Meeting documents

Wednesday, 5th October, 2005






This report is written in the context of the Bath Communities Partnership (BCP) discussions with the South West Regional Development Agency (SWRDA) and representatives of Bath and North Somerset Economic Development Service further to the mid term review of the Partnership conducted in November 2004, and the future focus of the Partnership.


Despite initial problems in progressing the Scheme delivery and working with a holistic delivery plan with funding currently only available to fund economic outputs, the SWRDA are satisfied with the outputs achieved and projected to the end of the Scheme with funding committed of £ 1,002,690.

The BCP Board considered 8 options within the mid term review and the consensus of the board is to pursue the option of focussing on a future of Asset Management developing a legal entity status in the form of incorporating `Company Limited by Guarantee' and changing from a Partnership to a Development Trust (BCP already operate within the Development Trust Association guidelines).


BCP are currently investigating the development of a Community Resource Centre, to incorporate an Internet café, crèche, managed workspace, meeting and training rooms, with provison of a lo-cost shop. The building also has the potential to accommodate the Princes Trust, Credit Union, and other established local enterprises/voluntary organisations.

Mainstream Services have also indicated their potential interest to operate decentralised services from this establishment i.e. JobCentre Plus.

The new development would propose to maintain and develop youth

provision. The Councils' Youth Service have identified a need for more

comprehensive youth provision in the area.

The building provides 7820 sq ft of accommodation of which approximately 2800 - 3000 sq ft could be utilised for managed workspace.

Local community groups have expressed an interest in utilising this resource for meeting purposes.


At a meeting held in Southside Youth and Community Centre local ward councillors voted unanimously to support and proceed with the project (councillors Paul Crossley and Dine Romero from the Southdown Ward and councillors Tim Ball and Gerry Curran from the Twerton Ward). Wider consultation has been conducted with potential users of the proposed development to include - service providers (mainstream and voluntary), local businesses, private investors, BCP partnership members, and council departments.

Rationale for Developing in SWT area:

Statistics reveal that Southside, Twerton and Westmorland (SWT) Wards are amongst the most disadvantaged communities in Bath. Key indicators show that people from these communities have reduced access to education, training and employment.

The areas of Whiteway, Rosewarn Close and Haycombe Drive in South Bath have been identified as particularly disadvantaged as they are amongst the highest rates of child poverty, infant mortality, low income households and low skills. There is a history of people being excluded from the mainstream with little provision of local services; as a consequence, the area has become depressed.

The area is mainly social housing with a high proportion of single parent families, low incomes, young people and old people. Provision of appropriate local services is a key issue for the communities' prosperity.

The Centres redevelopment will act as a regenerative catalyst to overcome unemployment, education and other welfare related issues.

Suitability/opportunities of location:

The Centre is a suitable location for development in the heart of the South West Triangle target area, providing an exciting opportunity to invest in the community and to connect with a `hard to reach community'.

The development of the Centre, which is currently extremely run down will provide facilities currently unavailable to many people within the area, thus leading to a greater sense of empowerment, ownership and pride. People within SWT and BME communities will be encouraged to bring their ideas into reality and will create a welcome resource to meet their needs.

Costs of capital refurbishment of Centre:

Representatives from the SWRDA have conducted two visits to the Centre with a property consultant and a quantity surveyor, and have advised BCP that the estimated costs for redevelopment of the Centre circa. £1.2M.



BCP uncommitted RDA funding


Charitable Trusts






DDA Contribution (Council Budget)


Maintenance Budget (re wiring Council allocation)




Land value of site (owned by the Council)




Possible Funding Sources to Investigate:

Maintenance budget possibly allocated £22K allocation for external repairs 2006/07 budget

Environmental Funding

Private Business Investors

Council Capital Budgets

Charity Banks

Community Investment Fund


Based on historic costs provided by Youth and Community Service

£60K to include heating/ lighting/ rates/insurance

£6K maintenance costs

maintenance total approximate expenditure £66k


Youth and Community Service - £66K per annum (£45K staff costs£21K leasing costs)

Commercial rate for lease/letting office managed workspace space (3000 sq ft @£11 per sq ft per annum) £33K

Commercial rate for letting/leasing remainder of building (excluding corridor/communal areas 3800sq ft @£11per sq ft per anum) approx £42K

Total approx Income = £96K approx





SWRDA have agreed to BCP investigating the potential for investing in the redevelopment of the building. In principle agreement has been granted by SWRDA, conditional on funding being identified to meet the shortfall, for investment of the £498K uncommitted sum. BCP have conducted a pre-feasibility study to comply with the directive from SWRDA.

