Meeting documents

Wednesday, 4th December, 2002

Notes of Meeting for Staff / Governors at Lime Grove School

16 October 2002

Attended by Headteacher (HT), Deputy Headteacher (DHT) and approximately 15 staff/governors

LEA Officers attending:

Alison Delyth, Deputy Director of Education (AD)

Huw Powell, School Improvement Division (HP)

Bruce Austen, School Organisation Manager (BA)

Susan Wheeler Team Leader, Early Years

These notes are not intended to be a verbatim record of the meeting but are designed to highlight key themes arising from the discussion.


Refers to previous informal discussion

Emphasise that this is formal process

Preferred option is fusion

Drew attention to availability of summary

Advised audience of meetings held with parents, staff and Governors at RUH and Summerfield and with Fosse Way staff and Governors.

Emphasised the importance of consultees responding as individuals and collective bodies. AD then highlighted areas of the document that were particularly important.

AD recognised that the task for consultees was immense.

Discussed the changes made to the LMSS formula which funds children on the basis of need not placement. This allows flexibility and makes transfer easier.

Drew attention to the time limit on small school support (April 2003)

Reminded audience of conclusions of conference held in 1999

Emphasised that the key aim of the project is to improvement on existing provision and acknowledged that this would be especially difficult as the current provision is of very high quality.

Stated that DfES advice is for LEA to be clear on preferred option but acknowledged that further options may emerge as a result of consultation. Stated that it is important for consultees to examine other options.