Meeting documents

Wednesday, 5th March, 2008

Appendix 1 to Cabinet Report 5th March 2008

Adoption of Bath Western Riverside Supplementary Planning Document

Executive Forward Plan Reference E1727

Schedule of Amendments to the Bath Western Riverside SPD

This schedule of amendments to the BWR SPD reflects the amendments to the SPD authorised on 11th October 2006 by Council Executive, where necessary extra detail about the nature of the precise change has been added and additional instances of the amendment have been included.

In addition to this there are a number of non material changes to the SPD. Specifically, these are either (a) editorial, formatting and presentation changes; (b) deletion of cross references to Local Plan policies which were included in the draft Local Plan but not in the adopted version or (c) additional cross referencing between the SPD and it's parent policy, the Local Plan, as requested by the Cabinet Member.

Schedule of amendments to Bath Western Riverside SPD Public Consultation Draft June 2006

(Appendix 2 to Report to Cabinet March 2008)

Part 1: Strategic Framework

1 Para. 1.1.7 change ODPM reference to DCLG

2 Replacement para. 1.1.11 "The Bath Western Riverside Supplementary Planning Document was adopted by the Council in 2008 as supplementary to the adopted Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan (Policy GDS.1/B1) and has maximum weight as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications at Bath Western Riverside."

3 Para. 1.1.12, Replace 2nd sentence to read: "The SPD is also in accordance with and supplementary to the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan adopted October 2007."

4 Delete paras. 1.1.13 and 1.1.14.

5 New Section 1.4 entitled "World Heritage Site Management Plan".

6 Insert new paragraph 1.4.1: "The WHS Management Plan aims to provide a framework to conserve the cultural and heritage assets of the World Heritage Site of Bath. This remit includes protection and enhancement of the architectural, archaeological, landscape and natural assets and their urban and landscape settings, improving the understanding of the Site, its interpretation and use as an educational resource, and supporting the local community in its cultural, social and economic viability."

7 Insert new paragraph 1.4.2: "The redevelopment of BWR must respect the outstanding universal values of the World Heritage Site and in so doing must continue the strong tradition of development that respects its context and creates visual harmony."

8 Insert new paragraph 1.4.3: A summary of the outstanding universal values of the WHS is included in Section 2.2.

9 Existing Section 1.4 re-numbered 1.5.

10 Existing Section 1.5 re-numbered 1.6.

11 Para. 1.5.1 replace para 2 with "Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan Policy GDS.1/B1 states the following:" and replace text in bold with:

"Any planning application will need to demonstrate that it is consistent with and contributes to the delivery of comprehensive development of the whole site by reference to the BWR Supplementary Planning Document which accords with this policy."

12 Para. 1.5.14 revise to say "up to 450".

13 Add footnote to para 1.5.16: "The figures quoted are October 2006 figures and are indexed against the RPI"

14 Replace para 1.5.16: "It is essential that BWR includes an appropriate element of affordable housing. The Council will seek to achieve its policy of 35% affordable units on BWR, as set out in the Adopted SPG on Affordable Housing. The dominant form of affordable housing provided should be rented accommodation managed by a Registered Social Landlord, with the Council expecting 75% of the affordable housing at BWR to be social rented. An element of intermediate home ownership accommodation will also be acceptable, however, a range of intermediate home ownership products (if possible ranging from 25% to 75% ownership) should be provided. The low cost home ownership products must be affordable for those households in need of intermediate housing and unable to buy on the open market with household income levels typically between £16,500 and £45,000 based on 2007 values. There will be a role for `key worker' accommodation within BWR which may be met from the intermediate home ownership dwellings and there may also be a need for some intermediate rented housing. The mix of the affordable housing must be agreed with the Local Planning Authority which will use the Housing Needs Assessment and/or its Strategic Housing Market Assessment (when it is available) in conjunction with the latest housing waiting list to agree a balance of units in order to create a sustainable community. A small element of the affordable housing may be accommodation with care for older people and supported housing for other needs groups."

15 Replace paragraph 1.5.20 to refer to successors to Scheme Development Standards and Eco-Homes schemes and to lifetime homes: "Affordable units benefiting from gap funding must be built to the Housing Corporation's Design and Quality Standards and will be expected to be rated at and achieve Code 3 for Sustainable Homes standard (see also section on embedded sustainability). Affordable units will be expected to achieve the Secured by Design standard. As for the construction and energy targets in Embedded Sustainability section, the Code for Sustainable Homes target to be subject to review as standards and targets develop."

