Meeting documents

Monday, 5th July, 2004


CSCI Inspection of Social Care Services for Older Peoples January 2004

Action Plan to address the Report's Recommendations


Effectiveness of Service Delivery & Outcomes


Response/Actions Required

Officer/s Responsible

Completion Date

1. The council, with its partners, should seek imaginative ways to reduce the assessment and delivery period for occupational therapy assessments and services

· Implement agreed revisions of eligibility for bathing aids/assessments.

· Train other Professional disciplines in primary care to prescribe equipment.

· Implement caseload management system.

Jeff Saffin

July 2004

Dec 2004

Dec 2004

2. The council should record all referrals, including those from people who might self fund their care, to use in the planning and development of services

· Ensure that all referrals, including those from people who might self fund their care, are recorded.

· Improve the quality and range of information available to members of public visiting reception (see recommendation 7, public information, below).

Jeff Saffin

Kate Ogilvie/Mel Clarke

July 2004

July 2004

3. The council and its partners should give attention to the evaluation and monitoring of vulnerable adults activity to ensure the processes are continually improved

· Redesign data collection form to include more detail and information on outcomes

· Designated administrator to collate all information on redesigned spreadsheet for better tracking, reporting and future planning

· Refine internal protocols to ensure that oversight of vulnerable adult cases is maintained regardless of the referral route

· CareFirst client database to be amended so that all adult protection events can be recorded alongside an existing community care plan

· CareFirst to become the main vehicle for collating and reporting on adult protection cases

Sandra Lovern/Vulnerable Adults Interagency Strategy Group





April 2005

CSCI Inspection of Social Care Services for Older Peoples January 2004

Action Plan to address the Report's Recommendations


Quality of Services for Users and Carers


Response/Actions Required

Officer/s Responsible

Completion Date

4. The council should revise the interface and access arrangements for walk-in referrals and service users to ensure they operate seamlessly and effectively

· Short life working group to be convened to develop recommendations in order to ensure the development of closer working arrangements between reception and duty staff, integrating functions wherever possible and seeking to achieve a seamless service.

Jeff Saffin/David Collins

Dec 2004.

5. The Council should ensure that referrals from potential self-funding users are assessed and supported like any other referral

5. The Council should ensure that referrals from potential self-funding users are assessed and supported like any other referral (cont.)

· Ensure that all older people self funding their care are advised of their entitlement to an assessment as set out in the Policies and Procedure Manual.

· Ensure that older people self funding their care have access to support in arranging services where necessary

(continued on next page)

· Ensure that all staff are aware of information about local resources and support in the DISSBASE database and provide appropriate advice to self funders. Message to be conveyed via service manager's meeting

· Publicise Purple Pages - phone helpline providing information about local resources for the public

Jeff Saffin/Pam Richards

Jeff Saffin/Pam Richards

Aug 2004

Aug 2004

July 2004

Launch date July 7th 2004

6. The council should revise its review processes to ensure that they are wholly in line with Fair Access to Care Services guidance

· Two additional reviewing posts established under Local Public Service Agreements.

· Develop improved review process

Jeff Saffin/Pam Richards

Jeff Saffin

Reviewing officers already in place.

October 2004

CSCI Inspection of Social Care Services for Older Peoples January 2004

Action Plan to address the Report's Recommendations


Fair Access


Response/Actions Required

Officer/s Responsible

Completion Date

7. The council should ensure its review of information includes the creation and distribution of a full range of materials for older people in the area

· Develop Information Strategy and accessible information guidelines

· All adult leaflets on line and available for printing in all agencies, libraries, GP surgeries together with widely circulated core information leaflet

· Purple pages telephone information service for older and disabled people launched

· Dissbase information service revisions

· Website page on Council Information Service specifically for older people and their carers

· Development of joint information with the Primary Care Trust

Kate Ogilvie/Melanie Clarke


September 2004

Launch July 04


December 04

July 05

CSCI Inspection of Social Care Services for Older Peoples January 2004

Action Plan to address the Report's Recommendations


Cost and Efficiency


Response/Actions Required

Officer/s Responsible

Completion Date

8. The council should build in the Best Value principles in its re-provisioning and service evaluation and reviews

All future reviews to build in Best Value principles in any reviews of services, or in re-provisioning and service evaluation

Nick Harris/Kate Ogilvie
