Meeting documents

Wednesday, 5th March, 2003

Bath & North East Somerset Council





5TH MARCH 2003






List of attachments to this report:

Towards 2013 - a thriving, sustainable economy for Bath and North East SomersetAction Plan


1.1 The economic development strategy, `Towards 2013...' will provide the council with a strategic framework for the delivery of community and economic development regeneration activity for the next ten years, feeding directly into the Local Strategic Partnership Community Planning process.

1.2 Following the introduction of the new political structures, one of the Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee undertook a review of the way in which the Council produced its Economic Development Strategy and made a series of recommendations. These recommendations have been taken on board by this Executive and have helped guide the process to produce a longer term, inclusive and forward thinking strategy.

1.3 The Council's recent Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) highlighted a need for a long term vision for the economy and a job planning strategy. The Economic Development Strategy aims to answer these concerns.


2.1 That the Executive approves the attached Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan to be taken forward Full Council for adoption.

2.2 That the Executive develop proposals along with its partner organisations to ensure appropriate monitoring and evaluation procedures are in place to measure the performance of the Strategy.

2.3 That the Executive receives annual reports on the progress of the Strategy against the identified targets and actions set out in the Action Plan.

2.4 That the strategy is presented to the Planning, Transport, Economy and Sustainability Overview and Scrutiny Panel for comment. ( Panel due to meet 13th March 2003)

3 Financial Implications

3.1 There are no immediate, additional financial implications arising from this report, though it must be stressed that this document constitutes a framework for action over the next ten years, which will undoubtedly impact upon the Council budgets, as well as that of it's many other partners listed as lead organisations in the Action Plan. All Council expenditure will be subject to the Council's usual financial planning process.

3.2 Any costs associated with the monitoring and evaluation process can be met from within existing resources in the Sustainability and Economic Development Service allocation. The sum of £10,000 has been allocated in the current budget for the production of this strategy and action plan. It is anticipated that monitoring and evaluation costs can be contained within a budget allocation of £5,000 annually.

4.0 The Report

4.1 The Local Government Act 2000 gives local authorities powers to undertake any activities likely to achieve the promotion or improvement of the economic, or social, or environmental well-being of its area.

4.2 This is the first time in Bath and North East Somerset, that an economic development strategy has been drawn up involving a large cross section of interested parties and over such a long period of time.

4.3 The process has been a fully inclusive one, beginning almost two years ago and this inclusive approach is expected to continue throughout the lifespan of the Strategy in the implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review process. This is a deliberate decision in order that the strategy is not a not isolated as a `Council' owned document, but by its very evolution becomes endorsed as a wider partnership strategy also.

4.4 In order to get to this point, much has been undertaken and achieved, beginning with initial discussions, a comprehensive questionnaire survey of the business community and other key stakeholders to determine the main issues, (the Key Issues report can be accessed on the CIS under A-Z Public/Economic Development/Key Issues Report) which in turn provided the Council and it's partners with the four key building blocks for the Strategy,

· Business creation and growth

· Community Regeneration

· Environment and infrastructure

· Skills and training

Following on from this exercise, a `Vision Into Action' event was held in April 2002, bringing over 130 key businesses, organisations and other key stakeholders together to develop a vision for Bath and North East Somerset and to brainstorm key actions to be delivered under the four building blocks to achieve the vision.

4.5 Volunteers came forward from the day to sit on working groups for each of the building blocks. Their role was to draft strategic objectives, which reflected the issues and concerns identified and further develop actions to be undertaken and identify which organisation would be responsible for leading on delivery.

4.6 A member from the Council's Executive sat on each of the four working groups and they have been closely involved in the development of the strategy.

4.7 A list of the partner organisations involved in the working groups which developed the draft strategy can be found in the Strategy itself under the section headed `The Partners'.

4.8 These groups met regularly over a three-month period in order to produce the draft consultation document, which was published in November 2002.

4.9 The Strategy was also presented to the Planning, Transport, Economy and Sustainability Overview and Scrutiny Panel in November 2002 and they agreed that,

1 To date, the consultation process has been comprehensive with a lot of people being involved. The proposed way forward appears to be acceptable; and

2 The framework of Strategic Objectives contained in the draft report addresses the future challenges and issues faced by Bath and North East Somerset

4.10 The two-month consultation process came to an end on 31st January 2003. Over 30 formal responses were received, many from organisations representing and reflecting the views of a much wider membership (eg. Bath Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Small Business, the Norton Radstock Chamber of Commerce, a variety of parish councils, the National Farmers Union, etc)

4.11 Following analysis of the responses and comments received, officers undertook to produce an amended draft, which was presented to the wider economic partnership on 4th February 2003 and which, subject to further minor amendments included in the draft before members today, was recommended be placed before the Council's Executive for adoption.

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Contact person

Bill Cotton - 01225 477295

Damien Wilson - 01225 477636

Background papers