16 Also amend other occurrences of the above in the SPD - overlooked at the October 2006 Council Executive but agreed in principle:

Para 1.5.37 replace the word 'Eco-Homes' with 'Code for Sustainable Homes'

Para 1.5.38 replace first sentence with 'All buildings on the BWR site should be assessed at the design stage against either the BREEAM standard Excellent rating for non-residential or the Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3 for residential.'

Para 1.5.39 replace first sentence with "All buildings must all be reassessed prior to handover with a Post Construction Review certificate which must achieve Excellent (BREEAM) or Level 3 (Code for Sustainable Homes)."

Para 1.5.40 in the Energy Targets box - replace first line with 'Code for Sustainable Homes, Level 3'

17 Para. 1.5.23 Amend to reflect recommendations of Local Plan Inspector - no change needed

18 Para. 1.5.43 Additional phrase to be added to second bullet point in parenthesis to be added to read: "Roof integrated photovoltaics and solar hot water generation (where these can be successfully integrated into the roofscape by avoiding prominent roof slopes and using internal roof slopes and hidden / screened roof areas)."

19 New Para after 1.5.45 setting out requirements for Travel Plans: "A Travel Plan and a Travel Plan Co-ordinator will be required to promote walking, cycling and public transport to achieve transport modal share targets."

20 Para. 1.5.47 Expand to refer to efficient water consumption: end of para add "together with initiatives aimed at reducing water consumption."

21 New para after 1.5.48 "Space should be provided within BWR to showcase sustainable energy and ways of living, where residents and also visitors to Bath can be informed of techniques, technology and practice of sustainable living through in the form of an information and education centre, including practical working demonstrations."

22 Para. 1.5.51 Expand to make reference to requirement to reduce need to travel by private car to school, and role of a school in drawing together existing and new residents and establishing communities. Add the following text to 1.5.51:

"The provision of a one-form entry primary school is seen as a key feature in helping to foster and promote a sustainable community and new patterns of sustainable living at Bath Western Riverside. The school buildings and grounds will provide a valuable hub for the new community and for neighbouring communities, thereby encouraging community interaction and social cohesion.

New para 1.5.52: The location of the school within the main residential area of the new development site will deliver local educational provision for 210 4 to 11 year olds. This will establish the opportunity for local children and their families to walk or cycle to school, reducing the need to travel by private car. In addition to helping to minimise the impact of Bath Western Riverside on the local transport network, this will help to reduce traffic movement and traffic pollution within the site and to promote healthier lifestyles. This approach will be supported by a network of new pedestrian and cycle paths within the new community and improved linkages to surrounding communities.

New para 1.5.53: Out of hours, the school will be available as a community facility for the new community and existing neighbouring communities. Again, the location of this facility and its surrounding network of pedestrian and cycle routes will help to reduce car movements."

23 Replacement paragraph 1.7.1 & 1.7.2 setting out the SPD consultation process:

Replacement paragraph 1.7.1: "The publication of the draft SPD was a key event in terms of engagement with stakeholders. This consultation took place over a six week period between June and July 2006. All representations received were analysed and changes to the draft SPD made. The revised draft SPD, including a full schedule of responses received and responses to them was then taken to Council Executive in October 2006. A full schedule of material changes to the SPD was agreed at this time."

Replacement paragraph 1.7.2: "Prior to this a detailed programme of stakeholder engagement had already been undertaken. This has been central to the BWR `Masterplanning' process. The aim of the engagement strategy has been to ensure that the Masterplan benefits from, and is informed by, local regional and national views and knowledge."

Delete para 1.7.3

Part 2: Spatial Masterplan

24 Amend para 2.1.4 to report WSP's involvement in townscape and visual impact assessment and Sustainability Appraisal replace sentence on WSP involvement with "WSP were involved in the townscape and visual impact assessment, provided information on access, transport and engineering and carried out the Sustainability Appraisal of the SPD;"

25 New para after 2.1.5 "This spatial Masterplan has been developed with the benefit of considerable research and baseline data. It is not possible to credit all sections of the report as the information has been obtained from a wide range of sources and interactions with specialists. The Policy Review at Appendix A lists the range of source material that has been used in developing this supplementary planning document."

