Meeting documents

Monday, 5th July, 2004

ACTION PLAN - Measures to Improve Member/Public Confidence in the Council's management of major projects and to improve the integration of risk assessment within the Council's financial planning process






General - Project Co-ordination

¬ Introduce a high level programme board to co-ordinate all the activities within all Major projects

¬ ensure consistency of approach and be able to respond quickly and efficiently to resolve issues.

¬ Appoint a Major Projects Manager whose role is clear to all and is provided with the right level of resource and support

¬ Review Membership of this board to ensure there is the right level of challenge, legal advice and wider democratic involvement


Consistent approach being developed and reviewed

Interviews during July

Under discussion following comments of O&S panel

April 04


July - Nov `04

July `04

Chief Executive

General - Project Structure

¬ Review all current Project Structures to ensure consistency of approach against best practice

¬ Ensure all projects where Partnership Contracts are used are reviewed to ensure Council Project Boards are established

Structures established, Review ongoing

Project Boards are all established or in progress

July - Dec `04


Major Projects Manager/ Projects Programme Board (PBB)

General - Project Roles & Responsibilities

¬ Review all current roles and responsibilities within existing project structures to ensure all parties are clear as to their duties

¬ Examine current roles and responsibilities to ensure there is consistency across all major projects and clear understanding of roles and responsibilities

Project Sponsors and leaders roles established and clear

Examination to be led by new Major Projects Manager

July -`04


Major Projects Manager/PBB

General - Project Processes & Procedures

¬ Review all elements of current processes and procedures to ensure guidance is up-to-date with best practice and issued to all officers involved in the process.

Broad brush examination of processes and guidance completed.

July - Dec `04

Major Projects Manager/PBB

General - Project Reporting

¬ Review all elements of the Project Reporting formats to ensure consistency and simplicity in the process so that all projects report in the same way, which is clear and understandable to all.

New formats agreed and disseminated.

Need to keep under review

July - Dec `04

Major Projects Manager/PPB

General - Project Decision-Making & Feasibility

¬ Formalise the stages of Projects to ensure that Project Initiation and Feasibility go through formal decision making processes and sign-off before proceeding

¬ Review the Constitution and decision-making guidance for Executive Members to ensure that potential financial risk exposures are highlighted within reports and delegated authority is in place

General guidance being issued. To be kept under review.

Monitoring officer and s151 officer being consulted on revisions needed.

July -Dec '04

July `04

Major Projects Manager/PPB

Chief Exec

General - Project Funding & Procurement

¬ Ensure there is clarity at Project Initiation stage how funding is to be provided for Major Projects and the impacts on the Financial Plan

¬ Ensure there is clarity at Project Initiation stage over the procurement methods being adopted to deliver Major Projects and promote the adoption of `Partnership' Contracts.

General guidance issued.

Further work to improve this needed

No progress as yet


Sept - Dec `04

Major Projects Manager/PPB

General - Project Training

¬ Introduce a training programme to ensure all members of project teams are working towards best practice in relation to Project Management and are clearly aware of their roles and responsibilities

¬ In addition ensure all members of project teams undertake training on good team-working to address issues around staff morale, communication and co-ordination within projects

Project management training module already in existence but need to promote more effectively

No progress as yet

Sept- Mar `05

Sept-Mar `05



Specific - Members - Roles & Responsibilities

¬ Re-examine the role of the Executive and the Major Projects Overview and Scrutiny Panel in managing Major Projects and the Capital Programme alongside any specific roles within the structures of individual major projects

Some discussions only to date

July - Dec `04

Executive/Major Projects O&S/ Major Projects Manager/PBB

Specific - Members - Training

¬ Institute a training programme for relevant Executive and Overview and Scrutiny members in relation to Project Management to help assist them carry out their duties and any change in their roles

Will follow decisions made above

Oct - Dec `04

Chief Exec/HoHR

Specific - Bath Spa Scheme

¬ Introduce an Internal Council Project Board into the Project Structure

¬ Chief Executive to temporarily take responsibility as Sponsor of Project and initiate further review work

Board established

July `04

Completed June `04

John Everitt

Specific - Combe Down Stone Mines

¬ Introduce an Internal Council Project Board into the Project Structure

¬ detailed risk report required to identify the implications of the terms of the Government Grant to fund the project

Board established

Report in progress


August `04

Jean Hinks

Specific - Western Riverside

¬ Introduce an Internal Council Project Board into the Project Structure

¬ Action urgent additional staffing resource into the Project

Board established

Resources identified



John Everitt

Specific - Schools Reviews

¬ Introduce a Programme Board to co-ordinate all the Project Boards for the various Schools Reviews

Being established

Sept `04

Mike Young

Specific - Southgate

¬ Formalise the Project Structure and Reporting Lines

¬ Identify resource needs and funding

Being established

Needs identified - funding outstanding

July `04

Jean Hinks

Specific - Long-Term Office Accommodation

¬ Formalise the Project Structure and Reporting Lines

Being established

July `04

Jean Hinks

Specific - EPH Reprovision

¬ Introduce an Internal Council Project Board into the Project Structure

¬ Implement recommendation for additional funding

Board established

Included in review report

July - Sept `04

Jane Ashman

Specific -

Environment Park

¬ Report on Status of project and progress

In progress

August `04

Peter Rowntree

Specific - Norton Radstock Regeneration

· Review Governance arrangements for the scheme

In progress

July `04

Sarah Berry