Meeting documents

Wednesday, 5th April, 2006

1. Question from Cllr Nigel Roberts

For bus shelters what is the departments policy on point size etc. for those with poor eyesight? And what is the policy if asked to provide information in a bigger font?

Answer from Executive Councillor Sir Elgar Jenkins OBE

The policy, as outlined in our Local Bus Information Strategy, is that font size for bus stop and shelter displays is a minimum point size 7pt. At most bus stops the font size used is larger, usually size 12. At very busy stops we have to use a smaller font in order to fit all the information in the display case. At these busy stops we have installed large display cases.

Large print timetables (14pt) are available on request, from the Public Transport Team.

2. Question from Cllr Nigel Roberts

How many fines were issued in 2004/5 for littering, and how many were collected?

Answer from Executive Councillor Gerry Curran

No Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) for littering were issued in 2004/05 as enforcement staff were instructed to issue warnings prior to issuing FPNs if they observed litter being dropped. All those warned picked up their litter.

The enforcement team has recently returned to its full compliment of staff and procedures have been revised such that FPNs may now be issued without prior warning.

3. Question from Rae Harris

Sir Elgar, you recently told me of some concerns you had about some Public Art proposals for each end of Walcot Street, and said you were going to arrange a meeting with Executive Members Gerry Curran and Nicole O'Flaherty to sort out what was going on. I also brought to your attention two other pieces of Public Art intended for Walcot Street, a bespoke sign (which is currently being developed) and a set of bollards (which were designed and produced according to the best democratic principles about 4 years ago, and have been waiting to be installed ever since). If it makes any difference, I am pretty certain that all of these are being funded nationally rather than locally.

I totally support your desire for clarification in this area, particularly as I believe you have asked for the planning application for the 2 stainless steel sculptures to go to Development Control Committee, which in my view is not the best place for such strategic issues to be considered. Have you held this meeting yet, and if so, what was the outcome (and if not, when are you intending to hold it)?

Answer from Executive Councillor Sir Elgar Jenkins OBE

There are 3 Executive Members who would be concerned about any development in Walcot Street, Cllr. Curran because of concerns about Public Realm, myself because of any impact upon the highways and pavements and Cllr. Nicole O'Flaherty because of any impact on the artistic world which comes under her remit. Neither Councillor Curran nor I have been consulted about proposals for Walcot Street and therefore it would be useful for us to have a meeting to see how it impacts upon our respective areas.

No meeting has taken place yet and given pressures on all of us a meeting is not likely before Easter.

4. Question from Cllrs Shirley Steel, Colin Barrett, Martin Veal, Bryan Chalker, and Marie Brewer

  • With the summer months approaching, we all have concerns in our respective communities about the menace of mini-motorbikes. The Local Government Association recently outlined some initiatives which local authorities may wish to undertake in order to clampdown on this problem. These were:

  • Work with the police to seize and crush bikes driven illegally and serve ASBOs and noise notices on persistent offenders;
  • Look to set up managed sites where bikes can be driven legally and safely;
  • Ensure that bikes are advertised appropriately.
  • Could the relevant Executive councillors outline what this council is doing to rid the streets of this nuisance?

    Answer from Executive Councillor Vic Pritchard

    The Council is working in Partnership (as a member of the Community Safety and Drugs partnership) with the Police and other groups to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour of all kinds and one of the issues we are tackling together is the misuse of motor bikes.

    We are working with the police to seize and crush bikes driven illegally and serve ASBOs and noise notices on persistent offenders.

    The Community Safety and Drugs Partnership (CSDP) has recently commissioned a project through the Government Office of the South West community safety funding to enable the Police to response to anti-social behaviour use of mopeds, gopeds, buzz boards and mini motos. The project will enable the Police to retain and dispose of these nuisance vehicles.

    The Police have seen a steady increase in calls relating to this behaviour (over 2000 calls last year, with a peak in the summer months). The project will include a PR campaign, the costs for the recovery and and destruction of vehicles and the production of educational literature to be distributed through schools officers, Beat managers and Crime Reduction Officers. This project will be performance managed through the CSDP.

