferred.

Q We are concerned we will get less facilities than we currently have.

A Our aim is to make the local school a natural choice for parents which should also reduce surplus places from some areas. Demographic changes are being looked at for whole of area and our information shows numbers are still falling.

Q We feel 210 is too small and should be increased slightly to cater for extra children if needed.

A Based on demographic information - the numbers are far less than 280. We are also trying to avoid mixed age classes based on 40 per class. Not a good pattern whereas 210 won't cause this but does remove some parental choices etc.

Q There are currently new houses being built around here - has LEA taken this into account?

A LEA has considered this. 8 schools in this area and all housing developments will be able to go to these without problems of sufficient places. There are currently enough schools for new houses and future, proposed developments.

Q Reducing capacity may force parents to go elsewhere which is wrong. The LEA is too rigid and surely the LEA can have a 280 school without mixing age groups? Also, if numbers are still going down, will 210 reduce over the years even further and ultimately cause the school to close in future?

A We can't see this happening. There are an ample number of houses to need a school in this area in short to medium term. Understand concerns about 210 place school and this will be investigated further.

Q 30 class size difficult to manage. Pupils, NOR & class sizes to be determined first. A state of the art school is desired and not average but at this stage, NOR & staffing issues need to be discussed first.

Nursery and extended facilities needs to be sorted out now. Whole school to be designed and needs sorted out in early stages of development.

We are also concerned that once decision is made to build a new school, all discussions will be removed from staff, governors etcl. Can we see basic plan of what will happen step by step and timeframe etc?

A Timescale can be laid out which is easy to understand.

Q Will we be stuck with a design we don't like?

A No, stakeholders will be involved all the way along so no decisions made that are not majority.

Q What size are we going to have - how much will we lose? We don't consider any wasted space in our current school, ie the corridors etc.

Q Why not refurbish the existing schools instead of rebuild?

A This may be considered or investigated. No option is ruled out. However, new build is more cost effective. Also, Infant block not refurbishable. Junior - some could be looked at and refurbished. To be investigated. If economic and quality, will be considered.

Q What's happening to our current field?

A We will look at both sites as single site and place new building in best ground pending investigations and planning feedback then Executive may decide to either close the existing schools or build a new or leave it as it is. If first option, we then have to see if we can raise funds first. Basic plans to be done around this time. If funding gained - closure notices issued. 6 week objection time then allowed. Once these are received, SOC then decide if to go ahead with scheme or not. If new school is decided, this goes out to tender to architects. HT & governors involved at this stage also. LEA wants full involvement from school, governors, children and stakeholders etc. LEA guarantees this level of involvement.

Q There are lots of rumours going around but not much actual information has been sent around by LEA - when will we receive more factual information?

Q When will closure notices go out because when they do, this will almost guarantee that numbers on roll will drop once they have?

A This may not be the case as a brand new school will be built which will be better for children and parents. Earliest time for closure notice is probably around early 2006. If funding rejected, we can resubmit or improve bid or find funds elsewhere.

Q There is a General Election in 2005 which could cause problems with any bid for a new school. Secondly with regard to closure notices - there are lots of junior schools around here so parents might move their children immediately which will cause problems with current NOR at these two schools - we have grave concerns about these points.

A Other schools within this area may also feel that a new school means they may lose their children to it so understandably everybody has concerns. An emphasis on balance is needed.

Q Budgets and funding - is capital works total or education?

A There is education capital which has to be spent on education and cannot be filtered to other services.

Q Collective response will be made to LEA by governors at a later date.

7:25 end of meeting