Meeting documents

Wednesday, 5th March, 2003





Schedule of Proposed Changes to the Local Plan

emerging from the Schedule of Responses (Appendix 1)


Current SPG already prepared is as follows:

· Walcot Street Works 1997

· Larkhall Character Statement & Development Principles 1994

· MoD Foxhill Development Brief

· External Lighting 1997

· Building Materials

· Cherishing Outdoor Places 1994

· Mendip Hills AONB - New Farm Buildings 2001

· Paulton Village Design Statement 2001

· Peasedown St. John Village Design Statement 2001

· Advertisements & Illuminations 1998

· Policy Notes for Bath 1-11 (1993-1996)

· Sawclose Planning Guidance Note (1996)

Current SPG already prepared is as follows:

· Walcot Street Works 1997

· Larkhall Character Statement & Development Principles 1994

· MoD Foxhill Development Brief

· External Lighting 1997

· Building Materials

· Cherishing Outdoor Places 1994

· Mendip Hills AONB - New Farm Buildings 2001

· Paulton Village Design Statement 2001

· Peasedown St. John Village Design Statement 2001

· Advertisements & Illuminations 1998

· Policy Notes for Bath 1-11 (1993-1996)

· Sawclose Planning Guidance Note (1996)

· Western Riverside Supplementary Planning Guidance (2003)


The following SPGs are being considered for future publication:

· Design Guide including importance of the public realm

· Development Briefs on general development sites e.g. Western Riverside and south west Keynsham

· Landscape Character Assessment

· Conversion/re-use of upper floors of commercial properties e.g. design, parking etc

· Care and repair of Historic Buildings

· Development Control guidance for waste management sites

· General Archaeological Guidance

· Bath, Keynsham, Norton-Radstock and Chew Magna Archaeological Guidance

· Site of Nature Conservation Interest designation criteria

· Farm diversification

· Protection of biodiversity within new development

· Affordable Housing

· Conservation Area Appraisal Guidelines

· Development in the Forest of Avon

· Parking standards

· Public Realm Strategy

· Radstock & Midsomer Norton Streetscape Strategy

· Developer contributions

· Tree and Woodland Action Plan

· Trees and development guidelines

· Forest of Avon

· Others as identified

The following SPGs are being considered for future publication:

· Design Guide including importance of the public realm

· Development Briefs on general development sites e.g. Western Riverside and south west Keynsham

· Landscape Character Assessment

· Conversion/re-use of upper floors of commercial properties e.g. design, parking etc

· Care and repair of Historic Buildings

· Development Control guidance for waste management sites

· General Archaeological Guidance

· Bath, Keynsham, Norton-Radstock and Chew Magna Archaeological Guidance

· Site of Nature Conservation Interest designation criteria

· Farm diversification

· Protection of biodiversity within new development

· Affordable Housing

· Conservation Area Appraisal Guidelines

· Development in the Forest of Avon

· Parking standards

· Public Realm Strategy

· Radstock & Midsomer Norton Streetscape Strategy

· Developer contributions

· Tree and Woodland Action Plan

· Trees and development guidelines

· Forest of Avon

· Others as identified


The part-derelict former industrial area of Western Riverside covering an area of 39 ha is the subject of major proposals to create a vital and viable place which reconnects the urban fabric of Bath and offers high quality environments that function as working and living quarters of the city and reinforce its World Heritage status. The Council is actively promoting the regeneration of this site in partnership with the South West Regional Development Agency (SWRDA) the landowners and local groups. This brownfield site will provide the location for a significant part of the housing requirement of the District and for considerable work opportunities served by good transport links. The current work aims to produce a Regeneration Plan leading to a planning application, and a viable Transport Strategy capable of meeting needs of the wider area, together with a funding strategy to secure its implementation. It is expected that this site will come forward in the second half of the Plan period.

The part-derelict former industrial area of Western Riverside covering an area of 39 ha is the subject of major proposals to create a vital and viable place which reconnects the urban fabric of Bath and offers a high quality residential and employment environment that function as working and living quarters of the city and reinforces the its World Heritage status of the City. The Council is actively promoting the regeneration of this site in partnership with the South West Regional Development Agency (SWRDA) the landowners and local groups. This brownfield site will provide the location for a significant part of the housing requirement of the District and for considerable work opportunities served by good transport links. The current work aims to produce a Regeneration Plan leading to a planning application, and a viable Transport Strategy capable of meeting needs of the wider area, together with a funding strategy to secure its implementation. It is expected that this site will come forward in the second half of the Plan period.

