Meeting documents

Wednesday, 5th May, 2004

Appendix 3

Meeting with staff at Tyndale EPH on 19 April 2004 (4pm)


David Smallacombe

Project Manager

Yvonne Case

Residential Services Manager

Clare Bond

Personnel Officer

Pam Reeve

Group Administrator

Jane Woodland

Night Support Worker

Sheila Wright


June Beho

Senior Support Worker

Laura Avis

Night Support Worker

Lynette Bird

Support Worker

Sue Wiltshire

Support Worker

Jenny Savery

Support Worker

Lynn Green

Night Support Worker

Jacky Webb

Support Worker

David Smallacombe (DS) asked everyone present to introduce themselves. He said the report had been written, but as some parts of it related to Woodside, and the comparable meetings would not take place until tomorrow, he preferred not to circulate a copy of the report. He proposed explaining the parts of the report that were relevant to Tyndale, but not those relating to Woodside as it would be unfair to release that information in advance of the Woodside meetings. The full report would be available from 4pm on 20 April and would be considered by the Executive Committee on 5 May.

DS said the report recommended the closure of Tyndale. It set out the financial implications and the impact of closure on residents, relatives and staff. The report also considered the consultation meetings that were held and the legal implications of closure, and included a table showing the number of working hours available for re-deployed staff. The rationale (or conclusion) of the report says that despite the opposition of important stakeholders, the recommendation is for closure.

DS asked if staff wanted to talk about residents or staff needs first:

Staff - DS explained there were 8 headings in the table showing vacant hours in the report. All staff had had one-to-one meetings with Personnel and had made their views clear. The hours shown in the table are a mathematical match-up, not a detailed account of where staff could go. There are 340 vacant day hours, the need is for 362 so a shortfall of 22. This includes additional hours to be put into Sunnyside in accordance with the CSCI standards. There are 93 vacant night hours, 157 are required so a shortfall of 64, which does not include St John's Court where an additional 140 will be needed. Senior support - 48 hours vacant, 48 needed, Assistant Manager level - no vacant hours available and 74 required. An NVQ training post for 37 hrs may help here. 110 vacant domestic hours leaves 29 surplus; 87 cook hrs are required, a short fall at present of 14. There are currently 20 admin hours, and 20 available.

Residents - When the report was written there were 19 residents (today it is 15). 4 have moved into the independent sector, the preferred option of the other 9 is for another Council-run home. In the five homes there are 42 vacant rooms and 4 respite rooms - more than enough spaces.

Timing - the report goes to the Executive on 5 May, there is then a process of call-in which can take about 10 days. They may make a decision by the middle of May, but as we cannot pre-empt the decision of the Executive, it is possible that the process may be longer. It is important that the programme of work at St John's Court is brought in on time.

Q. How do you know all this if you cannot tell us about Woodside?

A. This is the assumption the report makes if Woodside is recommended for closure as well

Q. Residents were advised to leave now by the Social Worker who carried out the assessments. What if closure is not agreed and our residents have been told to go? That is unfair.

A. DS - I would be surprised if the Social Worker said that

Q. Residents were told if you don't go now you will not get a place. They were very upset and should not have been told to go

A. DS - Residents can move at any time of their choice, and as soon as you introduce the possibility of closure, some will choose to move. We have been asked at previous meetings if residents who perhaps go to the independent sector now will be able to go into the new centres and it has been agreed that they would be able to do so. It is a moot point how people have reacted; the independent sector will not keep beds open although the Council can and has been doing this for a while. Admissions have been stopped recently to keep beds free.

Q. Why were they advised to leave, it should have been suggested that they look round?

A. CB - The Social Workers are not here and we cannot answer for them. DS - I will certainly ask them how they presented this

Q. If report goes to Committee in May, how long will it be before closure?

A. DS - that depends on the residents. Most are going to our homes, and a few to the independent sector. Our past experience at Greenacres suggests that when decisions have been made residents want to go immediately.

Q. What if they all want to go to the same home?

A. YC - there are enough vacancies

Q. 18 people want to go to Marjorie Whimster, you haven't enough beds there.

A. DS - it looks as if everyone will be able to have their first choice.

Q. Were residents told they had a choice?

A. Yes, all have had assessments, have visited homes and made their choices

Q. Staffing figures in your report are different from those on the board

A. DS -It would be best to use the figures in the report which was written on 10 April.

Q. We were told that what is on the board is the benchmark

A. DS - The report figures have been double-checked, best to use the report as a benchmark

Q. How long would it be between the decision being made and residents moving?

A. The decision on Greenacres was made on 11 November and residents were in their new places by Christmas. Maybe 6-8 weeks from the time a decision is made.

Q. Perhaps July or August then?

A. YC - yes, that's possible

DS - Personnel will need to meet with staff on one-to-one basis to discuss available posts

Q. What if you cannot re-deploy everyone?

A. DS - The Council's responsibility is to offer people "suitable and reasonable" alternative employment. If there is no agreement between the council and individual staff, negotiations proceed on a case-by-case basis. There will be hours available for cover for those going on training, annual holidays and hours available at St John's Court

Q. Three specific questions regarding hours were asked

A. DS - these are matters where we need to talk to you individually. The estimate of available hours on the mathematical model suggests there will be enough for everyone. CB - Personnel will look at the one-to-one reports and try to match up people with appropriate posts.

Q. So possibly 10 hours in one place, 20 in another

A. DS - I must stress that the report shows only a mathematical model, an overall figure.

Q. When is St John's Court going to be available?

A. Autumn. YC - after residents have moved, the building has to be decommissioned so there will not be a very big gap between closure and the opening of St John's Court

DS asked if there were any further questions, but there were none. DS said the report would be available at 4pm, the next day i.e. the same time as the meetings started at Woodside. He repeated that information about Woodside had not been given today.

Q. Could you arrange private meetings for staff with the Trade Union representatives?

A. DS - yes, I will email them and ask them to arrange a meeting with you. CB reminded everyone that she and Mike Waldron were available to speak to staff at any time.