Meeting documents

Wednesday, 4th December, 2002

Bath Special Project Consultation

Royal United Hospital School

Meeting with Staff/Governors

4pm 1/10/02


Headteacher (LH)

Members of teaching and non-teaching staff

Governors including Chair of Governors

Councillor Graham Stewart (Convenor Education, Youth, Culture & Leisure Overview & Scrutiny Panel) (GS)

Alison Delyth, Deputy Director (AD)

Bruce Austen, School Organisation Manager (BA)

AD/BA/GS introduced themselves and explained their role.

AD-emphasised that meeting formed part of consultation process which was a formal exercise. All previous discussion had been informal. All responses to be noted and form part of documentation

AD drew attention to the fact that a summary of the consultation paper was available

AD took the meeting through the consultation paper. Stated that focus was on LEA preferred option for `fusion'. Stated that DfES advice was to have a preferred option so that consultees were absolutely clear on what basis they were being consulted.

AD distributed an additional sheet on the issue "establishing a climate for change"

AD - Parents/carers need to be confident that LEA can manage the process of change.

LEA needs to be sure that parents and staff/governors are clear about rationale and outcome

AD wished to draw attention to particulkar sections of the paper.

1.3 - "Scale of task is enormous"

Audience member stated that "funding can be a concern" and that "less resources might be available"

AD - funding on basis of level of need not outmoded labels. In fact, more resources might become available as less will be spent on administration, buildings etc.

2.9 AD stressed the significance of 1999 conference involving Heads and Deputies/Senior Teachers of all former Avon special schools

Particular themes emerging from conference were a recognition of a need for change, the importance and value of partnership with parents, the concept of special schools acting as centres of excellence, the ability of special schools to provide opportunities for continuing professional development and above all the raising of educational standards.

A Special Project Group comprising elected members, Heads of RUH, Lime Grove and Summerfield and Officers was formed to examine tentatively the possibilities for future development

Several meetings of Group led to emergence of `fusion' as the preferred option with a clear recognition that `fusion' must be a real improvement on already excellent quality of provision.

AD pointed out the Heads' contributions and how schools view prospect of change


Normal practice was to arrange meeting with HR + Unions. LEA must advertise HT and Deputy HT post. Temporary Governing Body (GB) "encouraged to ensure smooth transition" Continuity on GB also key. Good support to GB required which may require additional resources

BA explained the capital implications. A bid can be submitted under the Targeted Capital Fund (TCF). At a meeting on May 1st DfES expressed support for the concept. BA emphasised that evidence of strong local support is important.

Possible costs of the scheme lie between "4.5 and 7m"

BA explained the rationale behind the choice of site. LEA criteria had been that site should be in or on the edge of Bath, sufficient in size, fairly flat and ideally owned by the Council to ensure that the greatest possiblke amount of future funding could be spect on building and facilities and not on land acquisition. 7 possible sites were identified. Favoured option for location is Social Services site at Frome Road.

AD explained that the "Other Options" section contained everything that we had thought of as even remotley possible. In reality, only 10.3 (Single school for B&NES at Fosse Way site) and 10.5 (Resource Centres attached to mainstream schools) were possibles. The replacement of RUH was described as a "non-starter" due to the size of the school

AD explained that during consultation (either at meetings or through written or verbal responses) all comments would recorded. If, during consultation, a new option emerge then it would be necessary to begin a new consultation process.

BA drew attention to the Layout contained in the document. It represented a possible range of facilities including separate areas for Key Stages (allowing for a sense of progression), early years and hydrotherapy.

Linda Harris

Recognised the need for change evne though this was unfortunate. School had an excellent OFSTED report but nevertheless the status quo cannot be maintained.

The crucial thing was to achieve the best for families/children

LH felt it important to recognise the unity amongst the three Bath special schools. Other schools (Lime Grove/Summerfield) do recognise that the world has changed.

Larger school allows more flexibility in budget.

LH emphasised the concern over staffing. "Needs further exploration"

AD - reiterated need for "continuity" and vacancy management during the end days

LH - Advocated a "ring fencing" and "slotting in" process

Comment from floor

"New school - roll of 150ish"

Is this sustainable? Need to be sure school has a future.

AD - Even a falling roll would not be a crisis. Option - preferred to fuse three schools on a Bath site and not merge with Fosseway.

Timescales for merger

Legal opinion - close 3 or 4?

- Further support for fusion - maintaining

Choice - two generic schools - choice for parents + staff

- Taking decision on RUH alone actually makes LG + Summerfield more vulnerable

- BA - emphasised importance of responding to consultation paper

GS - Widest collection of views as possible makes it possible for members to understand full range of opinions.

AD - concurs with above.

C of G - effect of fusion on costs of placement in independent + OLGA schools.

AD - Possible for year 6 to stay in B&NES - not go to ind or OLGAs.

Staff - Hostel provision?

AD - Work with Vol Sector + Social Care to look at possibility of support provision.

Gov - Very important to respond to document

Proposal is a long time coming

Do staff views really matter?

GS - yes - hard for members to ignore

BA - yes - hard for members to ignore in ref: p32

GS - Advice to consultees to include all elected members in spreading their views - timing is important.

When does period for comments close

BA - 8/11

Q - When can staff call on unions for help?

A - Now - they are consulted in any case.

Situation regarding protected salary - talk to HR

Who chooses temp GB?

Amalg. Existing GBs

What is the real feeling in B&NES?

Are LG + Summerfield sales receipts to be put into protect?


But - Summerfield is not as valuable as it could be - covenants.

GS - Responses should state the obvious

Q - Wansdyke - involvement

Swap considered

H & S issues - EBD / aids at Summerfield

No mixed teaching of EBD + other /aids

Feeling of meeting was unanimous support for fusion of three schools in a single new build school.

What if RUH Trust say school can stay another year?

Good -

Still have to move but more time + less upheaval for RUH staff/pupils -

Long list of possible respondents.