26 Plan 2.1 Amend boundary to exclude all land south of Lower Bristol Road (i.e. Bath Press site)

27 Delete para. 2.2.10

28 Replacement para. 2.2.10 "Respect for the combination of the outstanding universal values of the city (see box) over time has created a highly distinctive character to the city, with a strong contextual history, this has created a very strong visual harmony, which must be maintained as part of the redevelopment of BWR."

29 Section 2.2 Add new highlighted box:

Summary of Bath World Heritage Site Outstanding Universal Values:

The Hot Springs

The Hot Springs prompted the first development of the city by the Romans and have been responsible for its regeneration on several occasions throughout history, most notably in the 12th and 18th centuries. The presence of the Springs has given rise to great periods of activity and prosperity, leading to some of the most impressive architecture in Europe, particularly of the Roman and Georgian eras. They have been a continued focus for the healing, worship and social interaction that has been such an important part of Bath's history and identity. The Springs today are still central to Bath's local, national and international identity and reputation.

Roman Remains

The remains of the Roman Bath complex form with Hadrian's Wall the most impressive architectural monuments of Roman Britain. Collectively with other Roman archaeological remains across and around Bath, the baths and temple complex form an important and highly individual reflection of the social and religious practices of Roman Britain and of Bath's role as an international place of pilgrimage.

18th century architecture

The individual buildings and developments of 18th century Bath are outstanding for their architectural quality and innovative design, particularly the overall collective coherence of the buildings, the excellence of their facades, the urban spaces that they create and relate to and the harmonious integration of urban development and landscape setting. They are the work of many architects: John Wood the elder and John Wood the Younger, and their contemporaries such as Robert Adam and Thomas Baldwin.

18th Century town planning

Bath played a key role in developing new town planning techniques in the 18th century, in particular the crescent and the circus, and they arrangement of a row of individual houses into a single monumental façade. A key characteristic of Bath's 18th century architecture is the high quality urban spaces enclosed and created by individual developments. The innovations in town planning that were seen in Bath in the 18th century quickly inspired architects and town planners across the country and ideas were exported widely.

18th century city

The outstanding value of the individual elements of Bath's 18th century architecture is multiplied by its overall collective coherence and particularly by the scale of its survival of its associated city infrastructure, setting and historical context. It is still possible, through the survival of the buildings, streets, pavements, gardens, parks, open public spaces, landscape settings, stone mines, other industrial remains, archaeology and many other structures and features to see and experience the 18th century city very clearly in the present city, and to put it in the context of its origins, history and development.


The landscape is an integral part of the architecture of the 18th century city. The organic blending of buildings and natural environment began with the Royal Crescent and was continued in developments such as Lansdown Crescent. It was the beginning of the Picturesque movement in the urban environment. The landscape particularly the geology - is at the heart of Bath's individuality, providing both the limestone to build the city (from Roman to present day) and the Hot Springs which are the very reason for the founding of the city. The landscape also forms the wider setting of the city, particularly important for its aesthetic beauty and drama.

Social Setting

During the Roman period Bath was a local, national and international destination for pilgrimage as a religious and social spa. In the 18th century, as a spa fashionable to national and international society, Bath attracted key members of the aristocracy and gentry, as well as writers and artists, and played an important part in defining social behaviour of the upper classes, with the `rules' for behaviour laid down by Beau Nash.

30 Plan 2.2 Amend boundary to exclude all land south of Lower Bristol Road and delete route through existing allotments

31 Amendment to Section 2.3 Overarching Design Principles

1 Bath Context.

Remove `special qualities' replace with `outstanding universal values' at the end of the paragraph add: "Overall the design of BWR will be expected to continue the tradition of strong visual harmony which has resulted from respect for the outstanding universal values, that has created this distinctive city."

32 Section 2.4 Amend Item 6 (Heritage Enhancement) to delete "not only in physical terms but also in the management of the existing asset".

33 Plan 2.3 Spatial Masterplan - amendments:

B7 Amend boundary to exclude all land south of Lower Bristol Road

B7 Delete route through play area at RVP & replace with new pedestrian entrance

B7 Delete route through existing allotments

B7 Link between Linear Park and BWR to be identified also as a cycle route

B7 All pedestrian routes to also be shown as cycle routes

B7 Amend BRT route to accord with revised route as shown on plan 3LV13/BRT/005A (see Local Plan Proposed Modifications Map 28)

34 Plan 2.4 Public Realm Typologies - amendments:

B7 Amend boundary to exclude all land south of Lower Bristol Road.

