Meeting documents

Wednesday, 5th November, 2008

Statement by Councillor Caroline Roberts to Cabinet 5th November 2008


I very much welcome the references within the draft strategy to development of the riverside but would raise a couple of issues in relation to this.

As Cabinet Members will be aware, along with my colleagues, we have for some considerable time recognized the potential for the riverside within our wards, and have established regular cleaning and maintenance of the river path and its environs, including willing volunteers from the local community to whom we are extremely grateful.

However, the report refers to making best use of available Section 106 funding, but despite raising this on a regular basis with the Council, and the possible availability of funding for riverside public realm, this funding has not materialised, which I believe is a missed opportunity. I urge Cabinet Members not to lose these opportunities in the future.

Secondly, I would ask that the proposed improvements in public realm in the city centre are continued outwards to the outer areas of Bath, so that maintenance and furniture throughout the river environment is linked throughout the city, and not just in the centre.