Bath and North East Somerset Council have been requested to investigate the potential of a capital investment in the property. The scheme has been included in the West of England Small Workspace Strategy and Action Plan which has been submitted to SWRDA. The Council are also in discussions with two managed workspace operators who wish to develop within Bath and may have funding to invest.

BCP will also investigate the possibility of a loan from a Charity Bank to bridge any shortfall, together with applying for funding from grant giving trusts/organisations.

On completion of this phase of the development, subject to the approval of the SWRDA, funds will be released by BCP to conduct a commissioned Feasibility Study together with a Business Plan. Should the Feasibility Study be viable and provide a positive result the Partnership will liaise Bath and North East Somerset Council to legally transfer the assets.

If the Feasibility Study produces a negative result or gap funding is not realised, BCP will pursue the development/commissioning of large projects to invest the uncommitted funding, which will meet only the economic criteria within the Delivery Plan as per the Funding Agreement signed by three parties; SWRDA, Bath and North East Somerset Council, Bath Communities Partnership.

SWRDA have given, in principle, agreement to extend the lifetime of the Scheme beyond March 2007 to allow a reasonable time for development. This is to be confirmed in writing at the appropriate time conditional on the identification of the shortfall in funding.

Best practice models of viable Community Resource Centres have been investigated, and three within the SW Region have been visited to ascertain local community investment and usage of the building.

Bath and North East Somerset Corporate Objectives:

The redevelopment of the Southside Youth and Community Centre into a Community Resource Centre will meet the following Corporate Objectives:

To improve quality of life and the environment.

To build a healthier and safer community.

To promote a thriving economic community and tackle poverty.

To deliver quality and accessible services.




BME communities may not support development using RDA funding

Risk level: high

Seek possible alternative site for development

Ensure any surplus from running costs are re-invested through BME communities (funding may then be utilized to meet their social outcomes)

SWRDA do not agree funding for feasibility

SWRDA do not agree the extension of the scheme if gap funding not secured

Risk level: medium

Ensure all Partnership/staff/stakeholders are fully informed of all developments

Funding commitment of £1.2m required for capital refurbishment may not be achieved from council/public/private individuals

Risk level: medium

In parallel to pre-feasibility work for Southside, BCP to develop alternative economic projects to invest uncommitted RDA funding

Approach Charity Bank for shortfall

Delivery Plan outputs holistically may not be achieved if development is not pursued, remaining funding may only be utilized for economic outputs, i.e.

achieve a new community facility

achieve a new sports facility

achieve a new health facility

Risk level - high

Delivery Plan outputs may only be partially achieved with development.

Risk level: low

Commission projects to achieve only economic outputs within delivery plan - holistic outputs not achieved

Ensure all interested stakeholders/partners are kept informed of the ongoing developments of the centre

Capital refurbishment completed but unable to secure lease agreements to secure running costs are met

Organisations do not wish to take up office space having secured alternatives

SWT communities do not utilise completed building.

Risk level: medium

Create a local steering group to develop the resources

Stakeholders/partners/potential tenants/ are appraised of on-going timescales.

Development costs go over budget

Project profiled funding increased to £1.5m. Currently estimated £1.2m

BME/SWT communities may raise adverse publicity within the media which may effect private investors proposed funding

Risk level: high

Effective communication strategy developed with public/media

Development takes longer to achieve than planned

Alternative arrangements may have been secured by local community groups/ organisations/businesses

Risk level: low to medium

Stakeholders/partners/potential tenants/ are appraised of on-going timescales.


Bath and North East Somerset Council support the proposal for a capital refurbishment of the Southside Youth and Community Centre, subject to the positive outcome of the commissioned Feasibility Study and Business Plan.

Bath and North East Somerset Council support the transfer of the Council owned asset to a third party community based organisation.

Bath and North East Somerset Council commit to provide ongoing support to the BCP Management Team beyond 2007 through extension agreed bySWRDA.

Bath and North East Somerset Council agree to transfer the identified budgets associated with future maintenance/capital improvements to the Southside building.

Bath and North East Somerset agree to explore the potential of further investment from capital budgets.

Next steps

BCP/SWRDA appraises the Feasibility Study Funding Application.

Commission Feasibility Study.

Develop community based organisation and achieve legal entity status.

Transfer the building to the community or community based organisation.

Enter into a legal agreement with the Council and SWRDA as partners.

Developed by Susan Bowen BCP Manager on behalf of BCP Board Accepted by Denice Burton - Chair - 22 June 2005 - Updated 26 August 2005