Meeting documents

Wednesday, 5th November, 2008

Bath & North East Somerset Council




5 November 2008




Public Realm and Movement Strategy for Bath City Centre - Draft for Consultation








List of attachments to this report:

Appendix 1: Creating the Canvas for Public Life in Bath: Draft Public Realm and Movement Strategy for Bath City Centre 

Appendix 2: Executive Summary of above


1.1 A long-term Public Realm and Movement Strategy for Bath City Centre entitled `Creating a Canvas for Public Life in Bath' has been prepared in draft on behalf of the Council by the Directorate of Development and Major Projects. This has been developed by a cross-corporate team and has been the subject of initial internal consultation. It is recommended that this Strategy is now released for statutory public consultation prior to its completion and intended formal adoption by the Council.

1.2 When the principles, concepts and ideas within the Strategy have been consulted upon and agreed, it is intended that a developer contributions model will be consulted upon either as i) an addendum to the Bath and North East Somerset Development Contributions SPD (Supplementary Planning Document) or ii) as part of the review of that SPD.

1.3 Further public realm and movement strategies for the town centres of Keynsham, Midsomer Norton and Radstock are planned as part of the forthcoming development of Regeneration Delivery Plans for each centre. These strategies will similarly seek to reflect the individuality and distinctiveness of each place.


The Cabinet agrees that:

2.1 The draft Public Realm and Movement Strategy for Bath City Centre be released for a statutory public consultation process.


3.1 The draft Public Realm and Movement Strategy puts forward a 10-20 year plan to transform the quality and function of the public realm within Bath city centre in order to i) increase the economic, social and cultural vitality and sustainability of the Bath and North East Somerset area and ii) enhance the long-term value and sustainability of the Council's commercial estate.

3.2 The financial implications of consulting upon this Strategy amount to a maximum expenditure of £10,300, which is within existing budgets.

3.3 Further work is currently being progressed to provide the Cabinet with an initial design concept and costing for the proposed first phase of capital works to refashion the public realm and the likely financial implications of realising the wider Public Realm Plan over the next ten to twenty years. This is due to be reported to Cabinet alongside the completed Strategy in the first quarter of 2009.

3.4 As outlined in 1.2 above, once the principles, concepts and ideas within the Strategy have been consulted upon and agreed, it is intended that a developer contributions model will be consulted upon either as i) an addendum to the Bath and North East Somerset Development Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) or ii) as part of the review of that SPD.


4.1 The Public Realm and Movement Strategy will contribute directly to achieving the following corporate priorities:

  • Building communities where people feel safe and secure
  • Sustainable growth
  • Addressing the causes and effects of Climate Change
  • Improving transport and the public realm


5.1 An executive summary outlining the key principles and messages of the Public Realm & Movement Strategy for Bath City Centre is attached at Appendix 2.

5.2 As outlined in 1.2 and 3.4 it is intended that the Strategy be adopted as SPD to the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan. It will supplement policies on design; the shopping environment; the natural environment; the built and historic environment; and access. These policies will be used to determine whether development proposals and projects affecting Bath's city centre successfully address public realm and movement considerations. The most relevant Local Plan policies are reproduced within the Strategy, although other Local Plan policies may also be relevant. The Strategy will also be incorporated into the emerging Core Strategy and Local Development Framework.

5.3 In order to carry the weight of SPD the Public Realm and Movement Strategy must be subject to a Sustainability Appraisal. A Scoping Report has been produced and is currently the subject of consultation with statutory consultees. This sets out the key baseline evidence that suggests action is needed and proposes a way of assessing the sustainability credentials of the Strategy. Following this a Sustainability Appraisal of the Strategy will be undertaken to ensure that sustainable development is promoted through the integration of social, environmental and economic considerations into the preparation of the Strategy. The Sustainability Appraisal will be made available for statutory public consultation alongside the Strategy and will set out its implications in relation to sustainability objectives.

