Meeting documents

Wednesday, 5th February, 2003

Bath & North East Somerset Council





February 5th 2003



Revenue and Capital Budget and Council Tax 2003/04




List of attachments to this report:

The draft Budget proposal of the Council Executive

This comprises a covering document, plus 10 appendices:


1.1 This report presents the Council Executive's draft budget for the 2003/04 financial year with options for Council tax levels for 2003/04.


That the Council Executive:

2.1 Recommend the attached draft Budget Proposal to the Resources & Customer Service Overview & Scrutiny Panel for its comment, and to Council for its approval.

2.2 Consider whether it wishes to make a recommendation to Council regarding the determination of unallocated sums within the Revenue and Capital Budgets

2.3 Authorise the Executive Member (Resources Planning & Support Services) to make presentational improvements to the draft Budget Proposal prior to submission to Council


3.1 The Executive has led the financial plan review and budget process this year, including consultation. It is now in a position to present to Council a budget proposal for the coming year.

3.2 It is important that all members of Council are aware that, under the new decision-making arrangements, the budget decision-making process is different to previous years. The Council has available to it at the budget setting meeting two options. It can object to specific parts of the proposals and if it does so must require the Executive to reconsider its proposals. The Council is required to give the Executive the reason(s) why it considers those proposal(s) should be changed and it is then for the Executive to consider those proposed changes and the reasons put forward. Alternatively it is, of course, open to the Council to accept the budget in its proposed form at the meeting, in which case no further action is necessary.

3.3 When the Executive has considered the objections, it is required to put its proposals (which may or may not be revised) back to the Council Meeting. If the Executive does not agree with Council's views on a proposed change, it is required to state why and the Council can then take those reasons into account, along with its original thoughts as to why the change was desirable.

3.4 In the final budget setting meeting the Council will be required to approve a full budget resolution including the Police and Parish precepts and the proposed Council budget for 2003/04. That budget will include within it the overall proposed Council cash limits for 2003/04 including the provision for inflation, the proposed use of balances in the 2003/04 budget and the resulting budget requirement and Council Tax for Bath and North East Somerset, the borrowing limits for 2003/04 and the proposed capital budgets for 2003/04.

3.5 Legally, members must set a balanced budget for the forthcoming year and determine the Council Tax. If a budget is not set by the date of the reserve budget-setting meeting (27th February), this will lead to a delay in billing and a loss in Council Tax cash flow. It is highly likely that this will also translate into a higher level of un-collectable debt and debt collection costs and in addition this will significantly impact on Council tax performance indicators.


3.1 The Council Executive proposal for the revenue and capital budgets for the coming year is analysed in the attached document.

3.2 The final council tax set will encompass all parish and the police precepts (that is the money we collect on behalf of the parishes and police and pay to them).


5.1 Staff and Trade Unions have been kept appraised of the general financial situation facing the Council through the financial plan consultation financial briefings and through service level joint consultative meetings. The Executive member met with Trade Union representatives to discuss the budget proposal on 29th January.

5.2 It is imperative that any budget proposals that could result in reductions in staffing are the subject of full Trade Union and staff consultation in accordance with the Council's agreed policies and procedures, which reflect legal requirements. For those items put forward in Appendices 1-4 of this next report, staff consultation has now commenced at service level. The Council Executive will be notified of any representation and feedback made.

Contact person

Councillor Rosemary Todd, Executive Member (Resource Planning & Support Services), (01225) 477034

Phil Hall, Head of Strategic Resource Planning (01225) 477468

Background papers

Financial Plan Review Report to Council 23rd January 2003.

Proposed 2003/04 Draft Financial Plan Items (revenue effect of the 2003/04 Draft Financial Plan compared to 2002/03) - supporting information