Meeting documents

Wednesday, 6th April, 2005

Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive




6th April 2005



A Review of Primary Schools in North West Bath




E 632


All but particularly Newbridge and Weston


List of attachments to this report:

Appendix 1 - Final report of the Education, Youth, Culture & Leisure Overview & Scrutiny Panel

Appendix 2 Draft notes of EYCL OSP Public Meeting held at the Guildhall 14th March 2005

Appendix 3 A Review of Primary Schools in North West Bath - A Discussion Paper


1.1 Falling rolls in schools are a national issue which is reflected in Bath & North East Somerset. Examination of the number of unfilled and potentially surplus places in schools can ensure that funding is directed to where it is most needed, to the benefit of all pupils. Reviews of the way in which schools are organised are therefore an important element of the Council's strategic management role. Regular examination of the supply of, and demand for, school places is essential in order to ensure that education is being delivered in the most effective way.

1.2 At September 2004 the North West Bath area has, using the Audit Commission method of calculation (see 4.4), 76 unfilled primary school places which represents 7.34% of capacity in the area.


The Council Executive is asked to:

2.1 Note the valuable work of the Education, Youth, Culture & Leisure Overview & Scrutiny Panel (EYCL OSP) and consider their recommendations as set out in Appendix 1.

2.2 Note the need for future substantial capital investment at Weston All Saints Primary School and instruct officers to explore all possible sources of funding.

2.3 Agree that a consultation exercise is undertaken to consider the possible amalgamation of Newbridge St John's C of E Infant School and Newbridge Junior School.

2.4 Members are asked to note the Panel's strong view that any savings as a result of amalgamation should be reinvested in schools for building repairs and improvements.

2.5 Agree to the Panel's recommendation that the Executive Members for Lifelong Learning and Transport & Highways explore the feasibility of providing a pelican crossing on Penn Hill Road to enable safe access to the St Mary's Catholic Primary School playing field.


3.1 There are no measurable financial implications at this stage but should following consultation, it be decided to amalgamate the Newbridge Schools then revenue savings will be achieved. However should amalgamation be agreed following consultation some capital investment will be required to ensure facilities reflect the needs of the `new' school. A feasibility study will be undertaken as part of the consultation process to identify essential works required. It is not expected that these will be significant and will be met from the Education Capital Programme.

3.2 The need to rebuild part of Weston All Saints Primary School and the possible opportunity to rebuild the whole school is a potentially significant call on the Council's capital resources. A replacement Junior Block is estimated at £3m with up to £5m for a new school.

3.3 An opportunity exists to secure funding through the Targeted Capital Fund(TCF). However, DfES expect local authorities to support 20% of the costs of any project undertaken under TCF. As the present Education Capital Programme is fully committed for the next three years the 20% contribution required cannot be identified at this time.

3.4 The provision of a pelican crossing in Penn Hill Rd would be an item to be considered for inclusion in the Transportation and Highways capital programme subject to availability of funding.


4.1 At its meeting on 9 July 2003 the Council Executive adopted a School Organisation Plan (the Plan) for the period 2003-2008. At a meeting of the full Council on 17 July the Plan also received unanimous support and the Plan was finally approved by the School Organisation Committee (a body independent of the Council) on 22 July 2003.

4.2 The Plan included a new process for undertaking reviews of schools. This process was developed through work undertaken by the EYCL OSP who consulted widely and heard from a number of key stakeholders during the process. The Plan is on the Council website at:

4.3 The Plan stated that those areas most in need of review were those which presented the highest number of unfilled, and thus potentially surplus, places. This work was completed during the 2003/04 academic year. At its meeting on 6 July 2004 the School Organisation Committee agreed that the Authority should continue the review process and complete reviews in the remaining areas of Bath and the adjoining planning area of Bathavon.

4.4 Members are invited to note that the method used by the Department for Education & Skills for calculating the numbers of unfilled places only takes into account the number of places unfilled at schools where capacity exceeds the number of children on roll. It does not take account of the deficit of places at schools.

4.5 An initial document was prepared and distributed to key stakeholders for `fact-checking' in January 2005. Following responses a number of corrections and clarifications were made and a further document was issued in February 2005. This document attached at Appendix 3 contained all the agreed facts, requests for clarification and correction, the LEA response to those requests and some draft conclusions drawn up by Officers.

4.6 The EYCL OSP organised a visit to each of the schools covered by this Review. The tour took place on 23rd February 2005.

4.7 The revised document referred to in 4.5 was discussed at a specially arranged public meeting of the EYCL OSP, held on 28th February 2005. The meeting heard contributions or received written statements from schools covered by this Review plus other speakers.

4.8 All speakers concurred with the aims of the Review.

4.9 The Panel reached their conclusions taking into account the views expressed at the public meeting and their observations of the schools during the tour.

4.10 The Panel presented their findings at a public session on 14th March 2005. The final report of the Panel is attached at Appendix 1 together with the draft minutes of that meeting which are attached at Appendix 2.

4.11 Members are invited to note the recommendations of the Panel.

4.12 The Panel noted the good quality of education in all the schools and the commitment to high educational standards.

4.13 The Panel were agreed that only a minor reorganisation of the schools in North West Bath was necessary chiefly that the possibility of the amalgamation of the Newbridge schools should be explored.

4.14 Members are asked to note the deteriorating condition of the junior block at Weston All Saints Primary School which is being regularly monitored by structural engineers to ensure there is no danger to pupils or staff. A feasibility study already underway will consider the options for both replacing the junior block and the provision of new school building which would see the Infant Block which does not have structural problems, also replaced. The blocks are currently at either end of a large site and present management difficulties for the school. Ultimately the level of capital funding available will determine the scope for replacing both blocks. Should the amalgamation of the Newbridge schools be agreed the capacity of a rebuilt Weston All Saints Primary will need to take into account the size of the `new' Newbridge school to ensure that there is sufficient capacity in the area.

4.15 Members are asked to agree with the Panel's recommendation to consult on the possible amalgamation of Newbridge St John's C of E Infant School and Newbridge Junior School. The willingness of the governors to engage in consultation as expressed to the Panel is welcome.

4.16 Members will be aware that Newbridge St John's Infant School is a voluntary controlled school and Newbridge Junior School is a community school. A consultation exercise would need to address the category of any `new' school and views would be sought from the schools, parents and the Diocese of Bath & Wells within the context of the overall balance of denominational places in the LEA.

4.17 The recommendation of the Panel that the feasibility of providing a pelican crossing on Penn Hill Road to provide safe access to the St Mary's Catholic Primary School playing field reflects a need separately identified by Highways officers and is already under consideration for inclusion in a future year capital programme.


A risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations has been undertaken, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management guidance.


6.1 Although the level of unfilled places is within the range acceptable for this cluster as set out in the School Organisation Plan the possible amalgamation of the Newbridge Schools offers the scope to remove some places and achieve a better utilisation of accommodation.

6.2 The opportunity to explore the possibility of amalgamation is in line with the LEA's stated preference for all through primary schools.


7.1 The only other option would be not to explore the possibility of amalgamation but this would be a missed opportunity given the potential benefits and the willingness of the schools to consider this.


8.1 Consultation is outlined in the body of the report.

Contact person

Chris Kavanagh, Schools Capital &Organisation Team

01225 395149

Background papers

School Organisation Plan 2003 - 2008