Meeting documents

Wednesday, 5th March, 2008

Appendix 4

Study Briefs


Employment Land Study

(Business Growth & Employment Land study)

Study Brief Objectives

1. A review of national and local economic trends and an analysis of local economic growth forecasts.

2. A forecast of future employment space needs and an assessment of the requirements of modern business for new sites and premises.

3. An audit of existing employment sites and their suitability to meet future business requirements together with an analysis of business expansion opportunities.

4. Production of an employment development strategy for Bath and North East Somerset.



Retail Study

Study Brief Objectives

The retail strategy will set out bespoke strategies for Bath and the main towns and an approach to the Bath suburbs and the rural area within a strategic framework for future retail provision across Bath & North East Somerset. The strategy will accord with the requirements of Planning Policy Statement 6 - Planning for Town Centres, and set out forecast new convenience and comparison retail floor space requirements by 5 yearly periods up to 2026.



Strategic Housing Land Assessment (SHLAA)

Study Brief Objectives

Outputs will include:

1. A list of potential housing sites, cross-referenced to maps showing locations and boundaries of specific sites (and showing broad locations, if necessary)

2. Assessment of the deliverability/developability of each identified site (i.e. in terms of its suitability, availability and achievability) to determine when an identified site is realistically expected to be developed

3. Potential quantity of housing that could be delivered on each identified site or within each identified broad location (where necessary) or on windfall sites (where justified)

4. Assessment on constraints on the delivery of identified sites. Recommendations on how these constraints could be overcome and when.



Strategic Housing Market Assessment

Study Brief Objectives

The Assessment will:

1. Provide detailed sub-regional market analysis of housing need and demand and supply, and provide evidence of the future requirement for market and affordable housing;

2. Identify and assess the role of sub-markets in the housing market area and the influence upon them of major road and transport corridors.

3. Provide evidence-based, long-term views of housing need and demand across all tenures to inform sustainable community strategies, local authority housing strategies and local development documents.

4. Inform decisions concerning social housing allocation priorities, private sector renewal options and the evaluation of new-build affordable and low cost housing products. It will also inform the development of housing policies on stock conversion, demolition, transfer and renewal in areas where the quality of the housing stock is inadequate.

5. Inform the assessment of housing need and demand in relation to future proposed development and inform negotiations with developers on levels of affordable housing required whilst ensuring that the dwelling mix reflects the profile of local housing demand and need.

6. Translate housing need into the requirement for different types and sizes of accommodation across all tenures so that appropriate mixes can be sought on both large strategic sites and elsewhere.



Cultural Strategy

Study Brief Objectives

The purpose of this study is:

o To research, test and deliver recommendations for a new cultural facility for Bath with special consideration of the Western Riverside development

o To define and propose scale, usage, site, market and synergies with other local facilities to prove the business case

o To demonstrate how a new cultural facility could best contribute to local, sub regional and regional needs and the changing image of Bath.



Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)

Study Brief Objectives

Planning Policy Statement 25 requires Local Authorities to apply the Sequential Test at all stages of planning. The aim is to steer new development to areas with the lowest probability of flooding (Zone 1). The SFRA refines information on probability of flooding, taking other sources of flooding and the impacts of climate change into account. It also provides the basis for applying the Sequential Test.

The SFRA will contain essential information about flood sources and possible site specific mitigation methods as well as maps showing:

o up-to-date Flood Zones based on the latest model

o areas at risk of flooding from sources other than rivers or the sea e.g. groundwater, sewers etc

o areas more likely to be affected by climate change

o flood probability, depth and velocity in case of overtopping or failure of flood defence



Tourism Destination Management Plan

Study Brief Objectives

1. An audit of the destination identifying its strengths and weaknesses including an analysis of performance and past trends together with benchmarking against other comparable visitor destinations

2. The marketing and positioning of Bath and the relationship of the city to the surrounding area

3. The nature of the current tourism product and priorities for improvement.

Delivery and management mechanisms for addressing & taking forward the actions proposed in the Plan



World Heritage Site setting assessment

Study Brief Objectives

UNESCO requires that the need for a buffer zone for each World Heritage Site is considered. The setting of the Bath WHS will identified and assessed to examine the levels of protection already in place and a report recommending whether a buffer zone is considered necessary compiled:

o Setting work: Spring 2008

o Buffer zone report: late summer.