B7 Delete route through play area at RVP & replace with new pedestrian entrance

B7 Delete route through existing allotments

35 Plan 2.5 The River Corridor - Amend boundary to exclude all land south of Lower Bristol Road.

36 New para after 2.5.3 "Security provision for internal and external environments needs to be appropriate for scheme locations and building types and should reflect advice from the Police Architectural Liaison Officer prior to the detailed planning stage. As a general principle this should include a site layout that maximises natural surveillance."

37 Plan 2.6 The City Extension - Amend boundary to exclude all land south of Lower Bristol Road.

38 Para. 2.6.4 Additional bullet point under River Design Principles: "Development along the river frontage should accommodate and encourage river traffic".

39 Add final bullet point to criteria in 2.6.4 River Design Principles cross referencing to Local Plan policies saying "Any proposed developments which may result in noise nuisance to existing or future residents will, of course, be assessed in the light of existing Local Plan policies D2 and ES.12. Moreover, recent changes in the Use Classes Order have allowed LPAs to exercise greater control over the nature of food and drink uses."

40 Plan 2.7 The Western Neighbourhood - Amend boundary to exclude all land south of Lower Bristol Road.

41 Plan 2.8 Townscape Opportunities - Amend boundary to exclude all land south of Lower Bristol Road.

42 Para. 2.9.1 Amend to refer to numerous viewpoints around the City, especially from elevated hillside locations: delete second sentence in para 2.9.1 replace with "Its position, surrounded by higher ground, means that it is widely visible from a number of elevated positions around the city"

43 Para. 2.9.2 Replace existing text with:

"To carefully reflect the distinct roofscape of the city it is important that heights are not consistently applied across the site, or across development blocks. In fact the reverse is required. The skyline of the development needs to display variety across the site and within blocks, with a mixture of heights, scales and roof treatments."

44 New paragraph 2.9.3 "Analysis of the site and surrounding townscape has shown that development of 4-6 storeys in height would not have unacceptable townscape or visual impacts on the City and, subject to analysis of specific proposals and to detailed design, are likely to be acceptable. Applicants wishing to promote development of a greater height will need to demonstrate, through a justified design case required by 2.1.11 of this SPD, that their proposals will create a design solution that meets the Vision Statement for BWR (paras. 2.2.1 to 2.2.13 of this SPD) and the Overarching Design Principles (Section 2.3 of the SPD)."

45 Plan 2.10 Amend Note 1 to say "and measured above existing ground level" at the end of the first sentence. Also replace "ba" with "be" in note 1.

Add additional note:

"3. This plan shows a broad range of floor heights for each zone, it is not acceptable for all the development within each band to be at the highest end of the range. It is essential that variety in height is introduced in the roofscape to reflect the traditions in the city."

Also, amend boundary to exclude all land south of Lower Bristol Road.

46 Plan 2.11 Changes:

  • Link between Linear Park and BWR to be identified also as a cycle route.
  • Delete route through existing play area, but show new pedestrian access point to park.
  • Delete route through allotments
  • All pedestrian routes to also be shown as cycle routes
  • Amend LRT route to accord with revised route as shown on plan 3LV13/BRT/005A

47 New Para after 2.11.13 setting out parking standard and objectives for this:"To minimise traffic impacts, car parking standards adopted will be significantly lower than the maximum permitted standard to reflect the location and nature of the development adjacent to the city centre and public transport networks. Effective parking controls will be necessary to manage car parking both on the site and in roads adjacent to thesite."

48 New Para. 2.13.3 "A management plan for dealing with the on-site Japanese Knotweed should also be prepared at the earliestopportunity."

49 New Section after 2.13 called "2.14 Drainage andFlooding." Add the following text "The drainage of the site should follow environmentally sound principles, including where possible the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage, grey water recycling, run off attenuation and use for landscape irrigation. Proposals for the development of the area must take into account the provisions of PPS25 Development and Flood Risk and the latest flood level predictions provided by the EnvironmentAgency."

Renumber paragraphs following this accordingly.

50 Section 2.15 Heritage Enhancement Include reference to WHS Management Plan insert new para before 2.15.1"The City of Bath World Heritage Site Management Plan provides a framework for understanding how the development site relates to the World Heritage values, and ensuring that the development is appropriate for maintaining and enhancing those values and the character of the World HeritageSite."

