Meeting documents

Wednesday, 5th October, 2005

Bath & North East Somerset Council


Council Executive


5 October 2005




Local Area Agreements and Local Public Service Agreements: Update









List of attachments to this report:

Appendix: Local Area Agreements- Member Briefing


1.1 This report updates the Executive on changes to the timetable for the second generation of Local Public Service Agreements (LPSAs), now negotiated alongside Local Area Agreements (LAAs), in Bath & North East Somerset. It summarises the key aspects of LAAs and sets out proposals for beginning the process of developing an LAA for Bath & North East Somerset.


The Council Executive is asked to agree that:

2.1 The Council, working with its partners, start work on developing a Local Area Agreement (LAA) for Bath and North East Somerset to begin in April 2007

2.2 Any LAA for Bath & North East Somerset should be driven by local priorities, in particular the Corporate Improvement Priorities, Community Strategy ambitions and emerging key issues for the area.

2.3 That the fullest possible stakeholder engagement take place on developing the LAA, including joint working with elected members, partners, the voluntary and community sector and local communities, with progress reports made to the Executive

2.4 The financial implications set out in the report be noted, and in particular the continued earmarking of up to £50,000 from expected Performance Reward Grant to fund any additional development and project work required

2.5 The Local Strategic Partnership be requested to work closely with key partnerships and wider stakeholders to help co-ordinate and develop the LAA


3.1 The first LPSA attracted £920,000 in "pump-priming" funds to the area and it is expected that significant performance reward grant will also be gained, the exact figures depending on audited performance against targets. The Executive in March 2005 earmarked £50,000 from this sum to 'pump-prime' the development of LPSA2. The change in timetable will require some re-phasing of this support into 2006-7. This sum will be used to support the development of a high-quality LAA including staff resources, project team support, research, consultation and community engagement.


4.1 This report summarises the latest position on Local Area Agreements (LAAs) and Local Public Service Agreements (LPSAs) in Bath & North East Somerset.

4.2 LAAs are three-year agreements between Government and Councils (working with partners) which provide an opportunity for fresh thinking about how local services are delivered within the following blocks:

Children and Young People
Safer and Stronger Communities
Healthier Communities and Older People
Economic Development and Enterprise

4.3 Government expects Councils to work closely with LSPs and other partnerships and agencies to develop an LAA that addresses local needs and concerns. LAAs are now negotiated alongside Local Public Service Agreements (LPSAs), which attract additional funding to improve key areas of performance. A Briefing Note setting out the LAA process, its relationship with LPSAs and other information is attached as an Appendix to this report.

4.4 The Government's latest timetable would mean that Bath & North East Somerset is expected to have an LAA in place by April 2007. The project is a significant one for Bath & North East Somerset, and preparatory work has already begun in order to maximise the benefits for our area. In particular, LAAs provide an opportunity to join-up currently disparate funding streams and reduce the bureaucracy associated with them. It will be vital to engage with a wide range of groups, for example, the voluntary and community sector, to ensure that key local issues are identified and built into the agreement where practicable.


A risk assessment related to the issue and recommendations has been undertaken, in compliance with the Council's decision making risk management guidance. Key risks identified to date have included:

B7 Risks associated with pooling resources and targets, and in thereby ensuring that resources continue to be channelled to Council and community priorities

B7 Risks associated with the three-year nature of LAAs, which will mean that ongoing funding and costs will be required to be addressed.

A number of ways of mitigating these risks have initially been identified, in particular the development of robust Governance arrangements which clearly lay out roles, responsibilities, funding commitments and key accountabilities. These approaches and options will be developed and reported on in more detail as the project is progressed.


6.1 The Executive requested officers in March 2005 to begin work on developing a second-generation Local Public Service Agreement (LPSA2). Since then, the Government have announced that the timetable for Local Area Agreements (LAAs) and LPSAs are to be combined. As a result, Bath & North East Somerset's LPSA will be negotiated as part of its LAA, to begin in 2007-2008.


7.1 An alternative option of not pursuing an LAA/LPSA2 at this stage has been considered. This would remove access to LPSA2 funding streams and opportunities to engage with Government and other agencies on identifying new ways to meet local priorities. However, as the LAA is progressed it will be important to manage and mitigate risk to ensure that the LAA meets local priorities in a sustainable way.


8.1 Consultation has taken place on this report with recognised Trades Unions, and this will be followed by more detailed discussions in appropriate fora. The key issues contained in the report have previously been discussed with the Local Strategic Partnership, which contains a wide range of stakeholders and partners. It will be vital to engage at an early stage with GOSW, who will lead on the negotiating process and with a full range of local stakeholders and communities.


9.1 Not urgent.

Contact person

Andy Thomas - 01225 394322

Background papers

List of background papers not included with this report