Meeting documents

Wednesday, 5th February, 2003

Corrections and Updates to the Budget Report- changes in italics

Table 1


Amount (£'000)


Opening Net Revenue Shortfall





Net reductions to additional spending pressures (see Appendix 1). These include some rephasing changes (fiscally neutral), which are managed through balances (see Col 7 of Appendix 5 also and Appendix 8)


Appendix 3 to the financial plan proposal listed those additional spending pressures incorporated into the financial plan. These have all been reviewed and net reductions made.

This now includes a further reduction of £110k in inflation provision received since despatch of report. The net effect of inflation and contracts provision item 56 to £105k. The movements are - contracts reduction of £90k (final figures received), other changes £30k reduction, Insurance £50k reduction after new prices received and Fire was £60k extra as in budget set on 31st Jan (10% increase in budget).

Additional savings (Appendix 2)


These are additional savings over and above those assumed in the financial plan

Additional funding to Social Services over financial plan assumption



Additional funding for key priorities, dependent on achievement of savings (net) (Appendix 3)


These are high priority developments which are partly funded by savings

Correction to remove item D7 that should not have been included (adds £38k to previous total)

Additional Revenue for Investment and adding back savings - See LIST in Appendix 11


Unallocated sum for determination by Council - add back £30k (final grant settlement margin to 5.95%). Adjusted for all changes

£30k grant

- £38k add back saving D7

£110k reduction in inflation

New Net Revenue Shortfall


Difference -£1,363k- Difference to previous figure is grant settlement providing an additional £30k.





Base Budget Cash Limit for 2002/03


Column 1 of Appendix 5

Assumed efficiency savings within existing plan (in detail in Appendix 4) net of reinvestment


Columns 3 and 4 of Appendix 5, Note this includes net effect of parish sweepers that was eliminated from the waste 2% efficiency savings which adds back £45,000 to cash limits.

Previous draft Financial Plan rephasing changes in 2003/04.


These include some rephasing changes (fiscally neutral), which are managed through balances. See Column 2 of Appendix 5 and Appendix 8 also.

Proposed 2003/04 Draft Financial Plan Items - revenue effect of the 2003/04 Draft Financial Plan compared to 2002/03 (exc. pay and prices)


See Column 6 of Appendix 5. Further details are provided in a background paper to this report.

Financial Plan provision for pay & prices increase


Column 5 of Appendix 5

Changes as listed in Table 1


Column 7,8 and 9 of Appendix 5 - result of net effect of adjustment to flexibility in table 1.

Recommended Revenue Budget 2003/04


Column 10 of Appendix 5.





Recommended Net Revenue Budget


From table 2

Funded by:


Grant and estimate of Collection Fund surplus = £99123k £486k


Final figure published 3 February 2003

Funded by balances


Mainly carried forward items

Equals to be funded by Council Tax





Final figure as approved by Council in January

Equals Recommended Council Tax at Band D for 2003/04


Recommended Council Tax Band D

Current Council Tax Band D


2002/03 Year

Recommended Increase



Recommended Increase, including contingency for grant changes


Final grant figure expected February 3rd

Changes to Appendices that feed into tables 1,2 and 5 above

Appendix 1

Item 56 - Inflation Other areas - e.g. inflation above 3% in certain contracts - shown as £215k now £105k.

Appendix 3 - Corrections

Item D7 - Shopmobility removed from list and all figures in tables above, erroneously included (£38k value).

Appendix 4 - Corrections

The following savings within Waste to be removed and replaced:


7. Reduce plastics recycling at CA sites = £6K

12. Cease twice weekly refuse collection = £6k

13. Remove bulk bins = £8k

15. Remove funding for leaflets = £1k

16. Reduce funding for litter bins = £5k

17. Remove some bottle banks = £2k

TOTAL = £28K

Replacing this with

The £28K saving represented as a 1 line total to be found from within other areas in the waste budget. Either from this years underspend, or through the possibility of raising revenue through charging for fridge disposal.

Appendix 5

See new table attached, resulting from changes to Appendix 1,3,4 and new items in Appendix 11.

Appendix 7 (Capital Budgets)

Transposed figures:

Victoria Art Gallery (VAG) access should be £60k

Land Registration should be £56k

Rephase EPH spending to later years by £112k

Include other items as listed in appendix 11 in substitutions and allocation of the resulting £362k. (Was previously £250k)

Appendix 8

Change to contribution to balances resulting from Appendix 11 - last three lines of this Appendix would change to:

Net balances (Net minimum for proposed £158.8m budget at 2.5% would need to be £3,970k) £k



Contribution in proposed budget would add a further £k


Less use in Appendix 11 - was £450k


Net balances if recommended budget approved (equal to 2.75% of recommended net revenue budget). £k

Balance - was £4403


New Appendix 11 - Executive Proposals

See attached