    ASB related to noise is lead through our Environmental Health department. We have been successful recently in obtaining the first ASBO in the South West for noise nuisance (from a residential property). The CSDP worked closely with Environmental Health is preparing the case for Court and continues to liaise closely with the CSDP.

    On setting up managed sites where bikes can be driven legally and safely the executive member will be mindful of this, in future decision making. The partnership and Executive Member wishes to see how the above initiatives deliver in the first instance, however both he and the partnership will review the situation in light of any substantial 'new' police and community lead intelligence into type of nuisance.

    On bikes being advertised appropriately I assure the Councillors that the responsible authorities would respond to any public complaint of mini bikes being inappropriately advertised in line with our current practice.

5. Question from Cllr Sharon Ball

What is currently being done to inform the public of what is happening on Bath Western Riverside?

What consultation process is the Council going to put in place for residents who will be directly and indirectly affected by the development of Bath Western Riverside?

Would the Executive Members agree that a rolling road show around the four wards surrounding Bath Western Riverside would be a beneficial exercise for both informing residents of what is happening and getting public feedback as to any proposals?

Answer from Executive Councillor Colin Darracott

Since January 2006 there has been significant press coverage on the Council's Future for Bath Vision and on the emerging scheme for BWR. Regular updates to the local media will continue. There are also links and updates on the BWR project website In addition Crest Nicholson, who will be developing most of the western half of BWR, have widely circulated a leaflet on their Outline Planning Application scheme which is still available from Bath Central Library and at Green Park Station. Crest Nicholson held a well publicised exhibition at Green Park Station between the 2nd and 5th March and continued to display exhibition boards at the station for several weeks thereafter.

Resident meetings have and will continue throughout the BWR process. Monthly meetings have been held with residents directly affected (i.e. living near boundaries of the site) during the last 6 months. Meetings will continue at appropriate stages throughout the year. A leaflet is also being prepared by B&NES Development and Major Projects which defines roles and the processes involved for the site, including the respective roles of B&NES and Crest Nicholson. It is hoped that this will be distributed widely throughout the area surrounding BWR at the end of April.

Over the coming months it is important that parallel activity on the Future for Bath Vision, the BWR Supplementary Planning Document and Crest Nicholson's Outline Planning Application is brought together in a coherent and understandable way to enable local people to appreciate the relationships between these separate but interconnected activities. The leaflet referred to in point 2 above is the first step in explaining the various roles and responsibilities of the Council and private sector developers in delivering the Future for Bath Vision, including BWR.

The option of a rolling road show, which has merit, will be actively explored and considered as part of a wider community engagement exercise on the Future for Bath Vision currently being planned for the May/June period.

6. Question from Cllr Sharon Ball

With major public uproar against altering the traffic system on Coronation Avenue will the Executive Member now abandon this ill conceived scheme and if not give reasons for its continuation?

Answer from Executive Councillor Sir Elgar Jenkins OBE

I am aware of the objections to the proposals for Coronation Avenue which have been put forward for consultation by the Department. These are now subject to a major review.

7. Question from Cllr Caroline Roberts

What innovative traffic calming methods are being investigated by the Executive member to increase road safety?

Answer from Executive Councillor Sir Elgar Jenkins OBE

We are already employing a wide range of innovative traffic calming measures in Bath and North East Somerset such as Home Zones, Shared Space and 20 mph zones and we are researching other good European practices. I am always ready to consider new ideas.

Supplementary Question from Cllr Caroline Roberts

The question had been intended to refer to innovative technology eg ramps which generate their own electricity or self-raising ramps which are triggered by the speed of the vehicle. Can the Executive member say what technology solutions are being considered?

Answer from Executive Councillor Sir Elgar Jenkins OBE

Yes, some innovative solutions are actively being considered. We are preparing a scheme in Julian Road, near to the school, involving specially designed innovative road layouts and markings. Once the problems with drainage are resolved this scheme will be implemented within the next few months.