Part 3: The Implementation Plan

51 Delete 3.2.3 point 3 and delete from Plan 3.1 accordingly to reflect exclusion of all land south of Lower Bristol Road from SPD

52 New para after 3.2.6 explaining process of approval of Context Plans. Add the following para after 3.2.6:"Context Plans will be approved through the Development Team process and will be considered within the context set through the Local DevelopmentFramework."

53 Para 3.3.1 Amend SR3 wording to say "Provision of recreational facilities to meet the needs of new development" in line with amended Local Plan policy

54 Para. 3.3.4 Amend to say:

  • "Appendix C sets out the Planning Obligation requirements. These are in 3 parts as follows:

  • Affordable housing
  • Specific infrastructure requirements which are expected to be provided as part of the development
  • Formulae for Pooled contributions to mitigate the effects of development"

55 Para. 3.4.1 Amend last sentence to state: "seek approval for access, layout, and scale (as defined in the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Amendment) (England) Order2006."

General Amendments

56 Non material copy editing amendments needed prior to adoption:

  • Update Cover on adoption
  • Add new Council logo
  • Amend instances of "emerging Local Plan" to say "adopted Local Plan"
  • Correct paragraph numbering where appropriate
  • Paragraph 2.15 change title to "Building Communities" in line with Sustainability Appraisal
  • For consistency correct Plans 2.1-2.11 to use dashed line instead of solid line (as in Plan 3.1) to illustrate that the `potential new crossing to Norfolk Crescent' suggested in para. 2.11.20, thus giving it a different appearance from existing bridges. Amend the map key in accordance with this.
  • Add Local Plan cross reference to para 2.11.20 replace the second sentence in this paragraph. Add the following "The case for any additional crossing would need to be demonstrated, including consideration of the impact on local residents (Local Plan policy D2).
  • Ensure Plans 2.1 - 2.11 are correct in line with all the preceding amendments

Appendix A: Policy Review

(Appendix 3 to Report to Cabinet January 2008)

57 Update introductory paragraph to reflect version of BWR SPD that this is an appendix to and status of Local Plan. Replace second paragraph of the introduction with the following:

"Where reference is made to the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan in this document, this relates to the adopted version of the plan (October 2007). Although the draft SPD was written prior to the publication of the Local Plan Inspector's report, the issues raised by the Inspector's report were taken into account as part of the consultation process. The schedule of amendments to the SPD agreed by Council Executive in October 2006 took account of the fact that modifications to the Local Plan were proposed and delegated authority was granted at this time to make the necessary amendments to the SPD in relation to modifications to the Local Plan. These amendments have now been completed as the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan was adopted on 18th October 2007."

58 As agreed by Council Executive October 2006 add summary of key elements of World Heritage Site Management Plan. Insert the following:

World Heritage Site Management Plan:

The Management Plan provides a framework to conserve and sustain the outstanding universal values of the City of Bath World Heritage Site. The Plan sets out why Bath is a World Heritage Site and highlights the main issues facing the city's management as a World Heritage Site.

The Plan also sets out a number of objectives covering these issues, including development and managing change, which forms the main framework for approaching development within the World Heritage Site. Two of the key objectives (though not all relevant to development) are:

Objective 11

The Local Authority and other agencies involved in the management of the World Heritage Site should not permit any development that would be detrimental to the World Heritage Site and its setting, and developers should prepare high quality development schemes, taking into account the values of the World Heritage Site and the ability of the Site to accommodate change.

Objective 12

Contemporary architecture of outstanding quality should be encouraged where appropriate, to enhance the values of the World Heritage Site and all new development should be integrated into the existing character of the location, considering and understanding the values of the wider World Heritage Site, and enhancing the presentation and use of the public realm.

59 Update paragraph on PPG3 and insert paragraph on PPS3:

PPS3: Housing

PPS3 was published in November 2006. The Government's strategic housing policy objectives set out in PSS3 are as follows:

To achieve a wide choice of high quality homes, both affordable and

  • market housing to address the requirements of the community;

  • To widen opportunities for home ownership and ensure high quality housing for those who cannot afford market housing, in particular those who are vulnerable or in need;
  • To improve affordability across the housing market, including by

increasing the supply of housing; and

  • To create sustainable, inclusive, mixed communities in all areas, both urban and rural.

