Meeting documents

Wednesday, 5th February, 2003

Council Executive - 5th February 2003

Revenue and Capital Budget and Council Tax 2003/04

Update Report by Executive Member (Resource Planning & Support Services)

In presenting the draft Budget to the Executive, I wish to draw attention to a number of changes to the published report. These changes are detailed in the attached, and reflect the following:

1. The announcement of final government grant figures for 2003/04 on Monday, February 3rd. These figures were in line with those anticipated.

2. The finalisation of a number of technical aspects of the budgeting process. These include:

· Notification of the Fire Brigade levy this Monday (slightly higher than anticipated)

· Finalisation of the Council's provision for pay and prices increases (slightly lower than anticipated)

· Minor rephasing of capital spending in 2003/04

3. Minor changes to the detail of the appendices. We have listed every change made in the update report.

The net effect of these changes is to increase marginally the flexibility available to the Council Executive in making its recommendations to full Council. Specifically, I now wish to propose that the Council Executive puts forward a recommended Council Tax increase for B&NES of 5.95%.

In addition I propose that the Council Executive puts forward to full Council a recommended use of the unallocated revenue and capital sums (which now stand at £352,000 (revenue) and £362,000 (capital)). The proposal is listed in a new Appendix 11 and aims to begin to redirect the Council's spending towards the four themes set out in our draft Budget proposal.

Incorporating the above changes requires a slight change to the printed recommendations. I will therefore be moving the following motion:

That the Council Executive:

1. Recommend the attached draft Budget Proposal, as amended by the Update report, to the Resources & Customer Service Overview & Scrutiny Panel for its comment, and to Council for its approval.

2. Recommend to Council:

a) a Council Tax increase for B&NES for 2003/04 of 5.95%, and

b) use of the unallocated revenue and capital sums as set out in Appendix 11.

(This will therefore amend Sections 5 & 6 of the draft Budget Proposal)

3. Authorise the Executive Member (Resources Planning & Support Services) to make presentational improvements to the draft Budget Proposal prior to submission to Council

Councillor Rosemary Todd, Executive Member (Resource Planning and Support Services)