A4.26A The Council is actively promoting the regeneration of this site in partnership with a Master Developer Partner, the South West Regional Development Agency (SWRDA), the landowners and local groups. The current work aims to produce a Regeneration Plan SPG has been produced outlining the key principles and land-use planning requirements in redeveloping the site. It is envisaged that this SPG will provide the framework for a Masterplan, leading to a planning application, and a viable Transport Strategy capable of meeting needs of the wider area, together with a funding strategy to secure its implementation. It is expected that this site will come forward on a phased basis over a 10 to 15 year period.


Employment sites become available for redevelopment from time to time and, in some cases, the re-use of these sites for mixed-use schemes would not undermine opportunities for people to work locally. In such cases, the mix of uses should include opportunities for significant long term employment generation.

Employment sites become available for redevelopment from time to time and, in some cases, the re-use of these sites for mixed-use schemes would not undermine opportunities for people to work locally. In such cases, the mix of uses should include opportunities for significant long term employment generation. This approach is reflected in Policy GDS.1 which allows for mixed-use schemes on a few large sites where there are greater benefits to the community and there is long term benefit to the economy.

New paragraph after B3.56


B3.56A A new primary school is required in association with the redevelopment of Western Riverside. Due to the number of dwellings to be developed it needs to be a two-form entry school. Policy GDS.1 (general site requirements, section B) requires that such provision is made. The requirement is also amplified in the Western Riverside SPG.

B7.29 (final sentence)

Together these sites are expected to contribute around 800 dwellings during the Plan period.

Together these sites are expected to contribute around 800 1,100 dwellings during the Plan period.


Bath provides the greatest opportunity to prioritise brownfield development. Major opportunities at Western Riverside and MoD Foxhill will bring about the development of around 800 dwellings in the Plan period. Ownership, infrastructure, contamination constraints and size of the sites is likely to mean that some of this capacity is unlikely to come forward until after 2006. There are other brownfield sites such as the former CIC Ralphs/Clarks site where development is expected to take place at an earlier date.

Bath provides the greatest opportunity to prioritise brownfield development. Major opportunities at Western Riverside and MoD Foxhill will bring about the development of around 800 1,100 dwellings in the Plan period. Ownership, infrastructure, contamination constraints and size of the sites is likely to mean that some of this capacity is unlikely to come forward until after 2006. There are other brownfield sites such as the former CIC Ralphs/Clarks site where development is expected to take place at an earlier date.

Policy GDS.1, B1. Western Riverside

B1. Western Riverside - site area 39.2 ha

Development Requirements:

Comprehensive mixed use scheme including:

1. Significant provision for business development (Use Class B1).

2. At least 620 dwellings.

3. High density urban form.

4. Relocation of other uses including civic amenity site/refuse transfer station, sewage pumping and storage facility, gas storage facilities.

5. Flood mitigation measures.

6. On and off site transport infrastructure including Rapid Transit System linking the site to Park & Ride facilities at Newbridge and the city centre.

7. Public access to and along the riverside

8. Remediation of existing land contamination.

9. Small scale local needs shopping, food and drink uses and local offices (Use Classes A1, A2 & A3).

10. No adverse impact on Bath's hot springs and their sources.

Phasing: 270 dwellings 2001- 2006; 350 2006-2011 (total site capacity will be greater)

B1. Western Riverside - site area 39.2 ha

Development Requirements:

Comprehensive mixed use scheme including:

1. Significant provision for business development (Use Class B1).

2. At least 620 dwellings. About 900 dwellings during the Plan period (total capacity will be greater).

3. High density urban form.

4. Relocation of other uses including civic amenity site/refuse transfer station, sewage pumping and storage facility, gas storage facilities.

5. Flood mitigation measures.

6. On and off site transport infrastructure including Rapid Transit an integrated transport system linking the site to Park & Ride facilities at Newbridge and the city centre.

7. Public access to and along the riverside

8. Remediation of existing land contamination.

9. Small scale local needs shopping, food and drink uses and local offices (Use Classes A1, A2 & A3).

10. No adverse impact on Bath's hot springs and their sources.

Phasing: 270 dwellings 2001- 2006; 350 2006-2011 150 dwellings 2001-2006; 750 2006-2011