60 Delete paragraph on PPG25 and insert paragraph on PPS25:

"Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS25) sets out Government policy on development and flood risk. Its aims are to ensure that flood risk is taken into account at all stages in the planning process to avoid inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding, and to direct development away from areas of highest risk. Where new development is, exceptionally necessary in such areas, policy aims to make it safe, without increasing flood risk elsewhere, and, where possible, reducing flood riskoverall."

61 Add final sentence to paragraph on Regional Policy Guidance for the South West:

The Regional Spatial Strategy for the South West will replace RPG10 on its adoption.

62 Update paragraph on Joint Replacement Structure Plan:

"policies from the Joint Replacement Structure Plan (JRSP), which was adopted in September 2002, have been "saved" under the Local Development Framework of Bath & North East Somerset Council. Together with RPG10, the JRSP provides part of the policy underpinning this SPD."

Policy 6 of the JRSP and the supporting text are specific to Bath. Para

2.57 of the JRSP states that opportunities for regeneration and for maintaining and creating mixes of uses that reinforce the historic character and sustainability of Bath will be realised, particularly within and adjacent to the City Centre, but that these should not displace traditional patterns of development or generate large increases in traffic. The JRSP goes on to say that the redevelopment of former employment sites such as Western Riverside will be important in achieving a mix of residential, employment and other uses which will help meet the job requirements of the surrounding sub-region and the rising demand for new housing.

The JRSP states that the precise mix of uses and the scale and form of development will be determined in the Local Plan. This is a key role of the SPD Spatial Masterplan, in amplifying the requirements of Policy GDS.1 of the Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan."

63 Update paragraph on Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan. Replace paragraph 2 with: "The Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan is a District-wide Local Plan that sets out the Council's planning policies and proposals up to 2011. The Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan was adopted on 18th October 2007."

Appendix B: Environmental Impact Assessment: Environmental Appraisal

(Appendix 4 to Report to Cabinet March 2008)

No material changes to the above are proposed.

64 Update cover on adoption

Appendix C: Developer Contributions

(Appendix 5 to Report to Cabinet March 2008)

65 Replace first paragraph under "Affordable Housing" headline with the following:

In accordance with paragraphs 1.5.16-1.5.21 of the SPD, all schemes involving residential development will be expected to provide 35% affordable housing. The dominant form of affordable housing provided should be rented accommodation managed by a Registered Social Landlord, with the Council expecting 75% of the affordable housing at BWR to be social rented. An element of intermediate home ownership accommodation will also be acceptable, however, a range of intermediate home ownership products (if possible ranging from 25% to 75% ownership) should be provided. The low cost home ownership products must be affordable for those households in need of intermediate housing and unable to buy on the open market with households income levels typically between A316,500 and A345,000* based on 2007 values.

*The figures quoted are October 2006 figures and are indexed against the RPI.

66 Infrastructure related to BWR - Delete "Zone 3: Bath Press and adjacent land" paragraph as land as all land south of Lower Bristol Road has been excluded from the site.

67 Replace all references to the Local Plan with "Bath & North East Somerset Local Plan (AdoptedVersion)"

68 Correct paragraph numbering references where appropriate

69 Public Art: Delete section on as Policy D3 is not included in the adopted Local Plan.

70 Green Space: Delete reference to policy SR.6 as this is not included in the adopted Local Plan

71 Sports Facilities: Delete reference to policy SR.6 as this is not included in the adopted Local Plan

72 Despite amendments being agreed at the October 2006 Cabinet, no amendments need to be made to the last paragraph under "basis of calculation" as this is an illustrative example.

Appendix D: Design Codes

(Appendix 6 to Report to Cabinet March 2008)

No material changes to the above are proposed.

73 Update cover on adoption and add the following note to the cover:

"Please note the site boundary of Local Plan site allocation GDS.1/B1 has been amended to exclude all land south of Lower Bristol Road. These design codes were drafted prior to this amendment to the Local Plan, however, they still apply in principle and will be developed further as part of the detailed Masterplanning of the site."

Sustainability Appraisal

(Appendix 7 to Report to Cabinet March 2008)

It was agreed that a final version of the Sustainability Appraisal taking into account the amendments to the BWR SPD agreed at the Council Executive meeting on 11th October 2006 would be brought back to Cabinet. WSP Consultants have now completed the Sustainability Appraisal and the Sustainability Appraisal Addendum together with a non-technical summary and a sustainability statement are enclosed as Appendix 2.