5.4 If Cabinet agrees to the release of the Draft Public Realm and Movement Strategy for Bath City Centre for statutory consultation, then it will be subject to a minimum of six weeks' consultation. Responses will be analysed and changes to the draft Strategy made as appropriate. It is intended to bring the completed Strategy back to Cabinet for agreement in the first quarter of 2009.

5.5 The Strategy has been designed for delivery on an incremental basis as appropriate funding and the necessary transport infrastructure are secured. It is proposed that the delivery of the long-term public realm plan will be realised through a range of funding sources including:

i) Developer contributions (S106);

ii) Landowner investment;

iii) Funding bids including CIVITAS Plus, Bath Transportation Package, Growth Points, Transport Innovation Fund and other future funding sources;

iv) Potential fund generating schemes e.g. Business Improvement Districts

v) Access to capital resources as detailed within the Council's property review.


6.1 The report author and Lead Cabinet member have fully reviewed the risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management guidance.

6.2 Failure to progress the Strategy as SPD will weaken the Council's ability to use it to capture future developer contributions. The main risk associated with the Council continuing without a formally approved Public Realm and Movement Strategy for Bath City Centre will be the loss of the major opportunity to achieve a coherent and co-ordinated approach to rebalancing movement, refashioning streets, spaces and riverscape and revealing and interpreting the city centre as Bath enters a new phase of expansion and evolution.


7.1 An Equalities Impact Assessment (EIA) is currently being carried out using corporate guidelines. The results of the EIA will influence the content of this Strategy (as well as associated strategies and projects), following public consultation.


8.1 The Public Realm and Movement Strategy for Bath City Centre seeks to put in place a long-term plan to deliver a beautiful, coherent, accessible, world-class public realm where the priority in terms of movement and animation is given to people, be they residents, workers or visitors. It is proposed that this will enhance the economic success and sustainability of Bath and the wider district; encourage increased social cohesion, community safety and public health; and enhance the natural, built, and historic environments in line with Bath's status as an international visitor destination and World Heritage Site.

8.2 The intended future adoption of the Strategy as SPD will allow it to be used for planning purposes and, in particular, as a basis for developer contributions to part finance and implement delivery.


9.1 The alternative to progressing the Strategy along the SPD route has been considered, but other routes to formal adoption would not provide the same planning powers.


10.1 This report has been the subject of consultation with: Cabinet members; other B&NES Services; Section 151 Finance Officer; Chief Executive; Monitoring Officer. The draft Public Realm and Movement Strategy has also been the subject of informal consultation with Cabinet members; EED Overview and Scrutiny Panel; Development Board; Other B&NES Services; Better Bath Forum; Stakeholders/Partners including Future Bath Plus, Better Bath Forum, Bath & North East Somerset Initiative, Bath Chamber of Commerce, Bath Preservation Trust; English Heritage; Section 151 Finance Officer; Chief Executive; Monitoring Officer. In addition, a briefing session for all Councillors is being arranged prior to the release of the Strategy into the public domain.

10.2 Statutory public consultation on the draft Strategy will be undertaken in accordance with the Council's adopted Statement of Community Involvement and with the new 'consultation calendar' to ensure consultation will be carried out to corporate standards.


11.1 Social Inclusion; Customer Focus; Sustainability; Property; Human Rights; Corporate; Health & Safety; Other Legal Considerations.


12.1 The Council's Monitoring Officer (Council Solicitor) and Section 151 Officer (Strategic Director - Support Services) have had the opportunity to input to this report and have cleared it for publication.

Contact person

Rhodri Samuel, Regeneration Manager, Development and Major Projects. 01225 477 452

Sponsoring Cabinet Member

Councillor Terry Gazzard

Background papers

  • Bath & North East Somerset Council Vision

  • Future for Bath Vision
  • Ernst & Young Business Plan
  • Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan
  • Cabinet Report of 3 Sept 2008:Developer Contributions- SPD-

Draft for Consultation

Please contact the report author if you need to access this report in an alternative format