Meeting documents

Wednesday, 5th November, 2008

November 2008 Statements by Cllr. Paul Crossley

Public Realm and Movement Strategy

The Liberal Democrat group welcomes this consultation document as the culmination of several years work starting with the Legible City project in 2005. It provides a sound basis to get the views of public, residents and business across our area. It has the potential to reinvigorate Bath City Centre and to give us a large pedestrian heart.

As the Consultation is only six weeks it is important that from the very start a short concise version is available for pickup at a number of locations and that also this is available as a simple link on the web site. I hope the Cabinet will also ensure that following the consultation that all residents who respond are written back to with the outcomes of the consultation and specifically any points that change as a result of the consultation.

All officers and departments are to be congratulated on this document.