Meeting documents

Wednesday, 4th December, 2002

Bath & North East Somerset Council





4 December 2002


Bath Special Project


ALL but the three schools most affected are situated in Newbridge, Weston and Bathwick wards. The new school would be situated on the borders of Lyncombe, Odd Down and Bathavon South wards


List of attachments to this report:

Consultation Document "Bath Special Project"

Responses to Consultation

Notes of Consultation Meetings

Draft minutes of EYCL Overview & Scrutiny Panel 18.11.02


1.1 The opportunity exists to establish a new multiple needs special school in Bath and close Lime Grove School, Summerfield School and Royal United Hospital School. A formal consultation exercise has been undertaken and this report covers the outcomes and recommends next steps.


2.1 The Executive is asked to thank all consultees for their responses and note these responses. See Appendices 2 & 3

2.2 The Executive is asked to note the views of the EYCL Overview & Scrutiny Panel. See Appendix 4

2.3 The Executive is recommended to authorise Officers to pursue the preferred option (set out in paragraph 3.5 of the consultation document) and to publish the necessary statutory notices for the closure of the three schools named in 1.1 and for the establishment of a new special school.

2.4 The Executive is recommended to authorise Officers to publish these notices at any time after the date of the meeting with the proviso that the implementation date of the proposals shall be 31 August 2005 and September 1 2005 respectively.

2.5 The Executive is recommended to authorise Officers to prepare a response to any objections that are received in respect of these notices and to submit this response to the School Organisation Committee.

2.6 The Executive is recommended to instruct Officers to submit a bid under the Targeted Capital Fund in order to secure borrowing approval for implementation of this proposal.

2.7 The Executive is recommended to authorise Officers to prepare all property assets for disposal as soon as possible after the proposed closures.

2.8 The Executive is recommended to approve the continuation of the small school allowance (£54,646 in 2002/03) currently allocated to RUH and Lime Grove schools until such time as the schools are closed with the proviso that from the beginning of the financial year 2004/05 this sum is used to assist with the project management costs associated with this scheme, including the funding of the appointment of a new Headteacher 12 months prior to the opening of the new school.


3.1 The cost of publishing statutory notices is estimated to be £4,000. This can be met from existing budgets.

3.2 A successful bid under the Targeted Capital Fund, and ultimate approval of the proposal by the relevant decision making body, will secure a maximum of £5 million borrowing approval. It is a requirement of the DfES that at least 20% of the capital costs of implementing any scheme approved under the TCF, are financed from sources other than TCF borrowing approval.

3.3 It is legitimate for the LEA to restrict a school or schools from spending Devolved Formula Capital Grant whilst moving towards closure and this will be the case with the three Bath special schools for the financial years 2003/04 and 2004/05. The total amount that can be secured by this method is approximately £100,000. This will provide a proportion of the 20% referred to in 3.2

3.4 Any remaining capital resources would need to come from within the LEA Capital Programme or from realisation of assets. The sites at Lime Grove and Summerfield are owned freehold by the Authority.

3.5 If Members approve the continuation of the small school allowance then a sum of £54,646 will need to continue to be provided from the base revenue budget for 2003/04 and for the first four months of financial year 2004/05.


4.1 At its meeting on January 28 2002 the Education Committee resolved to "1) request officers to prepare the necessary documentation and arrange appropriate meetings to ascertain the view of school staff, governors, parents, pupils and other interested parties on the pattern of future specialist provision in Bath; and (2) That the Bath Special Project Group (on which Members are represented) determines when the process of formal consultation will begin"

4.2 The formal consultation process began on 25 September and closed on November 8 2002. 950 copies of the consultation document were issued to a wide variety of stakeholders including the staff, Governors and parents at the three schools most affected and also to the same stakeholders at Fosse Way School. All elected Members received a copy of the document.

4.3 The consultation document identified a preferred option which had emerged from the Bath Special Project Group meetings. In summary, this option means the closure of RUH, Lime Grove and Summerfield schools and the opening of a new special school serving multiple needs on a site at Frome Road in Bath. This option is known as `fusion' as it seeks to bring together all that is good in the existing schools and take this forward into the new school. All the responses from key stakeholders in the Bath special schools have been supportive of the Council's preferred option.

4.4 Members are asked to note the concerns expressed by staff, Governors and parents of children at Fosse Way School. Officers believe that the concerns are unfounded and that two multiple needs special schools can be sustained in the coming period in the context of the changed and changing role required of special schools. In response to these concerns Officers produced a discussion document `Fosse Way School - A Strategy for the Future'.

4.5 Members' attention is drawn to the response from Fosse Way School and the suggestion that the new special school should involve fusion of the three Bath special schools and Fosse Way initially based on two sites.

4.6 The Executive is asked to note that this would lead to the creation of a single special school with the advantages and disadvantages that are set out in Paragraphs 10.3 and 10.8 in the consultation document.

4.7 Members attention is drawn to the views of the Education, Youth, Culture and Leisure Overview & Scrutiny Panel. The Panel met in public on 18 November and heard from several witnesses. Comments and a recommendation from the Panel are attached at Appendix 4.

4.8 Members are asked to recognise the wide support that the preferred option has obtained and, in light of this, to agree to the submission of a bid to the Department for Education & Skills (DfES) for borrowing approval under the Targeted Capital Fund (TCF).

4.9 Members are also asked to authorise Officers to publish the necessary statutory notices for the closure of Lime Grove, RUH and Summerfield and the establishment of a new multiple needs school as set out in the consultation document. The results of the TCF bid should be known at the end of March 2003 and Officers believe that, in order to ensure that there is sufficient time for implementation of the proposal, publication of the notices should take place prior to the results of our bid being made known by the DfES.

4.10 Following publication of notices there is a two month period when any person can make representations, either in support of, or opposition to, the proposals. If objections are received then the matter falls to be determined by the School Organisation Committee (SOC).

4.11 If no objections to the proposals are received and the Targeted Capital bid is successful the final decision on whether to implement the scheme will be one for the Executive to take in the summer of 2003. Members will wish to be aware that proposals must be determined within four months of the publication of statutory notices.

4.12 Members are asked to note that it is not permissible for either the LEA or the SOC to approve a statutory proposal without there being evidence that the capital costs of the proposal can be met.

4.13 Publication of notices does not, in itself, commit the LEA to implementation. Only a further decision by the LEA or by the SOC can approve implementation.

Contact person

Bruce Austen, School Organisation Manager

01225 395169

Background papers

Consultation Document "Bath Special Project" September 2002