Meeting documents

Wednesday, 5th March, 2003

Consultation meeting held at Foxhill Community Centre 14th January 2003

Attendees - 38 service users and carers. Also Pam Richards, Linda Frankland B&NES, Sue Robinson WECODP, Liz Spurgeon Advocacy Group and Personal Assistant and BSL interpreter arranged by WECODP

Format for meeting

Pam Richards presented the consultation document for Fair Access to Care. Each question on the document was explained.

Linda Frankland presented the consultation document for Fairer Charging. Each question on the document was explained.

The attendees were asked for questions.

After a break the attendees split into smaller groups to go through the documents with facilitators. One group went through the easy English version. Each question was discussed and explained by the facilitators so that people could consider the comments they would like to make.

Summary of main questions raised at the meeting

Fair Access to Care

Q - The circulation of the questionnaires was raised and whether people in Green Park had received questionnaires.

A It was confirmed that as there are over 4000 service users it was not possible to send a questionnaire to every person so many had been sent to representative groups of users and carers. However the service users of the day centres had been given questionnaires by staff.

Q How would people know about their assessment and what they may be entitled to ?

A Everyone must have a care assessment before they receive a service and a reassessment each year. Social Services will be reviewing everyone so that they have an assessment of their needs.

Q My mother has osteoporosis and is bad on her legs and doesn't get any help ?

A Has she asked for help ? She should contact Lewis House and ask for help. They would send someone to visit her and see what her care needs are.

Q This is a big piece of work to assess everyone. Who will be doing the assessments for day service users ?

A We are hoping to get some additional help. We may also need to ask day centre staff to assist.

Q This is called consultation. If a lot of people disagree will the line be changed ?

A Ultimately the councillors will decide and they have to consider the comments from the consultation when making their decision. However the more generous we are in setting the line the more money it will cost the council.

Q It may end up costing more as if you withdraw day services for people they may end up going in to care ?

A We want to ensure that the services provided are fair and consistent and ultimately the councillors will decide.

Fairer Charging

Q What happens to people who attend the day centres from other local authorities ?

A We would investigate that.

Q Regarding the disability related spend, would transport to day centres be allowed for ?

A If the council has provided the transport to the day centre we would not need to take that into account - we would not charge for this transport.

Q Regarding the disability related spend, would the allowance for personal assistance only apply to people in wheelchairs ?

A No it could also apply to people who are not in wheelchairs.

Q How would you assess carers ?

A They would be assessed on their own income

Q When will the new charging begin ?

A It would be some time after April.

Comment We feel that the disability related spend allowances are too narrow

Comment We think the jump in charges for day centres is too high - 50p would be better.

It was also commented that the easy English version was not clear for the Disability related spend question. It implies that service users would be given funding for these things. It was felt that the questionnaire was misleading.