Meeting documents

Wednesday, 5th May, 2004

Appendix 2

Meeting with relatives at Woodside - 21 November 2003

Present: David Smallacombe, Yvonne Case, Ainslie Saunders

Family attending on behalf of residents were:

Sue Richardson for Norman Slipp

Pauline Spanswick for Beattie Tracey

Mr Priscott for Joyce Langbridge

Mr and Mrs Kitts for Caroline Whale

Julie Buchan and her two sisters for Patricia Straffen

Ann Harris for Kathleen Harris

David Smallacombe explained that the purpose of the meeting was to start a consultation process regarding the possible closure of Woodside and Tyndale. Although this had not been the original plan there had been significant changes since then; vacancy levels for residents in the homes were high, and there had been excessive use of agency staff. These had combined to make a considerable overspend of the budget, and it was anticipated that this would worsen in future years without some action being taken.

He explained that the Executive Committee of the Council required information regarding the needs of residents and staff in order to make a decision. Staff would be consulted regarding their wishes should closure go ahead, and residents would be given full assessments in order to determine their needs for future care. When this process was completed, a report would be made to the Executive so that they could decide on future action.

David Smallacombe asked if there were any questions. Relatives asked where would the resident go, would they be able to go out of the B&NES area, how would they be funded, would the family have to pay the extra top up fees? David said that all residents would have a full assessment to see what their future care needs were and these issues could be fully discussed in relation to each individual.