Meeting documents

Wednesday, 4th December, 2002

Notes of Meeting with Staff & Governors at Summerfield

8th October 2002


Headteacher (GW)

Chair of Governors

Alison Delyth

Bruce Austen

Approx 20 staff and Governors

AD - Introduced the document. Stated that many present would be familiar with idea of `fusion' as there had been informal discussions running for several months prior to the issue of the paper.

Pointed out that this was now a formal process.

Highlighted the scale of the task for consultees

Reminded audience of the 1999 Conference of special school heads and senior staff from all former Avon special schools.

Epalined the role of the Special Project Group which comprised Heads, Members and Officers

Advised of successful meeting with DfES on May 1st - "DfES are positive"

DfES advice was to ensure that a preferred option was clearly set out in the document.

TCF Guidance reiterates place of special schools in capital and strategy

Pointed out there were several other options in the paper for appraisal. Recognised that new option(s) might emerge during consultation.

Spoke about emergence of preferred option at Special Project Group

The key to the entire exercise was real improvement on current provision

Emphasised importance of staff meeting with their trade unions to discuss specific concerns. Advised that in anew school we must advertise Head and deputh Head post on anantional basis but all others can be absorbed (subject to the curricular needs and budgetary constraints at the new school. Addd that LEA would urge temporary Governing Body to `ring fence' posts to ensure continuity and protection. Continuity is very important to success of new school. Added that vacancy management might be required in the closing months of the school

In response to comment replied that budget change not as significant as might be expected as children are funded on level of need regardless of placement.

Acknowledged that temporary Governing Body might need additional support in the planning stage

BA Capital Costs + Feasibility Study

LEA looked for a site that was a) in Bath, b) the right size + c) `fairly level'. Ideally site would be Council owned in order to protect funds for spending on building and facilties.

LEA prefereed site is Frome Road

AD interjected to acknowledge that there might be concern over access for vehicles but this would be addressed in the design stage. Also added that the view from the road indicated that there was insufficemt site to build the new school but in fact there was ample.

AD asked the audience to look at other options (Section 10). Stated that it was important to show we looked properly at other options. In particular, option 10.3 (Single school at Fosse Way site) needed a response as this option was clearly one of the easier options.

Also option 10.4 which if adopted would deal with RUH issue and leave Summerfield and Lime Grove alone. AD stated that whilst this might be attractive in some ways it did not mean that there were no issues to be resolved at Lime Grove and Summerfield and dealing with all three schools at the same time actually made them less vulnerable.